Step Ⅱ.Presentation.

  1. 教帅板书 Lesson 2 ,the second [′sek+nd] lesson,领读两遍,并说:

Today let’s learn Lesson 2(the second lesson).

  1. 事先准备一个包,内装一长一短两把尺子和一大一小两张纸,将包放

在讲桌上。请一位学生到讲桌前,然后进行师生问答: T:What’S in the bag?

b:There are two rulers in it.

T:show them to me,please. Oh,book!This is a long ruler,and this is a short one.

(这样引出 a long ruler/a short ruler)

用同样的方式教 a small Piece of Paper 和 a big piece of paper. 注意 two/three pieces of paper 不能写风 papers.

  1. 教师在黑板上用简笔画画出一高一矮两个男孩,边画边说:There are two boys on the Bb. One is tall(板书[t&:l]),the other is short. 然后进行问答:

T:What’S this?

S:It’s a tall/short boy. T:Is this boy Short or tall? S:This boy is tall/short.