Step Ⅵ. Presentation

  1. 教师引导学生仔细看第二部分插图,然后说:

Look!Where are the people?They are on the farm. What are they doing?They are picking apples. Are they working had?Yes,they are.

  1. 个别提问学生:

T: How many trucks/ladders/baskets/people can you see in the picture?

S:I can see three trucks/two ladders/a lot of basket/twenty People in the picture.

  1. 借助手势、动作帮助学生理解 climb,lift,hold


①What are the people doing?They are picking apples.

②Who’s climbing the ladder?Han Meimei.

③What is Jim doing?He’s holding the ladder.

④What’re LinTao and Li Lei doing?They are picking apples.

⑤What’s Kate doing?She’s carrying the basket.

⑥ What are the two boys doing ? They are carrying abasket.

⑦What’s that woman doing?She’s lifting the basket onto the truck.

⑧What are the men doing?They are working on the truck.

⑨Are all the people working hard?Yes,they are. 5.教师问学生答,先全班后个别,将上述问答进行两遍。Step Ⅴ.Practice

  1. 学生按图进行两两问答两遍(交换角色)。

  2. 找几对学生站起来按图问答。同时教师板书:picking apples,holding the

    ladder,climbing the ladder,carrying

abasket,lifting a basket on to the truck,working on the truck,working hard on the farm.

  1. 找 2—4 对学生上讲台按图演练问答。