

甲生:I went downtown[aun]韵to see Mr.Brown.(同上)

He gave me a micel(镍币)[ikl]韵to buy a pickle(腌菜).(同上)

乙生:Thepicklewassour(酸);[au■]韵So I bought a flower.(同上)

甲生:Theflowerwas dead;[ed]韵 u■]韵So I got some bread.(同上)

乙生:The bread was stale(不新鲜);[eil]韵So I bought a pail(桶).(同上)

甲生:The pail was small;[■l]韵So I got a ball.(同上)

乙生:The ball was bard;[a:d]韵

So I bought some Lard(猪油).(同上) 甲生:The lard was thick(厚);[ik]韵So I found a stick(拐杖).(同上)

只要学生能够接着对方的话头,当机立断地这样“so”(所以)下去, 虽然译成中文的韵尾并不优美、贴切,但是在学生看来,倒是很有兴趣读这种因果诗的。

  1. Red Tie(红领巾) Red tie,Red tie, We all aim high.

Study hard,work hard. We love our red tie.

  1. How Many(多少

How many seconds in a minute? Sixty and no more in it.

How many minutes in an hour? Sixty for sun and flower.

How many hours in a day? Twenty-four for work and play. How many mouths in a year?

Twelve the calendar makes clear. 5.The Months(月份

Thirty days have September, April,June and November.

All the rest have thirty-one. Excepting February alone,

Which has twenty-eight days clear And twenty nine in each leap year. 6.The Parts of Speech( 词 类 ) Three little words you often see Are ARTICLES, a, an, and, the. A NOUN’s the name of anything.

As school of garden, hoop or swing. ADJECTIVES tell the kind noun,

As great,small, pretty, white, brown. Instead of nouns the PRONOUNS stand;

Her head,his face, our arms, your hand. VERBS tell of something being done;

TO read, count, sing, laugh, jump, or run How things are some the ADVERBS tell:

As slowly,quickly,ill,or well. CONJUNCTIONS join the words together, As men and women,wind or weather.

The PREPOSITION stands before

A noun, as in or through a door. The INTERJECTION shows surprise.

As oh! now pretty! ah! how wise!

The whole card called nine parts of speech, Which reading, writing, speaking teach.

  1. The Way to London**(通向伦敦的路)** Somebody asked me, a man, in brown, Which is the way to London Town?

One foot up, the other foot down, That is the way to London Town.

  1. If Many Men**(如果人们)**

If many men knew what many men know. If many men went where many men go. If many men did what many men do,

The world would be better; I think so, don’t you?