Section 6

  1. Ding Ling and the Northwest Battlefield Service Corps of the 18th

    Group Army headed by her (1937)

  2. When the Children's Theatrical Troupe depart from the office of the

    Eighth Route Army, Deng Yingchao and others see them off at the gate(Feb. 1938)

  3. Yunnan Women's Battlefield Service Corps are taking a rest during

the journey of marching towards Tai'erzhuang

  1. The Art Troupe of the Fifth War Zone(1937)

  2. Women's Self-Defense Group are having a firing practice during the

    War of Resistance Against Japan

  3. Servicewomen of the First Route Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese

    Allied Forces

  4. Servicewomen of the New Fourth Army are having a wall-climbing drill

  5. Servicewomen of the Qiongya Anti-Japanese Column

  6. Servicewomen of the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army that

    took part in the Qihui Battle(April 1939)

  7. Women cadres of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army(1944)

  8. The Eighth Route Army servicewomen fighting in the Taihanhshan

    Mountains together with the commander in chief Zhu De

  9. The Eighth Route Army servicewomen are reclaim-ing wasteland

  10. Servicewomen of the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army are

    making hemp ropes by themselves between battles

  11. Servicewomen of the 359th Brigade of the Eighth Route Ar my are

    spinning threads

  12. Eighth Route Army servicewomen of the Second Sub-Unit in north China

    are rushing the work of garment making

  13. Secretary-general of the Political Department of the Shandong Column

    of the Eighth Route Army Wu Zhonglian(first left)together with director of the Organization Department, director of the Defense Department and chief of the Fighting Section of the Political Department during a battle in east Shandong(1940)

  14. Chen Shaomin together with commander of the 5th Division of the New

    Fourth Army Li Xiannian(first right) and representative of the East China Bureau Zheng Weisan(1943)

  15. During the bombardment of Chongqing by the Japanese troops,

    confidential personnel at the agency of the Eighth Route Army coutinued to work in the field. Here shows them eating in the field. 52.Women doctors of the New Fourth Army. From the Left; Zheng Suwen, zhao Guobao, Zhang Wan,Jin Ding and Mao Zheng

  1. Medical workers of an Eighth Route Army hospital in Yan'an at work

  2. Women students of a New Fourth Army hygienics training class Chen

    Qiying (second left )and Chen Bing (fourth left) (photo by army commander of the New Fourth Army Ye Ting)

  3. Students of the third hygienics training class of the New Fourth

    Army at drill,with the Person on the left front being Zheng Jinxia

  4. The meteorological training class of the 3rd Division of the New

    Fourth Army graduate (Setp.20,1945)