Section 3

  1. Female Red Guards at Hainandao Island

  2. Zhang Qiuqin after the Red Army's Long March(1936)

  3. Dean of Studies of the Chinese Women's University Zhang Qiuqin(1939)

  4. Zhang Qiuqin,rescued from the Kuomintang's "Capital Self-

    Examination House." From the left; Zhang Qiuqin,Xia Zhixu, and Xiong Tianjing; The front row from the right; Wo Zhonglian, Shuai Mengqi and others in the Nanjing office of the Eighth Route Army (August 1937)

  5. Zhang Qiuqin together with Liu Shalqi, Deng Ying chao and Cai Chang

    (March 1949)