Section 12

  1. A picture of You Xi men's clothing(1927)

  2. Martyr Xiang Jingyu, the earliest leader of women's movement in

    China. She once served as head of the Central Women's Association, was captured in 1928 and laid down her life the same year in Wuhan

  3. He Chunying. She joinde the Communist Youth Leagur in 1927 and died

    in Hankou in the spring of 1930 at the age of 18 only.

  4. In March 1928, servicewoman Chen Tiejun and her comrade-in-arm Zhou

    Wenyong held their wedding ceremony on the execution ground. At the final moment of her life, Chen Tiejun, gazing at Zhou Wenyong who shared life and death with her, spoke at the top of her voice: "Dear fellow countrymen! Sisters! Comrade ZhouWenyong's and my blood is about to be shed here. For the interests of the evolution,we couldn't give consideration to personal love affairs. Today, I'd like to announce to all: We're about to hold our wedding ceremony. Let the shots of the reactionaries be the salute to our wedding. Comrades, goodbye for ever! The futureis ours!" The news of their death and their group photo of before the execution were published in several daily papers of Hongkong and in a well-known Japanese newspaper.

  5. Woman commanding officer Hu Jun

  6. Xiang Qin, who was blown up to death by the Japanese troops when

    withdrawing from Wuhan

  7. Woman student of the Anti-Janpanese Military and Political College

    Liu Yaling, who died in Feb. 1942 when the Japanese troops mopped up Taihangshan Mountain

  8. An overseas Chinese from Indonesia Li Lin

  9. Head of the Women's Rescue Commission of the Luyu Village of Fuping

    Liu Yuemei, who was cut to pieces during the big "mopping up" in 1943 (photo by Ye Manzhi)