
  1. 粗读全文,了解大意


  1. 先易后难,各个击破

在临场考试中,考生应本着“语法错误第一,逻辑错误第二”的原则进行思考。有人在分析近几年 NMET 短文改错中发现,这种题型的错误中语法性错误往往占了很大的比重(达 70%以上),且绝大多数是考查一些小品词的用法,而且这类错误往往与上下文的联系不是十分紧密。因此,考生在第一次阅读时,首先应对那些显而易见的错误进行改正,这样就能渐渐缩小“包围圈”,为突破难题创造条件。其次,在分析判断时,要从最简单的题目, 如名词的数、动词的时态、主谓一致等熟悉的项目着手,对其进行检查、分析。切忌遇到一个错就先设想为逻辑错误,这样很可能误入歧途。

  1. 遇难先搁,通篇考虑


  1. 还原检查,查漏补缺

短文初步改错之后,还必须检查落实。这项工作通常采用“代入法”为宜,即把你认为正确的答案代入到原句中,看看句子是否从语法(或逻辑) 和语义两个方面都成立,如能成立,答案则是正确的。当然,有的答案在同一行中往往难以判断正确与否,这时必须联系上下文,进行通篇检查,这样往往能查出没有判断出的错误或者自己已经改动的地方的不妥之处。这项工作是杜绝错误的重要一环,必须仔细认真,切忌走马观花。

下面以 NMET 短文改错常见的错误类型作进一步的分析。

短文改错中除了 1~2 个为正确行外,其余需改错的类型大致有多词、缺词、错词三种。


因英汉表达方式不同而多词:抽象名词、物质名词泛指时前面多冠词; 定语从句中多代词或关系副词;形容词或副词的比较结构中多词;及物动词后多介词;不带 to 的不定式作宾补时带了 to 等。例:Today I visited the

Smiths my first visit time to an American family.(NMET96)

time(由于英汉表达方式不同而多 time 一词)

In fact, they are planning to visit China in next year.(NMET96) in(由于英汉表达方式不同而多 in 一词)

Modern people know more about the health, have better food, and live in cleaner surroundings(环境)(NMET93)

the( health 在此为抽象名词,前不加 the)

However,David and I did agree and David pointed a path which he thought it would probably lead to a village.(NMET 91)

it(which 为关系代词,在句中作主语,故 it 多余)

As a result,people in the modern world generally live much more longer than people in the past.(NMET93)

more(longer 已是比较级,无需再加 more)

I also enjoyed the evenings when we spent together.(NMET95) when(spent 是及物动词, evenings 为 spent 的宾语,故 when 多余,

或将其改为 that)

Most people can quickly get for help from a doctor or go to a hospital when they are ill. (NMET93)

for( get 在此为及物动词,故 for 为多余)

⋯ the librarian will write to you,and let you to know when the book you want⋯(NMET94)

to(let 后接不带 to 的不定式) 二、缺词

指单数名词泛指时前面缺不定冠词 a 或 an;习惯表达或固定短语中缺词等。例:

There is a public library in every a town in Britain.(NMET94) a(public library 在此为泛指,前应加不定冠词 a)

They an eager to know everything were about China and asked me lots of questions.(NMET96)

were(be eager to do sth.力习惯表达法)

When we walked to the car, Bill smiled and shook head.(NMET91) his(shake one’s head,“摇头”,为习惯表达法)

Charles said,“As soon I see a really tall building,I want to climb it⋯”(NMET92)

as(as soon as 为“一⋯⋯就”,为固定短语) 三、错词

指冠词用错;词性用错;代词用错;名词单复数错误;时态、语态错误; 动词变位错误;一致现象错误(包括主谓一致、人称一致、主从句中的时态一致等);固定短语搭配错误(多为其中的介词用错);平行结构、行文逻辑错误等。例:

After a hour or so we began to feel very frightened.(NMET91) an(hour 是以元音开头的单词,不定冠词应用 an)

I’m sure we’ll have a wonderful time together.(NMET95) wonderfully(应用形容词修饰名词)

And I can’t forget the good food you cooked for I.(NMET95) me(介词之后的人称代词应用宾格)

Charles said,“As soon as I see a really tall building,I want to Climb it.We Climb everywhere,not only in America.We have been to Europe many time.” (NMET92)

time( time 表不“次数”是可数名词,而且 many 修饰可数名词,其后的名词应用复数)

Last Sunday,police cars hurry to the tallest building in New York.(NMET94)

hurried(时态错误,此句中有表过去的时间状语 last) Books may be keep for four weeks.(NMET94)


He lied down by the side of the path to rest.(NMET91) lay(lie“躺”的过去式为 lay,lied 是动词 lie“撒谎”的过去式)

There are branch library in many villages.(NMET94) libraries( there are 句型中主语应用复数形式)

Bill was standing at the side of the car,talking to two men who was helping him to repair it.(NMET91)


When they came down the police were angry to them.(NMET92) with(be angry with sb.,“对某人发怒”为固定短语。)

He said it was best to stay until help arrived rather than go into the forest and getting lost.(NMET91)

get(平行结构错误,and 在该句中应连接两个对等成分,and 前为动词原形,and 后也应为原形)
