三、一气呵成,连句成文(约 10 分钟)


My parents live in the countryside,A dog named Ah Fu is kept in my family.

One day, my parents,together with my little sister and Ah Fu, went to work in the fields.

While my Parents were working,followed by Ah Fu,my sister walked to a river nearby.She wanted to pick some wild flowers.Suddenly, she fell into the river and cried for help.Ah Fu barked at my parents and then jumped into the river to save my little sister.

At the sound of the dog,my parents dashed to the river. They saw Ah Fu struggling in the water with my sister on its back,trying to get to the bank.

My sister was saved by Ah Fu.she was safe and sound.Ah Fu was highly praised by my parents for had it not been for Ah Fu my sister would have drowned to death.