1. b)

c) d)

  1. Circle the mistakes. Write the right words.

    1. Peter woke up early. Thomas

    2. Thomas had a pet dog.

    3. Mr and Mrs Chan worked in a school.

    4. Grandma liked to make lunch for the family.

    5. The typhoon was 150 kilometres west of Hong Kong.

‘A typhoon! How exciting!’ thought Thomas. He looked out of the window. The sky was grey He could see big clouds over the city. He could see big waves in the harbour, too. The boats bobbed up and down. Thomas wanted to see Peter and tell him the exciting news.

‘Grandma, can I go and see Peter now?’ he asked.

‘Yes, Thomas. But you must not go outside,’ answered Grandma. ‘But Mum asked me to buy some rice...,’ said Thomas. ‘No,’ said Grandma. ‘You must not go outside in a typhoon. It’s

very dangerous.’

‘Please help me before you go and see Peter,’ said Grandma. ‘We must bring the plants and the washing inside, because the typhoon will be here soon.’

Thomas went onto the balcony and carried the plants inside. Grandma carried the washing. They closed the doors and windows.

‘Goodbye, Grandma! See you later,’ said Thomas.

‘See you later!’ shouted Polly.

Thomas ran out of the flat. He did not see the open window in his bedroom, so he did not close it. But Polly saw it!

Thomas went to Peter’s flat. Peter was already awake, too.

‘Have you heard the news?’ asked Thomas.

‘No,’ said Peter. ‘What"s happened?’

‘A typhoon is coming to Hong Kong!’ said Thomas. ‘It’s called Typhoon Tess!’

‘How far is it from Hong Kong?’ asked Peter. ‘When will it be here?’

‘Well, it’s nine o’clock now,’ said Thomas. ‘The typhoon’s about 150 kilometres south of Hong Kong. It’s coming north at

50 kilometres per hour, so..."

‘What time will it be here?’ asked Peter. (Do you know?)