
  1. What is going to happen next? Tick the box(es). Turn the pages and

    you will find the answer.

    1. Thomas is going to buy some rice. □

    2. Thomas’s parents are going to find Polly. □

    3. Thomas is going to find Polly in his flat. □

    4. Thomas is going to find Polly in Peter’s flat. □

The helicopters flew past Peter’s window again.

‘Perhaps they’re taking the passengers to hospital,’ said


The telephone rang. Peter answered the telephone.

‘It’s your grandma,’ said Peter to Thomas.‘Your mum’s phoned.

Your mum and dad are coming home.’

‘Good! I must go home now, Peter,’ said Thomas. ‘But where’s Polly? The typhoon’s coming, and she’s outside!’

‘Oh, she’ll come home,’ said Peter. ‘She’s a clever bird.’ ‘A clever bird!’ said a voice behind him. It was Polly! ‘Look!’ said Thomas. ‘The window in the kitchen is open! Polly

flew into your flat through the window! She Is a clever bird!’ Thomas went home with Polly. Soon Thomas’s parents came home.

Thomas told them about Polly and about the aeroplane.

‘Let’s listen to the radio,’ said Mr Chan.

Thomas turned on the radio. A voice said, ‘Today the wind blew an aeroplane into the sea at the airport. Helicopters rescued ten passengers from the aeroplane and took them to hospital. The passengers were frightened, but they were not hurt. Typhoon Tess is now going west. It may come back so people should not go outside.’

‘I’m hungry,’ said Thomas. Then he remembered. ‘Oh dear! I didn’t buy the rice!’

‘Don’t worry,’ said Mrs Chan. ‘I’ve bought some.’

That night the wind was very noisy, but Thomas did not hear it. He was fast asleep! The next morning, he looked out of his window. It was sunny, and there was no wind, but the streets were full of rubbish. Some trees lay across the pavements.

‘The typhoon’s gone,’ said Thomas to Polly, ‘but don’t fly outside again! Be a good bird!’

‘A good bird!’ shouted Polly.