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  1. Marina the Prince’s head above the water.

  2. Marina the Prince.

  3. Marina very sad.

  4. The dolphins, the whales and the turtles very sad, too.

  5. One day Marina very far from her castle.

  1. Who is this?


How many smaller words can you find in her name?

age, get,

‘What can I do for you, little mermaid?’ asked the ugly old witch.

‘I want to be with my Prince,’ said Marina.

‘I can help you then,’ said the witch. ‘I can give you legs so that you can live on land.’

Marina clapped her hands. She was so happy and excited.

‘But you must give me something,’ said the witch. ‘I’ll take your beautiful voice, then you can’t talk or sing!’

Marina was already too excited. She did not say anything. The witch gave her a bottle.

‘Now drink this magic tea,’ said the witch. ‘Swim to the beach tomorrow.’

‘How far is it to the Prince’s palace?’ asked Marina.

‘It’s about a thousand kilometres. You’ll have to sleep on the beach. The next morning you’ll have no tail; you will have legs.’

Marina drank some of the tea. It tasted very bad.

The next day she swam to the east until she saw the beach. She swam for more than ten hours. She was very tired. She fell asleep and dreamed about her Prince.

She woke up early the next day. She looked down at her tail,but it was rot there! ‘My beautiful tail has gone!’ she thought. Now she had two long white legs.

Suddenly Marina saw her Prince. He saw her, too. He looked at the girl with the long hair and the long white legs. ‘She’s so beautiful,’ he thought.

‘What’s your name?’ asked the Prince. ‘Where have you come from?’

Marina tried to answer, but she had no voice.

The Prince took Marina’s hand and they walked to his palace. Marina’s legs and feet hurt, but she was with her handsome Prince at last and she was very happy.