
Are there mermaids in the sea? Do you know? There are many stories about mermaids.

In stories a mermaid looks like a girl above the waist and a fish below the waist. Mermaids are always beautiful. They always have long golden hair and a beautiful golden tail. They are very musical and they love to sing.

Mermaids are usually friendly They like to play with people, but they cannot stay on the land for too long. Without water they will die.

Mermaids can also be dangerous. Many sailors think that they have seen them. Some sailors think that it is a bad sign to see a mermaid in the sea. Sometimes ships go towards mermaids, to get closer to their beautiful singing.

Mermaids always sit on rocks. When the ships go too close to the rocks, the ships break on the rocks and the sailors fall into the sea.

In the harbour of Copenhagen in Denmark, in Europe, there is a statue of the Little Mermaid sitting on a rock. Many tourists like to go and see the statue when they visit Copenhagen.