
  1. Where were Paul ‘and Lora?

  2. Which country were they in?

  3. Who was Dad’s friend?

  1. Where were the sick animals?

  2. What did Obunga’s T-shirt say?

  1. Obunga had a car/ lorry/ jeep.

  2. What animals did some poachers kill last month?

  3. Poachers killed rhinoceroses for their trunks / horns / tusks.

Who said these? a) ‘I can hear voices.’

  1. ‘Take a photograph of the poachers, Paul.’

  2. ‘Look, there’s a baby rhinoceros.’

  1. Did they chase the poachers?

  2. Where did they put the baby rhinoceros?

  3. What did Lora want to call the baby rhinoceros?

  1. Who looked at the baby rhinoceros’s leg?

  2. What was the policeman’s name?

  3. What did Dad give the policeman?

Page 169 a) They saw some jeep / tyre / aeroplane marks.

  1. It was morning / day / night.

  2. They saw some sand / shoes / smoke.

Page 170 a) Who sneezed?

  1. Who heard the noise?

  2. What did the poachers do?

Page 171 True or false? a) Baby was still sick.

  1. Paul, Lora and their Dad were in the house.

  2. Obunga found Paul, Lora and Dad. Page 173 a) Where were Dad, Lora

    and Paul?

  1. Where were the horns and tusks?

  2. Where were Obunga and the policeman? Page 174 a) What did Obunga

    have in his hand?

b) What did Sergeant Kuto and the policeman do? Page 175 a) What did Obunga give everybody?

b) What did Paul want to do? Page 177 True or false?

  1. Elephants are the smallest animals on land.

  2. African elephants have very big ears.

  3. Elephants have tusks. Page 178 a) What do rhinoceroses eat?

  1. How many horns do African rhinoceroses have?

  2. Why do they roll about in mud? Page 179 a) Where do hippopotamuses


  1. Do hippopotamuses have big heads?

  2. What do they eat?

Page 181 a) Do lions live in groups?

b) What do we call a mother lion?

Page 182 a) The cheetah can run slower / faster than other animals.

  1. Cheetahs hunt at night / in the day.

  2. Giraffes are the biggest/ fattest/ tallest

animals in the world.

Page 183 a) Do all monkeys have long tails?

b) Where do most monkeys live? Page 185 True or false.

  1. Some animals die because they are sick.

  2. There are a lot of pandas in China.

  3. Pandas eat bamboo.

Page 186 In the people use rhinoceros horns to make dagger handles.

Page 187 a) What do people make with leopard skins?

b) Do people eat crocodiles?

Page 188 a) Where do people keep some animals now?

  1. Can we drive in a Wildlife Park?

Page 164 练习

  • 答 案 1.看图,写出单词。

2.读这些句子,写出“对”或“错”。a)True d)True

b)False e)True c)False<

Page168 练习

· 答 案 1.用这些词填空。

a)some grass e)the animal hospital b)poachers f)A vet

c)a rhinoceros g)the police station d)a photograph h)the film



Page 172 练习

  • 答案
  1. 按正确的顺序排列句子,并把字母写在方格里。

  2. 谁说了这些话?把正确的字母写在方格里。

Page 176 练习

  • 答案


Page 180 练习

  • 答案
  1. 在字母方块中找出左边这些单词,把它们圈起来。