The Elephant Rock

Luke lived in a big house in a small village. Luke rode all round the village on his bicycle. His friend, Mark, had a bicycle, too. One afternoon they rode round the village and stopped to have a drink. Luke saw a poster on the wall. The poster said: Mr Wonder’s Elephants.

‘I want to go and see the elephants,’ said Luke. ‘I’ve never seen an elephant.’

‘I want to go, too!’ said Mark. ‘I saw some elephants about two years ago and they were very clever. It will be good. Shall we go this evening?’

Luke cycled home. ‘Can I go to see Mr Wonder’s Elephants, please?’ he asked his mother.

‘No,’ she said. ‘You can’t go because it’s wrong to have animals in a show.’

Luke was very sad. ‘Mum, I ’ve never seen an elephant,’ he said.

‘Please can I go, Mum? Mark’s going this evening!’

Luke’s mother sat down to think. ‘Okay, you can go,’ she said. ‘I don’t like it but I ’ll have to come, too.’ Luke was very excited. The show was in a big tent outside the village. It was near Luke’s house, and it took about five minutes to walk there. So Luke

and his mother walked.

There was a queue outside the tent. All the people from the village were in the queue. There was a rock beside the tent. Luke pointed. ‘Look, Mum,’ he shouted. ‘That rock looks like an elephant.’ It was true. The rock had big ears, a trunk and four legs.

Luke and Mark played on the rock. Luke thought,‘The elephant’s face is sad. Will Mr Wonder’s elephants be sad?’