We Must Save the Animals!

Every year many animals die. Some animals die because they are sick. Some die because people kill them and some die because they have nowhere to live.

In some countries animals die because there is not enough food. Today there are only about 500 pandas in the forests in China. Pandas eat bamboo but sometimes the weather is very bad and the bamboo does not grow, so there is not enough bamboo for the pandas to eat. And the pandas die!

In some countries, people kill animals for money.

Poachers kill elephants for their tusks. The tusks are made of ivory and the poachers sell them to factories for a lot of money. In the factories people make lots of things with ivory, for example, combs, jewellery and paper knives. Today we must save elephants; we must not kill them for their tusks. So we must not buy ivory! Poachers also kill rhinoceroses because people in the Middle

East use the horns to make handles for daggers.

People also kill lots of other animals for their skins, their fur or their meat. They kill leopards, crocodiles and snakes for both their meat and skins. People make coats with leopard skins, and bags, purses and shoes with crocodile and snake skins. people also eat crocodiles, snakes, turtles and birds. Sometimes people kill animals and birds for sport, too.

How do people help to save the animals? People now keep some animals in zoos or in parks so poachers cannot kill them. We call the parks Wildlife Parks. We can go to Wildlife Parks b car and watch the animals.