Lay a band love a tent clapped smile

‘This evening you were a rock. Now you can move. Are you a rock or an elephant?’ asked Luke.

‘I’m the Elephant King,’ said the elephant. ‘Mr Wonder’s a magician. He’s a bad man. He stole the elephants from India. He’s afraid because I’m the Elephant King. So he touched me with his magic wand, and I became a rock. Now I can only talk and move when

he’s asleep, and he only sleeps for a few hours every night. When he wakes up, I become a rock again.’ ‘How can I help you?’ Luke asked. The Elephant King thought for a minute.

‘I need Mr Wonder’s magic wand,’ he said. ‘Mr Wonder sleeps in that tent, but I’m too big to go inside to get the wand. Can you get it for me?’

Luke frowned. ‘Mum said: You must never steal,’ Luke thought, ‘but Mum wants to help the elephants.’ Luke smiled.‘Yes,’ he said. ‘I’ll creep into Mr Wonder’s tent when he’s asleep. I’ll bring you the magic wand tomorrow night.’

The next night, Luke waited until his parents were asleep. Then he crept out of his house and ran to Mr Wonder’s tent. He wanted to get the magic wand. Luke looked round. There were no people near the tent, as it was iate. Luke tiptoed into the tent.

Mr Wonder was asleep. Luke saw the magic wand on a table, so he walked to the table slowly and picked up the wand. The wand moved in his hand, and Luke dropped it! Mr Wonder moved in his bed. Luke was very frightened, but the magician did not wake up! Luke ran outside very quickly.