Runway Peter Said Weather Rescue




Page 74 练习

  • 答 案 1.选择正确的单词填入空格内。

a)past c)behind

b)up d)to 2.按正确的顺序排列句子,并把字母写在方格里。

Page 78 练习

  • 答 案 1.把句子的前后两部分用线连起来。

Runway Peter Said Weather Rescue - 图1

2.天气预报员怎么说?看图并写出正确的单词。a)rainy c)sunny

b)windy d)stormy

Page 83 练习

  • 答案
  1. 读这些句子,并在方格里填入正确的字母。

    • A helicopter.

    • The first aeroplane.

    • The first hot-air balloon.

    • Pilots.

    • The longest iirship in the world.

  2. 直升飞机必须救出这些人。他们在哪儿?写出正确的单词。

  1. mountain

  2. island

  3. sea

Pages 84 - 86 问题

Page 55 a) Because today was Saturday.

  1. In Hong Kong.

  2. Thomas had a pet parrot.

Page 56 a) In a bank.

  1. He wanted to see Peter.

  2. In the flat below Thomas’s flat. Page 57 a) False.

  1. True.

  2. False.

Page 59 a) Thomas could see big waves in the harbour.

b) Grandma said, ‘You must not go outside in a typhoon.’

Page 60 a) Thomas carried the plants inside.

b) Thomas did not see the open window. Page 61 a) No, he did not.

b) It was nine o’clock. Page 63 a) True.

  1. False.

  2. True.

Page 64 a) Polly flew out of the window.

b) Thomas said, ‘don’t worry, Grandma.’ Page 65 a) The wind.

  1. A policewoman.

  2. Back to Peter’s flat. Page 67 a) Peter turned on the radio.

  1. The wind blew an aeroplane off the runway.

  2. There were four ambulances at the airport. Page 68 a) True.

b) False.

Page 69 a) Yes, he could.

b) Yes, they did.

Page 71 a) Thomas’s grandmother phoned Peter.

b) Polly flew into Peter’s flat.

Page 72 a) About Polly and about the aeroplane.

b) No, they were not. Page 73 a) Mrs Chan bought some.

  1. The next morning it was sunny.

  2. The streets were full of rubbish.

Page 75 a) Over a warm sea.

  1. About 400 kilometres wide.

  2. An ‘eye’. Page 76 a) False.

  1. True.

  2. True.

Page 77 a) Stellites above the earth take photographs of typhoons.

b) Weather forecasters. Page 79 a) Over 200 years ago.

  1. A sausage.

  2. It carried 36 passengers.

Page 80 a) The first aeroplane did not fly very fast.

b) Today, aeroplanes are made of metal.

Page 81 a) Yes, it does.

b) They sit in the cockpit of an aeroplane. Page 82 a) Helicopters do not have wings.

b) No, they do not.