Save the Animals!

Paul and Lora were very excited. They were on an aeroplane. ‘Look at the ground, Dad,’ said Paul. He pointed out of the window. ‘Look! There are lots of trees and there’s a lot of grass.’

‘Yes,’ said Dad. ‘That’s Africa - We’ll see a lot of animals in Africa.’

Dad’s friend Obunga was a vet. He waited at the airport. He waved at the aeroplane.

Obunga took Paul, Lora and their Dad to a hut near the airport. ‘Can we go and see the animals, please?’ asked Paul. ‘First, let’s go and see the sick animals in my animal

hospital,’ said Obunga.

Now they were at Obunga’s animal hospital. There was a lion, a baby elephant and a baby rhinoceros. They were sick.

Lora looked at Obunga’s T-shirt. It said: Save the Animals!

‘Why do we need to save the animals?’ Lora asked.

‘Because some animals in Africa can’t find enough food. Some people kill animals, too. We call these people poachers,’ said Obunga.

‘We want to help you to save the animals. When can we see them?’ said Paul and Lora.

‘Tomorrow,’ said Obunga.

The next day, they all went to see the animals at Grass Hill in Obunga’s jeep. They saw a group of elephants. ‘Last month some poachers killed some elephants,’ said Obunga. ‘There were a lot of elephants but there aren’t many now.’

‘Why do poachers kill elephants?’ asked Lora.

‘Because they can sell the elephants’ tusks,’ said Obunga.

‘They also kill rhinoceroses so they can sell their horns.’ Dad, Paul and Lora took lots of photographs.‘Look over there,’

shouted Paul. ‘I can see some smoke. Someone has made a fire.’ Suddenly there was a loud noise. It was a gun.