
Sergeant Kuto drove his jeep to Grass Hill. ‘Which way did the poachers go?’ he asked.

‘That way,’ they pointed.

‘Yes, you’re right. Look at the tyre marks. We can follow them and we will find the poachers,’ Sergeant Kuto said.

Mr Kuto drove his jeep for a long time. Soon it was night. They saw some smoke. ‘Let’s go and look,’ said Dad.

They all got out of the jeep. They walked slowly and hid behind some trees. Paul said, ‘Look, the poachers are there. They’re cooking some meat on the fire.’

They watched the poachers. Suddenly Lora sneezed. The poachers heard the noise and stopped cooking. They pointed guns at Sergeant Kuto, Dad, Paul and Lora.‘Come here,’ shouted the tallest poacher. ‘Why are you here?’

‘We want to save the animals,’ said Sergeant Kuto.

The poacher was angry. He said, ‘You want to catch poachers, too, but we’ve caught you!’

The other four poachers got some rope. They tied Paul, Lora, Dad and Sergeant Kuto to a big tree.

‘Tomorrow we’ll kill more rhinoceroses and elephants,’ the poachers said. ‘We’ll get more horns and tusks. We’ll be rich!’ All the poachers laughed.

The next day, Obunga went to see Baby. Baby had a bandage on her leg. ‘Baby’s all right now,’ said the vet. Obunga was happy. He went to see Dad, Paul and Lora but they were not in their hut.

Obunga went to the police station. ‘Where are Paul, Lora and their Dad?’ he asked the policeman.

‘They went with Sergeant Kuto to look for the poachers,’ said the policeman.

"Let’s go and look for them,’ Obunga said to the policeman. Obunga drove to Grass Hill. He saw the tyre marks. He followed them and found the poachers’ fire, but no one was there.

  1. Put the sentences in the right order. Write the letters in the boxes.

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  1. Who said these? Write the right letters in the boxes.

    1. ‘Tomorrow we’ll kill more rhinoceroses and elephants.’

    2. ‘Which way did the poachers go?’

    3. ‘They’re cooking some meat on the fire.’

    4. ‘Where are Paul, Lora and their Dad?’

    5. ‘Baby’s all right now.’

The poachers were in their cave. The horns and tusks were in a big box. The poachers all laughed. ‘We’ll be rich,’ said the fattest poacher. Sergeant Kuto, Dad, Paul and Lora were in the cave, too. They were frightened.

‘Perhaps the poachers will kill us,’ Paul whispered.

Now Obunga and the policeman were outside the cave. They saw the poachers’ jeep near the cave. ‘The poachers must be in that cave. Perhaps Sergeant Kuto, Paul, Lora and their Dad are inside, too,’ Obunga said. ‘Let’s go in and help them.’

‘Don’t move,’ a voice shouted. It was Obunga. He pointed a gun at the poachers. The policeman untied Sergeant Kuto, Dad, Paul and Lora.

‘You’ve saved us,’ shouted Lora.

Sergeant Kuto and the policeman tied up the poachers.

‘Now the poachers can’t kill any more animals,’ said Paul.

‘We’ve saved the animals!’

Sergeant Kuto and the policeman put the big box into their jeep.

‘I’ll take the poachers to prison,’ said Sergeant Kuto. ‘Baby’s not sick now,’ said Obunga. ‘Do you want to see her?’ ‘Yes, please,’ shouted Paul and Lora.

Today was Paul, Lora and Dad’s last day in Africa. They were at the airport. Obunga gave everybody a T-shirt. The T-shirts said: Save the Animals!

Paul said, ‘I don’t want to go home. I want to help Obunga to save the animals.’

‘No,’ said Dad. ‘We must go home now. Obunga and his friends can save the animals.’

‘You can help to save the animals when you go home,’ said Obunga. ‘Tell your friends about Africa. Tell them about the animals. Tell them not to buy rhinoceros horns and elephant tusks.’

‘We will,’ said Paul and Lora. ‘Goodbye, Obunga!’