rhinoceroses giraffes horns poachers elephants tusks a jeep a trailer

Animals in Africa

There are lots of animals in Africa. Some of them only live in Africa but some live in other countries, too.

Elephants are the largest animals on land. African elephants have very big ears. They are very strong and heavy. Some African elephants weigh over 7,000 kilograms.

Elephants have two big long tusks and a long trunk. They use their trunks for drinking, breathing, smelling and picking up things. Elephants eat grass, leaves and twigs. They use their trunks to pick up their food.

Rhinoceros means ‘a horn on its nose’. All rhinoceroses in Africa have two horns. Some rhinoceroses in other countries have only one horn.

Rhinoceroses eat plants. They do not eat meat. Rhinoceroses are very strong and they have short, thick legs. They can run quickly when they are frightened. They are big and fat and they have thick skin. They like rolling about in mud so they are not too hot and insects cannot bite them.

Hippopotamus means ‘river horse’. Hippopotamuses only live in Africa. They have very thick skin, and short, thick legs. They are very heavy. Some of them weigh 4,500 kilograms. They often fight each other.

Hippopotamuses have enormous heads. Their nostrils, eyes and ears are very small but the can smell, see and hear very well.

Hippopotamuses swim in water and walk on land. They eat grass and other plants. They come out of the water every night to find food.