
Page 75 a) Where do typhoons start?

  1. How wide can a typhoon be?

  2. What is in the middle of a typhoon? Page 76 True or false?

  1. Before a typhoon there is a lot of damage.

  2. The winds can lift up cars.

  3. After a typhoon there may be landslides.

Page 77 a) above the earth take photographs of typhoons.

b) Who gives each typhoon a name?

Page 79 a) When did people make the first flying machine?

  1. What did the first airship look like?

  2. How many passengers did the world’s longest airship carry?

Page 80 a) The first aeroplane did not fly very often / fast slowly.

b) Today, aeroplanes are made of paper/ wood/ metal.

Page 81 a) Does an aeroplane need engines?

b) Where do pilots sit?

Page 82 a) How many wings does a helicopter have?

b) Do helicopters need a runway?

Page 58 练习

  • 答 案 1.他们是谁?写出正确的名字。

a)Thomas c)Thomas's parents b)Grandma d)Polly

2.圈出错误,并写出正确的单词。a)Thomas d)breakfast b)parrot e)south


Page 62 练习

  • 答 案 1.写出正确的单词。

a)thought d)went b)carried e) heard c)ran


Page 66 练习

  • 答 案 1.选择正确的单词填入空格内。

a)dangerous d)outside b)stormy e) clever c)frightened


Page 70 练习

  • 答 案 1.在字母方块中找出左边这些单词,把它们圈起来。