
  1. Nothing difficult!没什么难办的!

nothing 是复合不定代词。复合不定代词被定语所修饰时,定语要后置。例如:

1)There is nothing wrong with the bike.自行车没有什么毛病。2)We'11 give them something delicious to eat.我们给他们一些好


3)Is there anything interesting in today's paper?今天报纸上刊登了什么有趣的新闻吗?

  1. What subject should I talk about?我讲什么题目好呢?

句中的 should 是情态动词,用来表示说话人的某种感情色彩,如惊奇、意外、失望、愤怒等,尤其是与 why 连用时。例如:

  1. Why should you be so impolite?你为什么这样不客气?

  2. Why should I do all this all over again?为什么我要把它重做一次?

should 一词还有“应当、应该”的意思,用于所有人称,表示必要、义务、劝告或建议。例如:

  1. You look tired.You should go to bed.你看起来累了,应当去睡觉了。

  2. You shouldn't believe that rich man.你不应当相信那个阔佬。

  1. Their family name comes last.他们的姓氏放在后面。句中 last


  1. Who spoke last?谁最后发言?

  2. When did you last see him?你最近一次是何时见到他的? 比较以下句子中

    last 的词义:

  1. Winter in Beijing lasts from November to January.北京的冬天从十一月份持续到一月份。(last 是动词,意为“持续”)

  2. Liszt sald that he was going to the concert and wasgoing to play the last piece.李斯特说他要去音乐会并将演奏最后一章。(last 是形容词,意为“最后”)

  1. That's because it's shorter and easier than


这是一个含有表语从句的复合句。由连词 because 引导,位于主句中连系动词之后。再如:

  1. That's why she is so happy.这就是她为什么这样高兴的原因。

  2. That's where Lu Xun once lived.那就是鲁迅曾经住过的地方。