
  1. But after we left the mountains behind us,there washardly a cloud in the sky.当我们把群山甩在身后面,天空几乎万里无云。

hardly 是副词,意思是:几乎不。在句中表示否定意义。hardly 可以和 an/anything/anybody 等词连用。例如: We 've got hardly any food.我们几乎没有食物了。hardly 还可和情态动词 can,could 等连用。例如:

She could hardly walk.她几乎走不动了。

  1. Though we only stayed there for a few days,we had agreat time. 虽然我们在那里只逗留了几天,我们过得很愉快。

though 是连词,意思是:虽然;引导表示让步的状语从句。though 外还表示“不过、可是”等意思。例如:

Most of the land below looked like sand,though Dad toldme it is greener than you think.下面的土地看起来绝大部分像沙子,可是父亲告诉我地面上比人所想像的要绿些。

句中 than you think 中的 you 指“任何一人”。