What Should You Do When Water Enters Your Ear?

When water enters your ear, you can tilt your head to the side of the ear filled with water, Then jump several times on the leg of the same side. In this way the water will flow out of your ear. Or you can ask adults to absorb the water with absorbent cotton. You must neither pick at your ear yourself nor ask other children to pick at your ear. If your tympanic membrane is perforated, you will not be able to hear, so don't stick anything in ear.

  1. Why Do People Blush When They Feel Shy?

When people feel shy, they blush. Why is that? The red comes from an increase of blood to the face because of the dilatation of the blood vessels. When a person feels shy or sees a stranger, he or she is usually nervous. Then, the nerves which control the heart and blood vessels get excited. So the heart beats faster and the blood vessels on the face dilate. This causes more blood to go to the face. That is why the face turns red when a person feels shy.