This is a picture book about the human body it answers 62 questions about the human body, such as why men have beards; why people have dreams; why some people are fat and some thin ;how the eyes see things This book can help young and old readers alike learn a lot about themselves and the people around them .

Questions About the Human Body

  1. Why Are Some People Tall and Some People Short?

There are many reasons for the varying heights of people. Under the normal conditions, the main factors for the growth of child are heredity, nutrition and physical training. Generally speaking, when both parents are fall, the children are also fall, and when both parents are short, the children are also short. But children can also grow taller than their parents, even though their parents are short, if attention is paid to nutrition and physical training during childhood. In addition, boys usually grow faster than girls after the age of fourteen, and generally men are taller than women. At the same time, sleep has a great influence on the growth of children. When children sleep, their growth rate is three times greater than when they are awake. So if you want to grow taller, you have to pay attention to eating, sleeping and physical exercise.