SIEUR LOUIS DE CONTE -- Mark Twain Joan of Arc Chatto & Windus A NOBLE PURPOSE NOBLY WON -- Miss Manning Joan of Arc

Arthur Hall, Virtue, & Co., 1862

A MONK OF FIFE -- A. Lang Joan of Arc Longmans, Green, & Co. THE CAGED LION -- Charlotte M. Yonge Scotland, early Fifteenth

Century Macmillan & Co.

THE FAIR MAID OF PERTH -- Scott Scotland, early Fifteenth Century A. & C. Black

OLD MARGARET -- Henry Kingsley Ghent, in early Fifteenth Century Ward, Lock, & Co.

THE GLEAMING DAWN -- C. Baker The Hussites Chapman & Hall ISABELLA ORSINI -- F. D. Guerrazzi Italy--The Medici Felice le

Monnier, Florence, 1844

BOTH SIDES OF THE BORDER -- G. A. Henty Period of Henry IV. Blackie & Son

IN THE DAYS OF PRINCE HAL -- H. Elrington Henry IV.--Henry V. Blackie & Son

A CHAMPION OF THE FAITH -- J. M. Callwell Henry IV.--Henry V. Blackie & Son

AGINCOURT -- G. P. R. James Henry V. Warne & Co. AT AGINCOURT -- G. A. Henty Henry V. Blackie & Son

BY WEEPING CROSS -- Lady Laura Ridding Southern France, 1424 Hodder & Stoughton

NOEMI -- S. Baring Gould Guienne--Time of Charles VII. Methuen &


THE CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD -- James Grant James II. of

Scotland Geo. Routledge & Sons

BLACK DOUGLAS -- S. R. Crockett James II. of Scotland Smith, Elder, & Co.

THE CARDINAL'S PAGE -- C. Baker Bohemia, middle of Fifteenth Century Chapman & Hall

THE PRINCE OF INDIA -- Lew Wallace Fall of Constantinople, 1453 Harper & Brothers

THEODORA PHRANZA -- J. M. Neale Fall of Constantinople, 1453 J. Masters, 1857

TWO PENNILESS PRINCESSES -- Charlotte M. Yonge Period of Henry VI. Macmillan & Co.

THE LAST OF THE BARONS -- Lytton Wars of the Roses Geo.

Routledge & Sons

THE BLACK ARROW -- R. L. Stevenson Wars of the Roses Cassell & Co.

GRISLY GRISSELL -- Charlotte M. Yonge Wars of the Roses Macmillan & Co.

IN THE WARS OF THE ROSES -- E. Everett Green Wars of the Roses T. Nelson & Sons

HOW DICKON CAME BY HIS NAME (in "The Deserter and other Stories") -- Harold Frederic Wars of the Roses Lothrop Publishing Co.

WHERE AVON INTO SEVERN FLOWS (in "The Deserter and other Stories") -- Harold Frederic Wars of the Roses Lothrop Publishing Co.


Roses Seeley & Co.

THE WOODMAN -- G. P. R. James Time of Richard III. Warne & Co. RED ROSE AND WHITE -- Alfred Armitage Time of Richard III. J.


PERKIN WARBECK -- Mary Shelley Richard III.--Henry VII. Colburn & Bentley, 1830

THE HEIR OF HASCOMBE HALL -- E. Everett Green Time of Henry VII. T. Nelson & Sons

THE CAPTAIN OF THE WIGHT -- F. Cowper Time of Henry VII. Seeley & Co.

WILD HUMPHRY KYNASTON -- H. Hudson Shrewsbury (1490- 1493) Kegan, Paul, & Co.

THE YELLOW FRIGATE -- James Grant Scotland, late Fifteenth Century Geo. Routledge & Sons

MARY OF BURGUNDY -- G. P. R. James Ghent (1456-1477) Warne

& Co.

THE DOVE IN THE EAGLES NEST -- Charlotte M. Yonge Time of Maximilian (1472-1531) Macmillan & Co.

THE BURGOMASTER OF BERLIN -- Wilibald Alexis (trans.) Germany, late 15th Century Saunders & Otley, London, 1843

QUENTIN DURWARD -- Scott A. & C. Black France--Louis XI. ANNE OF GRIERSTEIN -- Scott Charles the Bold, Margaret of

Anjou, &c. A. & C. Black

MARIETTA -- F. Marion Crawford Venice, 1470 Macmillan & Co.

DESIDERIO -- Edmund G. Gardner Florence--Savonarola. J. M. Dent & Co.

ROMOLA -- George Eliot Florence--Savonarola. W. Blackwood & Sons

NOTRE DAME -- Victor Hugo (trans.) Paris, late Fifteenth Century J.

M. Dent & Co.

THE CLOISTER AND THE HEARTH -- Charles Reade Eve of the Reformation (Parents of Erasmus) Chatto & Windus

THE RESURRECTION OF THE GODS -- D. Merejkowski (trans) Leonardo da Vinci Constable & Co.

THE VALE OF CEDARS -- Grace Aguilar Jewish Persecution in Spain Walter Scott and others

THE BLACK DISC -- Albert Lee Conquest of Granada Digby, Long, & Co.

LEILA -- Lytton Conquest of Granada Geo. Routledge & Sons WESTWARD WITH COLUMBUS -- Gordon Stables Christopher

Columbus, 1492 Blackie & Son

THE GOD SEEKER -- P. Rosegger (trans.) The Styrian Alps, 1493 G.

P. Putnam's Sons

LITTLE NOVELS OF ITALY -- Maurice Hewlett Italian manners from early Fourteenth to late Fifteenth Century Macmillan & Co.