THE FORTUNES OF NIGEL -- Scott Time of James I. A. & C. Black

*THE LANCASHIRE WITCHES -- Harrison Ainsworth Time of James I. Geo. Routledge & Sons

* Ainsworth's two novels, "Guy Fawkes" and "The Star Chamber," also deal with James I., but they are distinctly inferior in literary workmanship.

THE BLACK TOR -- G. Manville Fenn Time of James I. W. & R. Chambers

IN THE DAYS OF KING JAMES -- S. H. Burchell Time of James I. Gay & Bird

ROMANCE OF THE LADY ARBELL -- Alastor Graeme Time of James I. F. V. White

JUDITH SHAKESPEARE -- William Black Time of James I. Sampson Low & Co.

THE LOST TREASURE OF TREVLYN -- E. Everett Green Time of the Gunpowder Plot T. Nelson & Sons

*STANDISH OF STANDISH -- J. G. Austin America--Period of the Pilgrim Fathers Ward, Lock, & Co.

* This is the first of a series of tales dealing with Early American history by the same author, viz.:--"Betty Alden" (sequel to above); "A Nameless Nobleman" (half-century later than "Standish of Standish"), with its sequel, "Dr. Le Baron and his Daughters" (all published by Houghton, Mifflin, & Co.)

SOLDIER RIGDALE -- B. M. Dix America--Period of the Pilgrim Fathers Macmillan & Co.

LONGFEATHER THE PEACEMAKER -- Kirk Monroe America-- Period of the Pilgrim Fathers George Newnes


Mary Johnston Old Virginia, 1622 Constable & Co.

MERRY-MOUNT -- J. L. Motley Plymouth Colony James Monroe & Co. Boston 1849

MISTRESS BRENT -- Lucy M. Thruston Maryland, 1636 Little, Brown, & Co., U.S.A.

ANTONIA -- Jessie Van Zile Belden Dutch Colonists in Hudson River Districts, 1640-50 John Murray

THE DUKE'S SERVANTS -- S. H. Burchell The Duke of Buckingham (1624-8) Gay & Bird

IN HIGH PLACES -- Miss Braddon Earlier years of Charles I. Hutchinson & Co.

WHITEHALL -- Anonymous Earlier years of Charles I. Geo.

Routledge & Sons

MEMOIRS OF A CAVALIER -- Defoe Civil War Period J. M. Dent &



THE CAVALIERS -- S. R. Keightley Civil War Period Hutchinson & WHEN CHARLES I. WAS KING -- J. S. Fletcher Civil War Period

Gay & Bird

HOLMEY HOUSE -- G. J. Whyte Melville Civil War Period W. Thacker & Co. and Ward, Lock, & Co.

THE SPLENDID SPUR -- "Q" Civil War Period Cassell & Co.

WITH THE KING AT OXFORD -- A. J. Church Civil War Period Seeley & Co.

MISTRESS SPITFIRE -- J. S. Fletcher Civil War Period J. M. Dent &


CROMWELL'S OWN -- A. Paterson Civil War Period Harper &


ST. GEORGE AND ST. MICHAEL -- George Macdonald Civil War Period H. S. King, 1876

HUGH GWYETH -- B. M. Dix Civil War Period Macmillan & Co. MIRIAM CROMWELL -- Dora McChesney Civil War Period W.

Blackwood & Sons

THE CHILDREN OF NEW FOREST -- Marryatt Civil War Period J.

M. Dent & Co.

*FOR KING AND KENT -- Col. Colomb Civil War Period Remington

* This book well represents the extreme Royalist point of view.

TO RIGHT THE WRONG -- Edna Lyall Hampden Hurst & Blackett IN SPITE OF ALL -- Edna Lyall Falkland, Laud, &c. Hurst &


JOHN INGLESANT -- J. H. Shorthouse England (Charles I.) and Italy (the Molinists). Macmillan & Co.

UNDER SALISBURY SPIRE -- Emma Marshall George Herbert Seeley & Co.

A HAUNT OF ANCIENT PEACE -- Emma Marshall Nicholas Ferrar Seeley & Co.


Manning John Milton (1643) J C. Nimmo

OLD BLACKFRIARS -- Beatrice Marshall Van Dyck Seeley & Co. THE THREE MUSKETEERS -- Dumas (translation) France--

Richelieu, &c. J. M. Dent & Co.

UNDER THE RED ROBE -- Stanley Weyman France--Richelieu, &c.

Methuen & Co.

THE MAN IN BLACK -- Stanley Weyman France--Richelieu, &c.

Cassell & Co.

CINQ MARS -- A. de Vigny (trans.) France--Richelieu, &c. Geo.

Routledge & Sons, 1877

RICHELIEU -- G. P. R. James France--Richelieu, &c. G. P. Putnam's Sons

CAPTAIN FRACASSE -- Theophile Gautier (translation) Strolling Players, in time of Louis XIII. Duckworth & Co. and J. Macqueen

A DAUGHTER OF FRANCE -- Eliza Pollard France and Acadia T. Nelson & Sons

*THE BETROTHED LOVERS -- Manzoni (translation) Italy--the Plague in Milan, 1630 Ward, Lock, & Co. ("Minerva Library," 1889)

* Also published by George Bell & Sons (Bohn's Series) under the title "The Betrothed." I adopt the fuller title to prevent confusion with Scott's romance.

RUPERT BY THE GRACE OF GOD -- Dora McChesney Prince Rupert's time Macmillan & Co.

STRAY PEARLS -- Charlotte M. Yonge Prince Rupert's time

Macmillan & Co.

THE LION OF THE NORTH -- G. A. Henty Gustavus Adolphus Blackie & Son

A BRAVE RESOLVE -- J. B. de Liefde Wallenstein Hodder & Stoughton

BARON AND SQUIRE -- Noeldechen (translated by Mrs. Pereira) Thirty Years War J. Nisbet & Co.

WON BY THE SWORD -- G. A. Henty Thirty Years War Blackie & Son

MY LADY ROTHA -- Stanley Weyman Thirty Years War A. D. Innes & Co.

RED AXE -- S. R. Crockett Thirty Years War Smith, Elder, & Co.

*THE KING'S RING -- Zacharias Topelius (translation) Thirty Years War Jarrold & Sons

* The first of a series covering the 17th and 18th Centuries. Under the general title of "The Surgeon's Stories," the remaining volumes were published by Messrs. Jansen & Co., of Chicago (1883- 4); one of these appears in my list later on.

DER DEUTSCHE KRIEG (Collective Title of Series) -- Heinrich Laube Thirty Years War H. Haeffel, 1863

PHILLIP ROLLO -- James Grant Thirty Years War Geo. Routledge & Sons

TWENTY YEARS AFTER -- Dumas (translation) France--Time of Mazarin, &c. (1648-9) J. M. Dent & Co.

THE WAR OF WOMEN -- Dumas (translation) France--Time of Mazarin, &c. (1650) J. M. Dent & Co.

MARIE DE MANCINI -- Madame Sophie Gay (translation) France-- Time of Mazarin, &c. Lawrence & Bullen

THE SILVER CROSS -- S. R. Keightley France--Time of Mazarin Hutchinson & Co.

HENRY MASTERTON -- G. P. R. James England (Civil War) and France (the Fronde). Warne & Co. PRETTY MICHAL -- M. Jokai (translation) Hungary, middle Seventeenth Century Jarrold & Sons

WITH FIRE AND SWORD -- H. Sienkiewicz (translation) Poland and

Russia, from middle of the Seventeenth Century J. M. Dent & Co.

THE DELUGE -- H. Sienkiewicz (translation) Poland and Russia, from middle of the Seventeenth Century J. M. Dent & Co.

PAN MICHAEL -- H. Sienkiewicz (translation) Poland and Russia, from middle of the Seventeenth Century J. M. Dent & Co.

JOHN SPLENDID -- Neil Munro Period of Montrose and the Covenant Wm. Blackwood & Sons

THE LEGEND OF MONTROSE -- Scott Period of Montrose and the Covenant A. & C. Black


Smith Period of Montrose and the Covenant Geo. Bell & Sons

THE ANGEL OF THE COVENANT -- J. Maclaren Cobban Period of Montrose and the Covenant Methuen & Co.

KATHLEEN CLARE -- Dora McChesney Ireland, 1637-41 W. Blackwood & Sons

JOHN MARMADUKE -- S. H. Church Ireland--Cromwellian wars G.

P. Putnam's Sons

IN THE KING'S SERVICE -- F. S. Brereton Ireland--Cromwellian wars Blackie & Son

ETHNE -- Mrs. Field Ireland--Cromwellian wars Wells, Gardner, &


HARRY OGILVIE -- James Grant Scotland. Cromwellian wars Geo.

Routledge & Sons

THE WHITE KING'S DAUGHTER -- Emma Marshall The Princess Elizabeth Seeley & Co.

IN COLSTON'S DAYS -- Emma Marshall Bristol, 1636-1720 Seeley & Co.

WOODSTOCK -- Scott Commonwealth period A. & C. Black CAPTAIN JACOBUS -- L. Cope Cornford Commonwealth period

Methuen & Co.

AFTER WORCESTER -- E. Everett Green Commonwealth period T. Nelson & Sons

ON BOTH SIDES OF THE SEA -- Mrs. Charles Commonwealth period T. Nelson & Sons


Commonwealth period (New England) Macmillan & Co.

*DEBORAH'S DIARY -- Miss Manning Milton's Daughter (1665) J.

C. Nimmo

* Sequel to "The Maiden and Married Life of Mary Powell."

ADAM HEPBURN'S VOW -- Annie S. Swan Scotland--Kirk and Covenant Cassell & Co.

FRIEND OLIVIA -- Amelia E. Barr George Fox, the Quaker James Clarke & Co.

THE SHADOW OF A CRIME -- Hall Caine Quakers at the Restoration Chatto & Windus

A GALLANT QUAKER -- Mrs. M. H. Roberton George Fox and William Penn Methuen & Co.

THE ROMANCE OF DOLLARD -- Mrs. Catherwood French in Canada Fisher Unwin

TARA -- Meadows Taylor India, 1657 Kegan, Paul, & Co. BRAMBLETYE HOUSE -- Horace Smith Commonwealth--Charles II.

Henry Colburn, 1826

GOD SAVE THE KING -- Ronald Macdonald Commonwealth-- Charles II. John Murray

PEVERIL OF THE PEAK -- Scott Time of Charles II. A. & C. Black LONDON PRIDE -- Miss Braddon Time of Charles II. Simpkin & Co. DANIEL HERRICK -- S. H. Burchell Time of Charles II. Gay & Bird

I LIVED AS I LISTED -- Arthur L. Maitland Time of Charles II. Wells, Gardner, & Co.

THE PURITAN'S WIFE -- Max Pemberton Time of Charles II. Cassell & Co.

WHITEFRIARS -- Anonymous Time of Charles II. Geo. Routledge & Sons

THE ROBBER -- G. P. R. James Time of Charles II. Warne & Co. SILAS VERNEY -- E. Pickering Time of Charles II. Blackie & Son CHERRY AND VIOLET -- Miss Manning Time of Charles II. J. C.


HISTORY OF THE PLAGUE -- Defoe Time of Charles II. (Plague) J.

M. Dent & Co.

OLD ST. PAULS -- Harrison Ainsworth Time of Charles II. (Plague) Geo. Routledge & Sons

THE DAGGER AND THE CROSS -- J. Hatton Time of Charles II. (Eyam) Hutchinson & Co.

TRAITOR OR PATRIOT? -- Mary C. Rowsell Time of Charles II. (Rye House Plot) Blackie & Son

SIMON DALE -- Anthony Hope Time of Charles II. Methuen & Co. NELL GWYNN, COMEDIAN -- Frankfort Moore Time of Charles II.

C. A. Pearson

IN THE GOLDEN DAYS -- Edna Lyall Time of Charles II. (Algernon Sidney) Hurst & Blackett

SIR RALPH ESHER -- Leigh Hunt Time of Charles II. Henry Colburn, 1832

MARY HOLLIS -- H. J. Schimmel (translation) Time of Charles II. John Camden Hotten

OLD MORTALITY -- Scott Bothwell Bridge, 1679 A. & C. Black THE MEN OF THE MOSS HAGS -- S. R. Crockett Bothwell Bridge,

1679 Isbister & Co.

JOHN BURNET OF BARNS -- J. Buchan Scotland and the Low Countries (1678-88) John Lane


Marshall Author of "Religio Medici." Seeley & Co.

IN WESTMINSTER CHOIR -- Emma Marshall Purcell the Composer Seeley & Co.

THE CARVED CARTOON -- Austin Clare Grinling Gibbons Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge

SPINOZA -- Auerbach (trans.) A romance of Spinoza the Philosopher.

Sampson Low & Co.


Transylvania, 1666 Jarrold & Sons

THE BLACK TULIP -- Dumas (trans.) William of Orange, 1672 J. M. Dent & Co.

THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE -- Dumas (trans.) France--Louis

XIV. J. M. Dent & Co.

BELLE ROSE -- Amedee Achard France--Louis XIV. A. Bourdilliat et Cie., Paris, 1859

IN THE DAY OF ADVERSITY -- J. Bloundelle Burton France--Louis

XIV. Methuen & Co.

*THE SCOURGE OF GOD -- J. Bloundelle Burton France--Louis

XIV. (Huguenots) James Clarke & Co.

* Intentionally placed with the Louis XIV. romances. It should, however, be noted that the events of the story are supposed to happen in the first years of the Eighteenth Century (the Cevennes Revolt).

THE REFUGEES -- Conan Doyle Louis XIV.--Old and New World Longmans, Green, & Co.

THE BLACK WOLF'S BREED -- H. Dickson Louis XIV.--Old and New World Methuen & Co.

CAPTAIN SATAN -- Louis Gallet (trans.) Adventure in early Louis

XIV. period Jarrold & Sons

THE KING'S SIGNET -- Eliza Pollard Madame de Maintenon, &c.

Blackie & Son

THE MARCHIONESS OF BRINVILLIERS -- Albert Smith Marquise de Brinvilliers, the poisoner Bentley (new edition, 1886)

THE GOLDEN FLEECE -- Amedee Achard(trans.) Turkish Wars (Louis XIV.) J. Macqueen

HIS COUNTERPART -- Russell M. Garnier Wars of Turenne (John Churchill) Harper & Brothers

THE CLASH OF ARMS -- J. Bloundelle Burton Wars of Turenne (John Churchill) Methuen & Co.

UNCROWNING A KING -- E. S. Ellis America--King Philip's war Cassell & Co.


Virginia, late Seventeenth Century Constable & Co.

VIVIAN OF VIRGINIA -- Hulbert Fuller Virginia, late Seventeenth Century Jarrold & Sons

THE HEART'S HIGHWAY -- Mary E. Wilkins Virginia, late

Seventeenth Century John Murray

A REPUTED CHANGELING -- Charlotte M. Yonge Period of Charles II.--William III. Macmillan & Co.

THE REBEL -- H. B. Marriott Watson Rising at Taunton, 1684. W. Heinemann

LORNA DOONE -- R. D. Blackmore James II.--Monmouth Rebellion Sampson Low & Co.

FOR FAITH AND FREEDOM -- Walter Besant James II.--Monmouth Rebellion Chatto & Windus

MICAH CLARKE -- Conan Doyle James II.--Monmouth Rebellion Longmans, Green, & Co.

IN TAUNTON TOWN -- E. Everett Green James II.--Monmouth Rebellion T. Nelson & Sons

THE BLUE FLAG -- Max Hillary James II.--Monmouth Rebellion Ward, Lock, & Co.

URITH -- S. Baring-Gould James II.--Monmouth Rebellion Methuen & Co.

DEB CLAVEL -- M. E. Palgrave James II.--Monmouth Rebellion Religious Tract Society

DUKE OF MONMOUTH -- Gerald Griffin James II.--Monmouth Rebellion R. Bentley, 1836


Period of James II. Seeley & Co.

THE STANDARD BEARER -- S. R. Crockett Period of James II. (Covenanters) Methuen & Co.


Period of James II. (1685-7) Macmillan & Co.

THE SWORD OF THE KING -- Ronald Macdonald William of Orange John Murray

THE OUTLAW -- Mrs. Hall Revolution period (1688) R. Bentley, 1847

THE LIFEGUARDSMAN -- H. J. Schimmel (translation) Revolution period (1688) A. & C. Black

THE SCOTTISH CAVALIER -- James Grant Battle of Killiecrankie

Geo. Routledge & Sons

RINGAN GILHAIZE -- J. Galt Battle of Killiecrankie Greening & Co. LOCHINVAR -- S. R. Crockett Battle of Killiecrankie Methuen & Co. MISTRESS DOROTHY MARVIN -- J. C. Snaith Period of Judge

Jeffreys, &c. Ward, Lock, & Co.

BLUE PAVILIONS -- "Q" William III. Cassell & Co.

KENSINGTON PALACE -- Emma Marshall William III. Seeley &


MY MISTRESS THE QUEEN -- M. A. Paull Marriage of Mary to

William (Charles II.--William III.) Blackie & Son

BY THE NORTH SEA -- Emma Marshall Cromwell's Grand-daughter Jarrold & Sons

A MAN'S FOES -- E. H. Strain Siege of Derry (1689) Ward, Lock, &


THE CRIMSON SIGN -- S. R. Keightley Siege of Derry (1689)

Hutchinson & Co.

IN THE WAKE OF KING JAMES -- Standish O'Grady Siege of Derry (1689) J. M. Dent & Co.

THE BOYNE WATER -- J. Banim Battle of the Boyne (1690) James Duffy, Dublin

THE MAC MAHON -- Owen Blayney Battle of the Boyne (1690) Constable & Co.

REDMOND COUNT O'HANLON -- W. Carleton Battle of Aughrim James Duffy, Dublin

THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR -- Scott East Lothian, 1695 A. &

C. Black

ON THE RED STAIRCASE -- M. Imlay Taylor Russia in the youthful days of Peter the Great Gay and Bird

THE LION CUB -- F. Whishaw Russia in the youthful days of Peter the Great Griffith, Farran, & Co.

THE ROAD TO FRONTENAC -- S. Merwin French occupation of Canada John Murray

THE TRAIL OF THE SWORD -- Gilbert Parker French occupation of Canada Methuen & Co.

THE YOUNG PIONEERS -- E. Everett Green La Salle, the French Explorer T. Nelson & Sons

THE BEGUM'S DAUGHTER -- E. L. Bynner New York (Jacob Leisler) Houghton, Muffin. & Co.

IN FURTHEST IND -- Sydney C. Grier East India Company, 1697 W. Blackwood & Sons

DARIEN -- Eliot Warburton William Paterson and the Darien Scheme (1698) Colburn, 1852

MAZEPPA -- F. Whishaw Mazeppa and the Cossacks (17th-18th Century) Chatto & Windus

MONSIEUR MARTIN -- W. Carey Sweden from 1699 (Charles XII.)

W. Blackwood & Sons

A LADY OF QUALITY -- F. Hodgson Burnett Social Life, end of Seventeenth Century Warne & Co.

HIS GRACE OF OSMONDE -- F. Hodgson Burnett Social Life, end of Seventeenth Century Warne & Co.

A SET OF ROGUES -- Frank Barrett Algerine Pirates, &c. A. D. Innes & Co.