THE PIRATE -- Scott Shetland and Orkney Islands, 1700 A. & C. Black

ESMOND -- Thackeray Time of Anne Smith, Elder, & Co. DEVEREUX -- Lytton Time of Anne (England and Abroad) Geo.

Routledge & Sons

ST. JAMES'S -- Harrison Ainsworth Time of Anne Geo. Routledge & Sons

THE OLD CHELSEA BUN HOUSE -- Miss Manning Time of Anne J.

C. Nimmo

ACROSS THE SALT SEAS -- J. Bloundelle Burton Time of Anne (Battle of Blenheim) Methuen & Co.

THE QUEEN'S SERF -- Elsa d'Esterre Keeling Time of Anne Fisher Unwin

MOHAWKS -- Miss Braddon Time of Anne J. & R. Maxwell Ditto. IN KING'S HOUSES -- Julia C. R. Dorr Time of Anne Duckworth &


THE BRAVEST OF THE BRAVE -- G. A. Henty Time of Anne

(Peterborough) Blackie & Son

THE CORNET OF HORSE -- G. A. Henty Time of Anne (Duke of Marlborough) Sampson Low & Co.

IN THE IRISH BRIGADE -- G. A. Henty Time of Anne (Foreign Wars). Blackie & Son


Everett Green Time of Anne T. Nelson & Sons

ESTHER VANHOMRIGH -- Margaret L. Woods Dean Swift John Murray

THE BLACK DWARF -- Scott The Lowlands of Scotland, 1706 (Jacobites) A. & C. Black

AN IMPERIAL LOVER -- M. Imlay Taylor Russia--Peter the Great Gay & Bird


Russia (from late Seventeenth Century) T. Nelson & Sons

CAPTAIN SINGLETON -- Defoe Time of George I. J. M. Dent & Co. FOR THE KING -- C. Gibbon Time of George I. Chatto & Windus THE HERITAGE OF LANGDALE -- Mrs. Alexander Time of George

I. Hutchinson & Co.

PARSON KELLY -- A. E. W. Mason and A. Lang Time of George I. Longmans, Green, & Co.

DUANCE PENDRAY -- G. Norway Time of George I. (Cornish Jacobites) Jarrold & Sons

MONSIEUR BEAUCAIRE -- Booth Tarkington Bath--early Eighteenth Century John Murray


Galloway--early Eighteenth Century Fisher Unwin and Macmillan & Co.

ROB ROY -- Scott The Jacobites A. & C. Black

DOROTHY FORSTER -- Walter Besant The Jacobites Chatto & Windus

A DAUGHTER OF STRIFE -- J. H. Findlater The Jacobites Methuen & Co.

A LOYAL LITTLE MAID -- S. Tytler The Jacobites Blackie & Son TO ARMS! -- A. Balfour The Jacobites Methuen & Co.

*CLEMENTINA -- A. E. W. Mason The Old Pretender and Princess Clementina Sobieski Methuen & Co.

* Decidedly superior to the same Author's "Lawrence Clavering" (also Jacobite period).

A JACOBITE EXILE -- G. A. Henty Charles XII. of Sweden Blackie & Son

TIMES OF CHARLES XII. -- Z. Topelius (trans.) Charles XII. of Sweden Jansen & Co., Chicago

LE CHEVALIER D'HARMENTHAL -- Dumas (translation) France-- the Regency (1718) J. M. Dent & Co.

THE REGENT'S DAUGHTER -- Dumas (translation) France--the Regency (1719) J. M. Dent & Co.

THE YEMASSEE -- W. G. Simms South Carolina, 1715 W. J. Widdleton, New York, 1866 (Revised Ed.)

FREE TO SERVE -- E. Rayner Colonial New York G. P. Putnam's


AUDREY -- Mary Johnston Virginia, in George I-II. Period Constable & Co.

HALIL THE PEDLAR -- M. Jokai (trans.) Stambul, 1730 Jarrold & Sons

THE MISER'S DAUGHTER -- Harrison Ainsworth Time of George II. Geo. Routledge & Sons

THE WORLD WENT VERY WELL THEN -- Walter Besant Time of George II. Chatto & Windus

HEART OF MIDLOTHIAN -- Scott Time of George II. (Porteous Riots) A. & C. Black

WILLOWDENE WILL -- Halliwell Sutcliffe Time of George II. C. A. Pearson

THE GIPSY -- G. P. R. James Time of George II. Warne & Co.

NED LEGER -- G. Manville Fenn Time of George II. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge

RODERICK RANDOM -- Smollett Time of George II. Constable &


TREASURE TROVE -- S. Lover Time of George II. (Fontenoy)

Constable & Co.

WHERE HONOUR LEADS -- Marian Francis Time of George II. (Fontenoy) Hutchinson & Co.

THE HOUSE DIVIDED -- H. B. Marriott Watson Time of George II. Harper & Brothers

LADY GRIZEL -- Lewis Wingfield Time of George II. Bentley, 1877 FOR THE WHITE ROSE OF ARNO -- Owen Rhoscomyl Wales, in

1745 Longmans, Green, & Co.

WAVERLEY -- Scott The Jacobites A. & C. Black

MISTRESS NANCY MOLESWORTH -- Joseph Hocking The Jacobites J. Bowden

THE FORTUNES OF CLAUDE -- Edgar Pickering The Jacobites Warne & Co.

A LOST LADY OF OLD YEARS -- J. Buchan The Jacobites John Lane

DENOUNCED -- J. Bloundelle Burton The Jacobites Methuen & Co. RICROFT OF WITHENS -- Halliwell Sutcliffe The Jacobites Fisher


THE MASTER OF BALLANTRAE -- R. L. Stevenson The Jacobites Cassell & Co.

AN EXILED SCOT -- H. A. Bryden The Jacobites (The Cape) Chatto & Windus

SIR SERGEANT -- W. L. Watson The Jacobites W. Blackwood & Sons

KIDNAPPED -- R. L. Stevenson Scotland, 1751 Cassell & Co. CATRIONA -- R. L. Stevenson Scotland, 1751 Cassell & Co.

THE SHOES OF FORTUNE -- Neil Munro Jacobites, 1755 Isbister &


THE BIRTHRIGHT -- Joseph Hocking Time of John Wesley

(Cornwall) J. Bowden

HUMPHREY CLINKER -- Smollett Manners, mid. Eighteenth Century Constable & Co.

THE CHAPLAIN OF THE FLEET -- W. Besant and J. Rice Manners, mid. Eighteenth Century Chatto & Windus

MOONFLEET -- J. Meade Falkner Smugglers, 1757 E. Arnold

THE MASTER OF THE MUSICIANS -- Emma Marshall Handel, 1742-1759 Seeley & Co.

PEG WOFFINGTON -- Charles Reade The Stage, middle of Eighteenth Century Chatto & Windus

THE JESSAMY BRIDE -- F. Frankfort Moore Goldsmith, Garrick, &c.

Hutchinson & Co.

MEMOIRS OF BARRY LYNDON -- Thackeray World of fashion, from middle to end of Eighteenth Century Smith, Elder, & Co.

THE BATH COMEDY -- Agnes & Egerton Castle Bath, middle of Eighteenth Century Macmillan & Co.

THE DUTCHMAN'S FIRESIDE -- J. K. Paulding New York, middle of Eighteenth Century Scribners

IN OLD NEW YORK -- Wilson Barrett and E. Barron New York, middle of Eighteenth Century J. Macqueen

AGNES SURRIAGE -- Edwin L. Bynner America (Boston), middle of Eighteenth Century Sampson Low & Co.

FAIRFAX -- J. E. Cooke Valley of the Shenandoah, 1748-81 Sampson Low & Co.

WITH CLIVE IN INDIA -- G. A. Henty India, middle Eighteenth Century Blackie & Son

RALPH DANIELL -- Meadows Taylor India, middle Eighteenth Century Kegan, Paul, & Co.

LIKE ANOTHER HELEN -- Sydney C. Grier India, middle Eighteenth Century W. Blackwood & Sons

IVAN DE BIRON -- Sir Arthur Helps Russia, middle Eighteenth Century Chatto & Windus

THE KING'S "BLUE BOYS" -- Sheila E. Braine Frederick William I. of Prussia and his Giant Grenadiers Jarrold & Sons

THE CITIZEN OF PRAGUE -- C. L. A. Paalzow (translation) Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria H. Colburn, 1846


Sand (trans.) Time of Frederick the Great Walter Scott


(translation) Time of Frederick the Great D. Appleton & Co.

* One of L. Muhlbach's several romances dealing with this period.

GAVIN HAMILTON -- M. E. Seawell The Seven Years War Harper & Brothers

WITH FREDERICK THE GREAT -- G. A. Henty The Seven Years War Blackie & Son

A FALLEN STAR -- C. Lowe The Seven Years War Downey & Co.

AMYOT BROUGH -- E. Vincent Briton England and Canada, middle of Eighteenth Century Seeley & Co.

THE FORGE IN THE FOREST -- C. D. G. Roberts Canada, middle Eighteenth Century Kegan, Paul, & Co.

A SISTER TO EVANGELINE -- C. D. G. Roberts Canada, middle Eighteenth Century John Lane

AT WAR WITH PONTIAC -- Kirk Munroe Canada, middle Eighteenth Century Blackie & Son

THE SEATS OF THE MIGHTY -- Gilbert Parker The Taking of Quebec Methuen & Co.

THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS -- Fennimore Cooper Montcalm, 1757 Macmillan & Co.


America, 1758. (French War) Macmillan & Co.

FORTUNE'S MY FOE -- J. Bloundelle Burton Cartagena, 1758 Methuen & Co.

THE VIRGINIANS -- Thackeray America and England, George II.-III. Smith, Elder, & Co.

THE GOLDEN DOG -- William Kirby Quebec, in the days of Louis

XV. Jarrold & Sons

OLYMPE DE CLEVES -- Dumas (translation) France, Louis XV. J. M. Dent & Co.

THE HOUSE OF DE MAILLY -- Margaret H. Potter France, Louis

  1. Harper & Brothers

THE LITTLE HUGUENOT -- Max Pemberton France, Louis XV. Cassell & Co.

THE LAST RECRUIT OF CLARE'S -- S. R. Keightley Marquise de Pompadour, &c. (Irish Brigade stories) Hutchinson & Co.

THE FAVOR OF PRINCES -- Mark L. Luthur Adventure in time of Louis XV. Macmillan & Co.

MEMOIRS OF A PHYSICIAN -- Dumas (translation) Louis XV.-XVI. (1770-74) J. M. Dent & Co.

THE QUEEN'S NECKLACE -- Dumas (translation) Court of Louis

  1. (1784-5) J. M. Dent & Co.

THE COUNTESS EVE -- J. H. Shorthouse Burgundy, 1785 Macmillan & Co.

IN EXITU ISRAEL -- S. Baring-Gould Church and State in France, 1788-9 Macmillan & Co., 1870

THE KING WITH TWO FACES -- M. E. Coleridge Gustavus III. of Sweden E. Arnold

MANY WAYS OF LOVE -- F. Whishaw Russia, time of Catharine II.

J. M. Dent & Co.

A FORBIDDEN NAME -- F. Whishaw Russia, time of Catharine II. Chatto & Windus

THE TURKISH AUTOMATON -- Sheila E. Braine Russia, time of Catharine II. Blackie & Son

THE PRIDE OF JENNICO -- Agnes & Egerton Castle Moravia, 1771 Macmillan & Co.

REDGAUNTLET -- Scott Time of George III. A. & C. Black GUY MANNERING -- Scott Time of George III. A. & C. Black

KATERFELTO -- G. J. Whyte-Melville Time of George III. (Exmoor). W. Thacker & Co. and Ward, Lock, & Co.

THE ORANGE GIRL -- Walter Besant Time of George III. Chatto & Windus

*THE ROCK OF THE LION -- M. E. Seawell Time of George III. Harper & Brothers

* Deals with the Siege of Gibraltar, 1779-1783.

BARNABY RUDGE -- Dickens Time of George III. (Gordon Riots) Chapman & Hall

THE MAID OF SKER -- R. D. Blackmore Time of George III. Sampson Low & Co.

MISS ANGEL -- Miss Thackeray Art (Reynolds & Angelica Kauffmann) Smith, Elder, & Co.

THE FATAL GIFT -- F. Frankfort Moore The Sisters Gunning Hutchinson & Co.

A NEST OF LINNETS -- F. Frankfort Moore R. B. Sheridan, Johnson, &c. Hutchinson & Co.

THE SURGEON'S DAUGHTER -- Scott Fifeshire, Isle of Wight, and India (1780) A. & C. Black

THE CASTLE INN -- Stanley Weyman English Manners, late Eighteenth Century Smith, Elder, & Co.

THE TONE KING -- Heribert Rau (trans.) Mozart Jarrold & Sons THE VIRGINIA COMEDIANS -- J. E. Cooke Virginia, 1763-5 D.

Appleton & Co., 1854

ALICE OF OLD VINCENNES -- Maurice Thompson Fort Vincennes (Clark's Conquest) Cassell & Co.

THE GREEN MOUNTAIN BOYS -- Daniel P. Thompson American Revolution B. B. Mussey & Co., Boston. Revised edition, 1848

*LIONEL LINCOLN -- Fennimore Cooper American Revolution Geo.

Routledge & Sons

* "Lionel Lincoln" treats of Boston in the time of Bunker Hill (1775); "The Spy" of Hudson River district 1782); and "The Pilot" of Paul Jones (1779).

THE SPY -- Fennimore Cooper American Revolution Geo.

Routledge & Sons

THE PILOT -- Fennimore Cooper American Revolution Geo.

Routledge & Sons

RICHARD CARVEL -- Winston Churchill American Revolution Macmillan & Co.

HUGH WYNNE -- S. Weir Mitchell American Revolution (Washington) Macmillan & Co.

A GREAT TREASON -- Mary A. M. Hoppus American Revolution (Benedict Arnold) Macmillan & Co.

A SOLDIER OF VIRGINIA -- Burton Eghert Stevenson American Revolution Duckworth & Co.

PHILIP WINWOOD -- R. N. Stephens American Revolution Chatto & Windus

LOVE LIKE A GIPSY -- Bernard Capes American Revolution Constable & Co.

JANICE MEREDITH -- P. L. Ford American Revolution Constable &


THE TORY LOVER -- Sarah Orne Jewett American Revolution (Paul

Jones) Smith, Elder, & Co.

CARDIGAN -- R. W. Chambers American Revolution Constable &


*THE FORAYERS and EUTAW -- W. G. Simms American Revolution

W. J. Widdleton, New York

* The two last of a series covering the American War period.

HORSE-SHOE ROBINSON -- J. P. Kennedy Virginia, 1780 R.

Bentley, 1835

THE DUKE OF STOCKBRIDGE -- E. Bellamy Massachusetts (Shays' Rebellion) Gay & Bird

ANGE PITOU -- Dumas (translation) French Revolution period J. M. Dent & Co.

LA COMTESSE DE CHARNY -- Dumas (translation) French Revolution period (1789-94) J. M. Dent & Co.

CHEVALIER DE MAISON ROUGE -- Dumas (translation) French Revolution period (1793) J. M. Dent & Co.

*THE STORY OF A PEASANT -- Erckmann-Chatrian (translation) French Revolution period (1789-1815) Ward, Lock, & Co.

* Collective title of the four tales--"The States-General" (1789), "The Country in Danger" (1792), "Year One of the Republic" (1793), and "Citizen Bonaparte" (1794-1815). Erckmann-Chatrian's "Madame Therese" (translation) is another good story of this period (1792).

THE REDS OF THE MIDI -- Felix Gras (translation) French Revolution period W. Heinemann

THE TERROR -- Felix Gras (translation) French Revolution period W. Heinemann

THE WHITE TERROR -- Felix Gras (translation) French Revolution period W. Heinemann

A TALE OF TWO CITIES -- Dickens French Revolution period Chapman & Hall

L'AN '93 -- Victor Hugo (trans.) French Revolution period J. M. Dent & Co.

MY LADY MARCIA -- Eliza F. Pollard French Revolution period T. Nelson & Sons

THE ATELIER DU LYS -- Miss Roberts French Revolution period Longmans, Green, & Co.

ON THE EDGE OF THE STORM -- Miss Roberts French Revolution period Warne & Co.

CITOYENNE JACQUELINE -- S. Tytler French Revolution period Chatto & Windus

LA VENDEE -- Anthony Trollope French Revolution period Colburn, 1850

THE RED COCKADE -- Stanley Weyman French Revolution period Longmans, Green, & Co.

MADEMOISELLE MATHILDE -- Henry Kingsley French Revolution period Ward, Lock, & Co.


French Revolution period Macmillan & Co.

*A STORM-RENT SKY -- M. Betham Edwards French Revolution period Hurst & Blackett

* This striking tale deals with Danton's career. In "A Romance of Dijon" (Black) and "The Dream-Charlotte" (Black) Miss Betham Edwards has depicted earlier phases of the Revolution; the last- named novel takes us away from the Capital, to show us how the forces of the time affected the simple folk of Normandy.


Bernard Capes French Revolution period W. Blackwood & Sons

OUR LADY OF DARKNESS -- Bernard Capes French Revolution period W. Blackwood & Sons

THE RED SHIRTS -- Paul Gaulot. (trans.) French Revolution period Chatto & Windus

A GIRL OF THE MULTITUDE -- Anonymous French Revolution period Fisher Unwin

THE LITTLE SAINT OF GOD -- Lady F. Cunningham French Revolution period Hurst & Blackett

ST. KATHERINE'S BY THE TOWER -- Walter Besant French Revolution period (England, 1793) Chatto & Windus

AT THE SIGN OF THE GUILLOTINE -- Harold Spender Robespierre, 1794 Fisher Unwin

THE PARSON'S DAUGHTER -- Emma Marshall George Romney, the Painter Seeley & Co.

THE MAID OF MAIDEN LANE -- Amelia E. Barr New York, 1791

Fisher Unwin

ARTHUR MERVYN -- Charles Brocden Brown Philadelphia, 1793 (yellow fever year) H. Maxwell, Phil., 1799

ROPES OF SAND -- R. E. Francillon North Devon, 1793 Chatto &


A BUSINESS IN GREAT WATERS -- Julian Corbett Sussex Smugglers and French Conspirators Methuen & Co.

THE WHITES AND THE BLUES -- Dumas (translation) Rise of Napoleon (1793-9) J. M. Dent & Co.

THE CHOIR INVISIBLE -- James Lane Allen Kentucky, 1795 Macmillan & Co.

THE MILLS OF GOD -- Elinor Macartney Lane Virginia and England

D. Appleton & Co.

THE KING'S OWN -- Marryatt Mutiny at the Nore, 1797 J. M. Dent & Co.

ADMIRAL -- Douglas Sladen Nelson, 1798-9 Hutchinson & Co.

THE BATTLE OF THE STRONG -- Gilbert Parker Jersey, &c., end of Eighteenth Century Methuen & Co.

IN PRESS-GANG DAYS -- E. Pickering Battle of the Nile, &c. Warne & Co.

THE ANTIQUARY -- Scott Scotch Manners, last decade of Eighteenth Century A. & C. Black

THE KING'S DEPUTY -- H. A. Hinkson Dublin in time of Grattan Lawrence & Bullen

RORY O'MORE -- S. Lover Ireland (the '98 Rebellion) Constable &


KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEN -- Randal McDonnell Ireland (the '98

Rebellion) Fisher Unwin

TWO CHIEFS OF DUNBOY -- J. A. Froude Ireland (the '98 Rebellion) Longmans, Green, & Co.

THE REBELS -- M. McD. Bodkin Ireland (the '98 Rebellion) Ward, Lock, & Co.

UP FOR THE GREEN -- H. A. Hinkson Ireland (the '98 Rebellion) Lawrence & Bullen

THE CROPPY -- John and Michael Banim Ireland (the '98 Rebellion) Henry Colburn, 1828


Gretna Green & Botany Bay, 1799 Chatto & Windus

THE COMPANIONS OF JEHU -- Dumas (translation) Napoleon in Egypt (1799-1800) J. M. Dent & Co.

THE MINISTER'S WOOING -- Mrs. Beecher Stowe American Manners (late Eighteenth to early Nineteenth Century.) Sampson Low & Co.

LITTLE JARVIS -- M. E. Seawell American quarrel with France (Constellation cruises, 1798-1800.) D. Appleton & Co.

THE HUNGARIAN BROTHERS -- A. M. Porter Vienna in the last decade of the Century Warne & Co.