SARCHEDON -- G. J. Whyte Melville Ancient Babylon and the Assyrians W. Thacker & Co., and Ward, Lock, & Co.

UARDA -- Georg Ebers (trans.) Egypt--Rameses Sesostris Sampson Low & Co.

ZOROASTER -- F. Marion Crawford Zoroaster, the Persian Religious Reformer Macmillan & Co.

AN EGYPTIAN PRINCESS -- Georg Ebers (trans.) Egypt--Amasis and Cambyses, 6th Century B. C. Sampson Low & Co.

THE FALL OF ATHENS -- A. J. Church Peloponnesian War Seeley &


A YOUNG MACEDONIAN -- A. J. Church Alexander the Great

Seeley & Co.

SALAMMBO -- Gustave Flaubert (trans.) Rome versus Carthage G. P. Putnam's Sons, and Grant Richards

THE LION'S BROOD -- Duffield Osborne Rome versus Carthage W. Heinemann

LORDS OF THE WORLD -- A. J. Church Rome versus Carthage.

Blackie & Son

THE SISTERS -- Georg Ehers (trans.) Egypt--Ptolemy Philometer, and Euergetes Sampson Low & Co.

THE HAMMER -- A. J. Church and R. Seeley Maccabaean Times Seeley & Co.

DEBORAH -- J. M. Ludlow Maccabaean Times J. Nisbet & Co. HELON'S PILGRIMAGE TO JERUSALEM -- F. Strauss (trans.)

Judaism in the Century preceding Christ J. Mawman, London, 1824 PRUSIAS -- Ernst Eckstein (trans.) The Slave Revolt under Spartacus.

Trubner & Co.

TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO -- A. J. Church Rome--Spartacus and Mithridates Blackie & Son

WOE TO THE CONQUERED -- Alfred Clark Roman Life, B. C. 73- 71 Sampson Low & Co.

A FRIEND OF CAESAR -- W. S. Davis Pompey and Caesar

Macmillan & Co.

CLEOPATRA -- Georg Ebers (trans.) Latter Years of Cleopatra.

Sampson Low & Co.