NEAERA -- John W. Graham Rome under Tiberius (A. D. 26) Macmillan & Co.

PHILOCHRISTUS -- Anonymous Memoirs of a Disciple of Christ Macmillan & Co.

BEN HUR -- Lew Wallace Rome in the time of Christ Harper & Brothers, and others

TARRY THOU TILL I COME (Salathiel) -- G. Croly Judaism and Christianity (the early struggle) Funk & Wagnalls Co.

AS OTHERS SAW HIM -- Anonymous Early Christianity (A. D. 54)

W. Heinemann

BERIC THE BRITON -- G. A. Henty Roman Invasion of Britain Blackie & Son

ONESIMUS-- Anonymous Memoirs of a Disciple of Paul Macmillan & Co.

QUO VADIS? -- H. Sienkiewicz (trans.) Rome in the time of Nero J.

M. Dent & Co.

NERO -- Ernst Eckstein (trans.) Rome in the time of Nero Trubner &


THE BURNING OF ROME -- A. J. Church Rome in the time of Nero

Seeley & Co.

ACTE -- Hugh Westbury Rome in the time of Nero Bentley DARKNESS AND DAWN -- Dean Farrar Persecutions under Nero

Longmans, Green, & Co.

THE LAST DAYS OF POMPEII -- Lytton Time of Vespasian Geo.

Routledge & Sons

THE GLADIATORS -- G. J. Whyte Melville Fall of Jerusalem W. Thacker & Co. and Ward, Lock, & Co.

DOMITIA -- S. Baring-Gould Time of Domitian Methuen & Co. MASTERS OF THE WORLD -- Mary A. M. Hoppus Time of

Domitian Bentley, 1888

QUINTUS CLAUDIUS -- Ernst Eckstein (trans.) Time of Domitian W.

S. Gottsberger