The Fat Prince and the Angry Man

Percy is a prince. He lives in a beautiful country called Pinland. Peter is his father. He is the King of Pinland. They both live in the palace.

Last summer, Percy was sad.

'You can't play with the other children in the sun,' the King said to Prince Percy. 'They are poor, but you are rich. One day you are going to be King of Pinland.'

Many poor children played outside the palace. Every day they ran, jumped and danced. Sometimes they worked with their mothers and fathers in the fields. They were poor, but they were healthy.

Prince Percy sat in the palace and ate too many cakes and ice-creams. He was a fat prince.

Near the palace there was a big, dark forest.

'Let's go and play in the forest!' said the children. 'We can climb trees.'

Some old people in the town were angry. 'Don't go in the forest!' they said. 'It's dangerous. The Angry Man lives there. He will eat you.' The children laughed. They were not afraid.