Beaugy and the Beast

Long ago, a rich young man lived in a beautiful castle. People did not like him because he was selfish and unkind. One day an old woman came to the castle and asked for some water. 'Go away!' shouted the young man.

The old woman touched him with her stick and said, 'You're a beast. Look in the mirror.' He looked and he saw an ugly beast. It had long hair, an yellow eyes and sharp teeth.

The old woman was a fairy!

'I was unkind,' said the Beast. 'But please touch me again with your magic wand. I don't want to be a beast. I want to become a man again.'

'I can't make you a man again,' said the fairy. She went away, and the Beast never saw her again. The Beast lived in his beautiful, empty castle.

A rich man lived in a big house with his three daughters. Two of his daughters were selfish and greedy. They liked parties and nice dresses, but they never did any work. The youngest daughter was quiet, good and beautiful. Her name was Beauty.

The girls' father was a merchant. He bought and sold things from all round the world. He had many ships, but one day he said, 'All my ships have sunk. We're poor now! I'm going to sell our big house. We will go and live in a little house.'