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  1. Fireman Bill has a called Desmond.

  2. Mrs Jones is a .

  3. Fireman Bill's is to put out fires.

  4. Mrs Jones put in buckets.

A girl called Ann lived on the hill. One night her house caught fire, but Ann did not know. She was asleep. Desmond saw the fire and barked at Fireman Bill. They went to the house in the fire-engine, and Bill put out the fire. He saved Ann.

Ann said, 'Why are there so many fires, Fireman Bill?'

'I don't know, but I will find out!' said Fireman Bill. 'I will help you!' said Ann.

That night Ann and Bill sat in a tree at the top of the hill. They waited. A red dragon flew over them. His name was Degsy. He was as big as a house. Smoke came out of his nose.

'Look!' said Bill. 'A naughty dragon! He started all the fires.'

Ann was angry. 'He burned my house!' she said. 'That's not nice! Let's catch him!'

Degsy landed near the tree.

"Go and talk to the dragon,' said Bill to Ann, 'and I will grab his tail.'

Ann said, 'Hi there, dragon!' and Bill grabbed Degsy's tail. Degsy saw Bill. He shook his tail, and Bill fell down. The dragon flew away quickly.