the Beast Beauty's sisters Beauty Beauty's father

  1. 'Did you bring our dresses?'

  2. 'I'll go to the Beast.'

  3. 'Now I can't have my favourite daughter with me.'

  4. 'Tell me, am I very ugly?'

Beauty lived in the castle with the Beast and they were very happy.

One day Beauty said, 'Please, can I go to see my family?' 'Put on this ring,' said the Beast. 'You'll go to sleep, and

you'll wake up at home. After seven days, put the ring on again. You'll go to sleep and you'll wake up in this castle. Goodbye, Beauty. Come back after seven days!'

Beauty was happy with her family. 'Don't go away again!' they said.

But on the eighth night Beauty saw the Beast in a dream. He was very sick and sad. Beauty put on the ring quickly. 'I'm coming back, Beast!' she said. Beauty woke up in the castle. She looked in every room, but the Beast was not there. She went to the garden and saw the Beast!

'Wake up, Beast!' Beauty said, but he did not move.

'Oh, Beast!' she said. 'I love you! Please don't die!' Beauty kissed his ugly face.

Then the Beast became a tall, handsome, young man!

'Long ago,' the young man said, 'I was selfish and unkind. A fairy touched me with her magic wand and I became a beast. Now I am a man again because you love me. Beauty, will you marry me?'

'Yes,' said Beauty.