Beauty box castle cried called kill rose stealing thief

sold forest

The girls" father went home. 'Did you bring our dresses?' asked Beauty's sisters.

He told them his story sadly.

'I'll go to the Beast,' said Beauty. 'I'm not afraid.' 'No, no,' said her father. Then he opened the box. It was

full of gold. 'The Beast has helped us. He's given us the gold,' he said. 'I'm rich again, but now I can't have my favourite daughter with me.' Beauty's father cried.

The next day, Beauty's father took Beauty to the Beast's castle.

He kissed Beauty and went away.

Beauty was very brave. She walked round the castle, and found a beautiful bedroom. She found cupboards full of beautiful dresses, and she found a rose on the bed.

She put on the most beautiful dress and put the rose in her hair.

Beauty went to the dining-room. All her favourite food was on the table. Beauty sat down. Then the Beast came in.

Beauty said, 'Thank you for my presents, sir.'

'Call me Beast! Tell me, am I very ugly? Are you afraid of me?'

'Yes, Beast, you are ugly,' said Beauty slowly, 'but you have a nice voice. I'm not afraid of you because you're nice to me.'