How Is Pollen Collected?

Pollen is the favourite food of bees, particularly the pollens of maize, sor-ghum, rape, sunflower, willow, linden, chaste tree and Chinese milk vetch. The pollens we eat are collected by bees. When bees collect pollens, they add some honey and saliva to mold it into bigger balls. A square-mesh collecter is put at the entrance of beehives and when the bees go through it into the hive, the pollens are scraped off their legs and into the collecter. The collected pollens will be dried and finally pro-cessed into medicine or a nutritious bev-erage.

  1. Sunshine Can Dry Clothes, So Why Can't It Dry Herbs?

Wet clothes dry in sunshine because the moisture in them evaporates gradually into the air under the heat of sunshine. Flowers and herbs

are living plants. In the sunshine the m can also go through stomas into the air. Why then they don't dry out? 7 The reason is the vessels of flower's and herb's roots supply moisture constantly to the leaves. However, if the roots are damaged or the earth is dry, flowers and herbs Will and wither.