Is the Lotus Root Just the Root of the Lotus?

The lotus root, though growing in the mud of a pond as roots of water plants do, is not really the root of the lotus. A real root is not divided into sections as the lotus root is. In fact, the lotus root is the stem of the lotus flower. At its section joints grow many long strings: the strings stretching down- wards develop into the real roots of the lotus, while those growing upwards, the stems. On the tops of the stems, leaves sprout and pink or white flowers bloom. When the flowers wither, soft seedpods are revealed. Each seedpod contains a dozen seeds. Breaking the pod you can get the seeds. As the seeds are difficult to sprout, instead of planting seeds, farmers like to plant lotus roots that are small,about as thick as a finger. After planting,

the top sections are nourished and grow thick and long. Finally they develop into the ordinary-size lotus roots we can buy at the market.