How Long Can a Plant Live?
The life span of plants varies, but generally speaking herbs can live from several months to over a dozen years. The "short-life chrysanthe-mum" growing in desert perhaps has the shortest fife span of only a few weeks. As it is dry and has very little rain in desert, so whenever it does rain the plants begin to grow extremely fast, blooming and yielding in a short period. The fast growth makes it possible to resist and survive the coming dryness. Woody plants have longer life spans. The vine for instance can live for 80 to -100 years; the jujube tree. for 100 to 200 years; the orange for 200 to 300 years; the China fir for 1,000 years; the cypress for 3,000 years and the redberry juniper for over 3,000 years. In Africa a dragon dracaena has already lived for over 8 000 years.