
2 ∆p

[(pk − hk γ)α1−βββA k ]

从此便知,当△p>0时,△Lα+β−1>0。亦即当△p>0时, Lk (pk + ∆p)→ Lk (p k )。再据式(7*)知,当△p>0时, Kk (pk Kk (pk )。这意味着

∧ ∧

+ ∆p)→

lim Zk (p k + ∆p) = Zk (p k )

∆p→ 0



∆ dR k

∧ α ∧ β

∧ α−1 ∧ β

R k =

dp k

∆p = Ak Lk Kk ∆p + ( pk − hk )A kα Lk

Kk ∆Lk

  • (pk

∧ α

  • h k γ)A kβ Lk

∧ β−1


∆Kk − W∆Lk − I∆Kk


结合前面的分析,显然,当△p>0 时,△Rk>0。这样,我们从式(9)便知, 当△pi>0 时(i=1,2,⋯,n),R(p1+△p1,p2+△p2,⋯,pn+△pn,r)>R(p1,p2,⋯ pn,r)。这也意味着,当△pi>0(i=1,2,⋯,n)时,Σk(p1+Δp1,p2+Δp2,⋯ pn+Δpn,)>∑k(p1,p2,⋯,pn)。

现在,我们把以上分析用几何图形简单说明之(如图 2)。

式(38)表示当△p>0时,最优的劳动投入无限地接近Lk 。同样,

资本的投入量也是如此。推论出的式(39)、式(40)说明,与价格(p+△p)相应的 i,j,k 的地租出价曲线,当其增量△p>0 时,无限地接近与价格 P 相应的地租出价曲线。进而,它们的地租无限地接近折线 ABCD,作物的分布无限地接近与(p1,p2,⋯,pn)相对应的空间图形。


→ →


∆p2 →0

S(p1 + ∆p1 , p2 + ∆p 2 ,

p n + ∆pn , ) = S (p1 , p2 ,

pn ) (41)

即 S(p1 , p2 ,


pn )在pi >0(i = 1,2, , n)上连续。

→ →

记D = (D1,D2 , ,Dn ) = D(P1,P2 , ,Pn ) (42)

从式(35)我们便可知道D 在Pi >0(i = 1,2, ,n)上连续。

同时当 Pi→0 时,Di→∞;而且 Pi→∞,Di→0(i=1,2,⋯,n)。

从式(6)、(7)、(8)、(9)、(10)可知,当 pi→0 时,Si>0;当 Pi→∞时, Si→∞(i=1,2,⋯,n)。


→ →

lim( S− D) = −∞



(i = 1,2, , n)

→ →

lim(S − D) = +∞



(i = 1,2, , n)

由于→ → * → *

S , D 的连续性,一定存在pi >0(i = 1,2, ,n),使 S (p1,

p* , , *

→ * * * * * n

2 pn ) = D(p1 , p2 ,

pn ), 并且在( p1 , p 2 ,

p n )下, 对应一个杜能




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The Von Thünen model in the Framework of General Equilibrium Liang Jinshe


The objective of this paper is to put the von Thünen model, which is a paradigm of the commercial agriculture, into the framework of general equilibrium analysis. Thereby, not only some presumed conditions are rejected but also some comparative static studies could be born.A typical characteristic of our model is that the supply of agricultural products is related to both their prices and spatial context. The income of households is divided into the expenditure foreach aricultural good. and the expenditure for one composite good (including industrial, housing, commuting, savings, etc). Its utility is expressed by logarithm, maximization of which subject to the budget constraint yields demand functions. The continuity of the functions of supply and demand is also studied, and by the balance of them the equilibrium prices are determined.