Why Can Camels Go Without Water?

Some people say camels are not afraid of thirst because there is a big water sac within their body. But this is not true. Actually, it is because camels have a special ability to save water. They have a special nostril in which there are many thin, winding passages. Usually, these passages are wet by the fluid produced by the body. As soon as the body is short of water, all these passages stop secreting fluid d become hard on the surface. This surface can absorb water pro-

duced by the lung. In this way, water is kept within the body. When breathing, the lung uses the water just absorbed by the hard nostril, making full and repeated use of the water within the body. This is why camels are not afraid of thirst. Because of this special ability, camels can live well without drinking water for several consecutive days. So, they are regarded as the transportation tools of the deserts.