Where Do Butterflies Go on Rainy Days?

When the sky is dear, butterflies fly back and forth in the flowering shrubs. But when it rains, they disappear. Where are they in rainy days? They hide in the stems of flowers and grass or on the back of leaves. They dose their wings and hang themselves by the feet so that the rain drops can't hit them. Be sides, the underside of their wings are a dull colour, so they are not easily found.

Knowledge Series Questions About Animals Edited by

Chen Xiaor Yi Xingying Li Shufen Pictures by

Shi Wei


First Edition 1995

Writttn by

Yu Puzeng, Wang Yajun, Ye Xiaomo, Lu Jin, Liu Youjia, Li Yupei, Li Jianmin, Chen Xiaoyi, Chen Qiuying, Zhang Gai, Zhang Bowen, Wu Shunde, Yang Enjun, Fan Zhengxiang, Yi Xingying, Yue Mingyi, Jin Erunei, Shi Hu, Yao Dali, Hao Shangqin, Guo Chongyou, Huang Tianxiang, Huang Tingyuan, Cao Jiajing, Pan Xiaogao.

ISBN 0-8351-2880-6

ISBN 7-80051-849-3

Dolphin Books, Beiiin& 1995 Published by Dolphin Books

24 Baiwanzhuang Road, Beijing 100037, China Distributed by China Intemational Book Trading Corporation

35 Chegongzhuang Xilu, Beijing 100044, China

P.O. Box 399, Beijing, China Printed in the People's Republic of China