(The word "vapor" used in general for water, ice, atmosphere, etc.)

  1. Space without beginning or end, filled with unmaterial and material

    life. The material is in motion by the currents of unmaterial life.

  2. The material is in perfect bodies, imperfect bodies, and

    unconcentrated material.

  3. Perfect bodies group into constellation, called sun's planets,

    planetoids, and moons.

  4. Imperfect bodies are comets, called periodic and parabolic comets.

  5. Unconcentrated material called Milky Ways, and rings such as are

    around Saturn.

  6. The unmaterial life currents run in every conceivable manner. I will

    call the currents carrying constellation sun currents, planet currents, planetoid currents, moon currents, and comet currents, respectively.

Milky ways eddys.

  1. Saturn is the only body we know which has an unconcentrated

    obsequious attendant. Such rings may appear around constellations, planets, moons, etc.

These rings can be accounted for in two ways,--first, the material never being concentrated; second, by two or more bodies coming together and throwing the bodies into atoms.

  1. Suck, or Nebula, currents form in the Milky ways (the same as two or

    more currents of air coming together and making a whirlwind), which concentrates the material into bodies, thus forming constellations and comets; also rings such as are around Saturn.

If a constellation is formed its current is called sun current, and here it continues to whirl with all its subordinate currents, planet, planetoid, and moon.

  1. Comets are caused by sun currents' pressure forcing the suck

    currents at a great speed, and forces the comet current to pass through sun currents. Some comets pass in and out of their sun currents at regular

intervals and are called periodic, i.e., its orbit is an ellipse.

Comets that are parabolic will never return to their starting point and travel wild.

Bodies may be destroyed by suck currents carrying bodies in collision with each other; if the bodies are equal size, will throw the material into atoms. If a small and large body come in collision the small body will bury itself in the greater. Bodies thrown into atoms, the atoms may continue to be carried by its respective current (as rings around Saturn), or the atoms may be forced beyond its current and pass as shooting stars to other bodies or milky ways.

  1. Nebula is the suck current in the process of condensing material

    into bodies. Can be seen in Milky Way with naked eve.

[Figures: two line drawings, captioned as follows. "The solar system." "The sun."]