
  1. 在正确的句子旁打“√”,在错误的句子旁边打“×”。

    1. √ e)×

    2. √ f)×

    3. √ g)√ d)√

  2. 努卡是个因纽特人。他 80 岁了,他正在给他的孙子孙女们讲过

去的事。看下面的图画,说出关于每幅图画努卡都讲了些什么。在下面的横线上写出答案。每句话都用“When I was young, we used to ⋯” 开头。

  1. When I was young, we used to wear thick, warm sealskin clothes.

  2. When I was young, we used to make sealskin boats.

  3. When I was young ,we used to build igloos.