The following personages appear in other stories of the Human Comedy.

Ajuda-Pinto, Marquis Miguel d' Father Goriot Scenes from a Courtesan's Life Beatrix

Arthez, Daniel d' A Distinguished Provincial at Paris Letters of Two Brides The Member for Arcis

Bianchon, Horace Father Goriot The Atheist's Mass Cesar Birotteau The Commission in Lunacy Lost Illusions A Distinguished Provincial at Paris A Bachelor's Establishment The Government Clerks Pierrette A Study of Woman Scenes from a Courtesan's Life Honorine The Seamy Side of History The Magic Skin A Second Home A Prince of Bohemia Letters of Two Brides The Muse of the Department The Imaginary Mistress The Middle Classes Cousin Betty The Country Parson In addition, M. Bianchon narrated the following: Another Study of Woman La Grande Breteche

Blondet, Emile Jealousies of a Country Town A Distinguished Provincial at Paris Scenes from a Courtesan's Life Modeste Mignon Another Study of Woman A Daughter of Eve The Firm of Nucingen The Peasantry

Blondet, Virginie Jealousies of a Country Town The Peasantry A Distinguished Provincial at Paris Another Study of Woman The Member for Arcis A Daughter of Eve

Cadignan, Prince de Modeste Mignon

Chrestien, Michel A Bachelor's Establishment A Distinguished Provincial at Paris

Cinq-Cygne, Laurence, Comtesse (afterwards Marquise de) The Gondreville Mystery The Seamy Side of History The Member for Arcis

Dudley, Lady Arabella The Lily of the Valley The Ball at Sceaux The Magic Skin A Daughter of Eve Letters of Two Brides

Esgrignon, Victurnien, Comte (then Marquis d') Jealousies of a Country Town Letters of Two Brides A Man of Business Cousin Betty

Espard, Chevalier d' The Commission in Lunacy Scenes from a Courtesan's Life

Espard, Jeanne-Clementine-Athenais de Blamont-Chauvry, Marquise d' The Commission in Lunacy A Distinguished Provincial at Paris Scenes from a Courtesan's Life Letters of Two Brides Another Study of Woman The Gondreville Mystery A Daughter of Eve Beatrix

Galathionne, Prince and Princess (both not in each story) The Middle Classes Father Goriot A Distinguished Provincial at Paris A Daughter of Eve Beatrix

Giraud, Leon A Distinguished Provincial at Paris A Bachelor's Establishment The Unconscious Humorists

Marsay, Henri de The Thirteen The Unconscious Humorists Another Study of Woman The Lily of the Valley Father Goriot Jealousies of a Country Town Ursule Mirouet A Marriage Settlement Lost Illusions A Distinguished Provincial at Paris Letters of Two Brides The Ball at Sceaux Modest Mignon The Gondreville Mystery A Daughter of Eve

Maufrigneuse, Duc de A Start in Life A Bachelor's Establishment Scenes from a Courtesan's Life

Maufrigneuse, Duchesse de Modeste Mignon Jealousies of a Country Town The Muse of the Department Scenes from a Courtesan's Life Letters of Two Brides Another Study of Woman The Gondreville Mystery The Member for Arcis

Maufrigneuse, Georges de The Gondreville Mystery Beatrix The Member for Arcis

Mirbel, Madame de Letters of Two Brides Scenes from a Courtesan's Life

Nathan, Raoul Lost Illusions A Distinguished Provincial at Paris Scenes from a Courtesan's Life A Daughter of Eve Letters of Two Brides The Seamy Side of History The Muse of the Department A Prince of Bohemia A Man of Business The Unconscious


Navarreins, Duc de A Bachelor's Establishment Colonel Chabert The Muse of the Department The Thirteen Jealousies of a Country Town The Peasantry Scenes from a Courtesan's Life The Country Parson The Magic Skin The Gondreville Mystery Cousin Betty

Nucingen, Baron Frederic de The Firm of Nucingen Father Goriot Pierrette Cesar Birotteau Lost Illusions A Distinguished Provincial at Paris Scenes from a Courtesan's Life Another Study of Woman A Man of Business Cousin Betty The Muse of the Department The Unconscious Humorists

Rastignac, Eugene de Father Goriot A Distinguished Provincial at Paris Scenes from a Courtesan's Life The Ball at Sceaux The Interdiction A Study of Woman Another Study of Woman The Magic Skin A Daughter of Eve The Gondreville Mystery The Firm of Nucingen Cousin Betty The Member for Arcis The Unconscious Humorists

Rochefide, Marquise de Beatrix A Daughter of Eve Sarrasine A Prince of Bohemia

Tillet, Ferdinand du Cesar Birotteau The Firm of Nucingen The Middle Classes A Bachelor's Establishment Pierrette Melmoth Reconciled A Distinguished Provincial at Paris A Daughter of Eve The Member for Arcis Cousin Betty The Unconscious Humorists

Toby (Joby, Paddy) The Firm of Nucingen

Trailles, Comte Maxime de Cesar Birotteau Father Goriot Gobseck Ursule Mirouet A Man of Business The Member for Arcis Cousin Betty The Member for Arcis Beatrix The Unconscious Humorists

Vandenesse, Comte Felix de The Lily of the Valley Lost Illusions A Distinguished Provincial at Paris Cesar Birotteau Letters of Two Brides A Start in Life The Marriage Settlement Another Study of Woman The Gondreville Mystery A Daughter of Eve