William Shakespeare
Dramatis Personae
LEONTES, King of Sicilia MAMILLIUS, his son, the young Prince of Sicilia CAMILLO, lord of Sicilia ANTIGONUS, " " " CLEOMENES, " " " DION, " " " POLIXENES, King of Bohemia FLORIZEL, his son, Prince of Bohemia ARCHIDAMUS, a lord of Bohemia OLD SHEPHERD, reputed father of Perdita CLOWN, his son AUTOLYCUS, a rogue A MARINER A GAOLER TIME, as Chorus
HERMIONE, Queen to Leontes PERDITA, daughter to Leontes and Hermione PAULINA, wife to Antigonus EMILIA, a lady attending on the Queen MOPSA, shepherdess DORCAS, "
Other Lords, Gentlemen, Ladies, Officers, Servants, Shepherds, Shepherdesses
Scene: Sicilia and Bohemia