Chapter IV. Reinforcements.

The "Second Company".

Before David Nitschmann, the "Hausmeister", left London, after the sailing of the first Moravian company for Georgia, he presented to the Trustees a series of propositions, the acceptance of which would open the way for a large increase of Moravian emigration. The proposals were, in brief, that the Trustees should give credit to the Moravians to the extent of 500 Pounds sterling, which, deducting the 60 Pounds advanced to the first company, would provide passage money and a year's provision for fifty- five more of Count Zinzendorf's "servants", the loan to be repaid, without interest, in five years, and to bear interest at the usual rate if payment was longer deferred.He also suggested that the money, when repaid, should be again advanced for a like purpose.

In addition he requested that each man of twenty-one years, or over, should be granted fifty acres near Count Zinzendorf's tract.

The Trustees were pleased to approve of these proposals, and promised the desired credit, with the further favor that if the debt was not paid within five years it should draw interest at eight per cent. only, instead of ten per cent., the customary rate in South Carolina.

During the summer, therefore, a second company prepared to follow the pioneers to the New World.On the 5th of August, 1735, two parties left Herrnhut, one consisting of three young men, and the other of thirteen men, women and children, who were joined at Leipzig by Jonas Korte, who went with them to London.On August 8th, five more persons left Herrnhut, under the leadership of David Nitschmann, the Bishop, who was to take the second company to Georgia, organize their congregation, and ordain their pastor.

This David Nitschmann, a carpenter by trade, was a companion of David Nitschmann, the "Hausmeister", and John Toeltschig, when they left Moravia in the hope of re-establishing the Unitas Fratrum, and with them settled at Herrnhut, and became one of the influential members of the

community.When missionaries were to be sent to the Danish West Indies, Nitschmann and Leonard Dober went on foot to Copenhagen (August 21st, 1732), and sailed from there, Nitschmann paying their way by his work as ship's carpenter. By the same handicraft he supported himself and his companion for four months on the island of St. Thomas, where they preached to the negro slaves, and then, according to previous arrangement, he left Dober to continue the work, and returned to Germany.In 1735, it was decided that Bishop Jablonski, of Berlin, and Bishop Sitkovius, of Poland, who represented the Episcopate of the ancient Unitas Fratrum, should consecrate one of the members of the renewed Unitas Fratrum at Herrnhut, linking the Church of the Fathers with that of their descendents, and enabling the latter to send to the Mission field ministers whose ordination could not be questioned by other denominations, or by the civil authorities.David Nitschmann, then one of the Elders at Herrnhut, was chosen to receive consecration, the service being performed, March 13th, by Bishop Jablonski, with the written concurrence of Bishop Sitkovius.

The three parties from Herrnhut met at Magdeburg on August 13th, proceeding from there to Hamburg by boat, and at Altona, the sea-port of Hamburg, they found ten more colonists who had preceded them. Here also they were joined by Christian Adolph von Hermsdorf, who went with them to Georgia as "a volunteer".Apparently Lieutenant Hermsdorf wanted the position of Zinzendorf's Agent in Georgia, for the Count wrote to him on the 19th of August, agreeing that he should go with the Moravians, at their expense, but saying that if he desired office he must first prove himself worthy of it by service with and for the others, even as the Count had always done.If the reports from Georgia justified it, the Count promised to send him proper powers later, and to find a good opportunity for his wife to follow him.Rosina Schwarz and her child, who had come with them to Hamburg to meet her husband, returned with him to their home in Holstein; and on account of Rosina Neubert's serious illness, she and her husband reluctantly agreed to leave the company, and wait for another opportunity to go to Georgia.In 1742 they carried out their intention of emigrating to America, though it was to Pennsylvania, and not to Georgia.

The "second company", therefore, consisted of twenty-five persons:David Nitschmann, the Bishop. Christian Adolph von Hermsdorf, a volunteer. John Andrew Dober, a potter. David Zeisberger. David Tanneberger, a shoemaker. John Tanneberger, son of David, a boy of ten years. George Neisser. Augustin Neisser, a young lad, brother of George. Henry Roscher, a linen-weaver. David Jag. John Michael Meyer, a tailor. Jacob Frank. John Martin Mack. Matthias Seybold, a farmer. Gottlieb Demuth. John Boehner, a carpenter. Matthias Boehnisch. Maria Catherine Dober, wife of John Andrew Dober. Rosina Zeisberger, wife of David Zeisberger. Judith Toeltschig, Catherine Riedel, Rosina Haberecht, Regina Demuth, going to join their husbands already in Georgia. Anna Waschke, a widow, to join her son. Juliana Jaeschke, a seamstress.*

-- * Fifteen of these colonists were originally from Moravia and Bohemia. --

During an enforced stay of three weeks at Altona, the Moravians experienced much kindness, especially at the hands of Korte and his family, and Mrs. Weintraube, the daughter of a Mennonite preacher, who had come from her home in London on a visit to her father. By this time the Moravian settlement at Herrnhut was coming to be well and favorably known in Holland, and every visit won new friends, many of whom came into organic fellowship with them.A few years later, when the Unitas Fratrum was confronted by a great financial crisis, it was largely the loyalty and liberality of the Dutch members that enabled it to reach a position of safety.

On the 9th of September, the company went aboard an English boat, homeward bound, but contrary winds held them in port until the 13th, and it was not until Sunday, Oct. 2nd, that they reached London, after a long and stormy crossing, which gave many of them their first experience of sea-sickness.

Nitschmann and Korte at once went ashore to report their arrival to Secretary Verelst, and on Monday a house was rented, and the twenty-five colonists and Jonas Korte moved into it, to wait for the sailing of Gen. Oglethorpe's ship, the General having offered them berths on his own vessel. The General was out of town when they reached London, but

called on Monday evening, and showed them every kindness, -- "Oglethorpe is indeed our good friend, and cares for us like a father."

Nitschmann found a good deal of difficulty on account of the language, for he could not speak Latin, as Spangenberg had done, and knew no English, so that all of his conversations with Oglethorpe had to be carried on through an interpreter; nevertheless a number of important points were fully discussed.

On the question of military service he could reach no definite and satisfactory conclusion, and thought it a great pity that there had not been a perfect mutual understanding between Zinzendorf and the Trustees before the first company sailed. That Zinzendorf's "servants" should be free from military service was admitted by all, but Oglethorpe thought three men must be furnished to represent Zinzendorf, Spangenberg and Nitschmann (the Hausmeister), the three free-holders, and suggested that Lieutenant Hermsdorf might take one place.Nitschmann said that would not do, that the Moravians "could not and would not fight," and there the matter rested.Nitschmann wrote to Zinzendorf, begging him to come to London, and interview the Trustees, but advised that he wait for Oglethorpe's return from Georgia some nine months later.

On this account the members of the second company agreed that it would be better for them not to accept land individually, but to go, as the others had done, as Zinzendorf's "servants", to work on his tract. Oglethorpe suggested that an additional five hundred acres should be requested for Count Zinzendorf's son, and Nitschmann referred the proposal to the authorities at Herrnhut.In regard to the five hundred acre tract already granted, the General said that it had been located near the Indians, at the Moravians' request, but that settlers there would be in no danger, for the Indians were at peace with the English, there was a fort near by, and besides he intended to place a colony of Salzburgers fifty miles further south, when the Moravians would be, not on the border but in the center of Georgia.

Gen. Oglethorpe assured Nitschmann that there would be no trouble regarding the transfer of title to the Georgia lands, for while, for weighty reasons, the grants had been made in tail male, there was no intention, on

the part of the Trustees, to use this as a pretext for regaining the land, and if there was no male heir, a brother, or failing this, a friend, might take the title. (In 1739 the law entailing property in Georgia was modified to meet this view, and after 1750, all grants were made in fee simple.)He also explained that the obligation to plant a certain number of mulberry trees per acre, or forfeit the land, was intended to spur lazy colonists, and would not be enforced in the case of the Moravians.

Nitschmann told Gen. Oglethorpe of the wives and children who had been left in Herrnhut, and suggested the advisability of establishing an English School for them, that they might be better fitted for life in Georgia. Oglethorpe liked the idea, and, after due consideration, suggested that some one in Herrnhut who spoke French or Latin, preferably the latter, should be named as Count Zinzendorf's Agent, to handle funds for the English school, and to accompany later companies of Georgia colonists as far as London, his expenses to be paid by the Trustees.Of this the Trustees approved, and donated 40 Pounds sterling, partly for Nitschmann's use in London, and the balance, -- about 4 Pounds it proved to be, -- for the Herrnhut school.An English gentleman also gave them 32 Pounds, with the proviso that within four years they in turn would give an equal amount to the needy, which Nitschmann readily agreed should be done.

Various other gifts must have been received, for when the company sailed, Nitschmann reported to Count Zinzendorf that, without counting a considerable amount which Korte had generously expended on their behalf, they had received 115 Pounds in London, and had spent 113 Pounds. "This will seem much to you, but when you look over the accounts, and consider the number of people, and how dear everything is, you will understand."Unfortunately the colonists had left Herrnhut without a sufficient quantity of warm clothing, thinking that it would not be needed, but letters from Georgia gave them quite new ideas of the climate there, and they were forced to supply themselves in London, though at double what it would have cost in Germany.

In addition to these expenditures, the second company borrowed from the Trustees the funds for their passage to Georgia, and a year's provision there, binding themselves jointly and severally to repay the money, the

bond, dated Oct. 26th, 1735, being for the sum of 453 Pounds 7 Shillings 6 Pence, double the amount of the actual debt. This includedPassage for 16 men, 8 women and 1 boy,25 persons, 24-1/2 "heads". Pounds 122: 10: 0

25 sets of bed-clothes. 6:5: 0 1 year's provisions in Georgia,being 12 bushels Indian Corn,100 lbs. Meat, 30 lbs. Butter,1 bushel Salt, 27 lbs. Cheese,per head. 64:6: 3 Advanced in London for necessaries.33: 12: 6----

-------------Pounds 226: 13: 9

This was to be repaid in five years, drawing eight per cent. interest after three years, further security to be given within twelve months if requested by the Trustees or their Agent; and any provisions not used to be credited on their account.

In the matter of forming new acquaintances in London, the second company was far less active than the first had been, Spangenberg's standing and education having given him access to many people, attracting their attention to his companions.The second company profited by the friends he had made, Mr. Wynantz especially devoting himself to their service, and while Nitschmann and his associates did not reach many new people, they inspired the respect and confidence of those whom Spangenberg had introduced to the Moravian Church, and so strengthened its cause.A carpenter from Wittenberg, Vollmar by name, who was attracted to them, requested permission to go to Georgia with them, although not at their expense, and to this they agreed. A number of Salzburgers who were to go to Georgia with General Oglethorpe, though not on the same ship, were under the leadership of the young Baron von Reck with whom Zinzendorf had corresponded during the early stages of the Moravian negotiations, and the Baron called on the second company several times, offered to assist them in any way in his power, and expressed the wish that the Moravians and Salzburgers could live together in Georgia. Nitschmann doubted the wisdom of the plan, but courteously agreed to refer it to Zinzendorf, who, however, refused his sanction.

On the 12th of October, the Moravians went aboard Gen. Oglethorpe's ship, the `Simmonds', Capt. Cornish, where they were told to select the cabins they preferred, being given preference over the English colonists who were going.The cabins contained bare bunks, which could be closed

when not in use, arranged in groups of five, -- three below and two above,

-- the five persons occupying them also eating together. The Moravians chose their places in the center of the ship, on either side of the main mast, where the ventilation was best, and there would be most fresh air when they reached warmer latitudes. "The number of people on the ship is rather large, for we are altogether one hundred and fifty who are going to Georgia, but besides ourselves they are all Englishmen.""Many of them are like wild animals, but we have resolved in all things to act as the children of God, giving offence to no one, that our purpose be not misconstrued."

After seeing his companions comfortably settled on the vessel, Nitschmann returned to his numerous tasks in London.On the 24th, he came back to the ship, accompanied by Korte, who bade them an affectionate farewell.By the 27th all of the passengers, including Gen. Oglethorpe, were on board, but it was not until the afternoon of October 31st, that the `Simmonds' sailed from Gravesend.

Four Journals.

On the `Simmonds', as she sailed slowly down the Thames on her way to Georgia, there were four Englishmen, with whom the Moravians were to become well acquainted, who were to influence and be influenced by them, and through whom a great change was to come into the religious history of England. These were John and Charles Wesley, Benjamin Ingham and Charles Delamotte. The Wesleys were sons of Samuel Wesley, a clergyman of the Church of England, and while at the University of Oxford they, with two companions, had formed a little society for religious improvement, and by their strict and methodical habits gained the name of "Methodists"; both brothers had taken orders in the English Church, and were on their way to Georgia, John to serve as rector at Savannah, and Charles as Gen. Oglethorpe's private secretary. Benjamin Ingham was born in Yorkshire, and met the Wesleys at Oxford, where he joined their Methodist society.He, too, had been ordained in the English Church, and now, at the age of twenty-three, had yielded to John Wesley's persuasions, and agreed to go with him "to the Indians". Charles Delamotte, the son of a London merchant, met the Wesleys at the home of

James Hutton, shortly before they sailed for Georgia, and was so much impressed by them, and by their object in seeking the New World, that he decided "to leave the world, and give himself up entirely to God," and go with them.

For the greater part of his life John Wesley kept a Journal, extracts from which were given to the public from time to time, and Benjamin Ingham's account of the voyage to Georgia was also printed, so that the story of those weeks is quite well known.Nevertheless, something of interest may be gained by comparing these two Journals with the Diaries kept by David Nitschmann, Bishop of the Moravians, and John Andrew Dober, one of the second company.

To avoid confusion it should be noted that the difference of eleven days in the dates is only apparent, not real, for the Englishmen used the old style calendar, the Germans employed the modern one. In 46 B. C. the Roman Calendar had gained two months on the actual seasons, and a more accurate calculation resulted in the adoption of the so-called "Julian Calendar" (prepared at the request of Julius Caesar), the two missing months being inserted between November and December in that "year of confusion".By 1582, however, the Julian Calendar had fallen ten days behind the seasons, so another calculation was made, and Pope Gregory XIII abolished the Julian Calendar in all Catholic countries, dropped the dates of ten days from that year, and established the "reformed", or "Gregorian Calendar".This was adopted in Catholic Germany, in 1583, in Protestant Germany and Holland, in 1700, but in England not until 1752, by which time the difference had increased to eleven days. Following the ancient Jewish custom the Year, for many centuries, began with the 25th of March, but public sentiment came to favor the 1st of January as the more appropriate date, and it was gradually adopted. In England, however, the legal year continued to begin with March 25th, until 1752, although many people were either using the newer fashion, or indicating both, and a date might be correctly written in four ways, e.g. January 10th, 1734, old style, legal, January 10th, 1734-5, or January 10th, 1735, old style, popular, and January 21st, 1735, new style, the last agreeing with the calendar now in general use.

Bishop Nitschmann gives the outline of their religious services on almost every day, and in the translation which follows these are generally omitted; in the same way some paragraphs are left out of the Wesley Journal.Extracts from Dober's and Ingham's Journals are inserted when they give facts not otherwise noted.

====== 24 Oct. 1735.

Nitschmann's Diary.Oct. 24th, 1735.

I went to the ship, (the `Simmonds', Captain Cornish). My heart rejoiced to be once more with the Brethren. In the evening we held our song service.

(We have all given ourselves to the Lord, and pray that the Saviour may comfort our hearts with joy, and that we may attain our object, namely, to call the heathen, to become acquainted with those whom we have not known and who know us not, and to worship the name of the Lord.-- Letter of Oct. 28.)

====== 25 Oct. 1735.

John Wesley's Journal.Oct. 14th, 1735, (O. S.) Tuesday.

Mr. Benjamin Ingham, of Queen's College, Oxford, Mr. Charles Delamotte, son of a merchant in London, who had offered himself some days before, my brother Charles Wesley, and myself, took boat for Gravesend, in order to embark for Georgia.Our end in leaving our native country was not to avoid want, (God having given us plenty of temporal blessings,) nor to gain the dung or dross of riches or honor; but singly this,

-- to save our souls, to live wholly to the glory of God. In the afternoon we found the `Simmonds' off Gravesend, and immediately went on board.

(We had two cabins allotted us in the forecastle; I and Mr. Delamotte having the first, and Messrs. Wesley the other.Theirs was made pretty large, so that we could all meet together to read or pray in it. This part of the ship was assigned to us by Mr. Oglethorpe, as being most convenient for privacy.-- Ingham's Journal.)

====== 27 Oct. 1735.

Nitschmann.Oct. 27th.

Bled Mrs. Toeltschig and Mrs. Zeisberger.On deck one man was knocked down by another, striking his head on the deck so as to stun him.

In the evening we held our song service at the same hour that the English had theirs.I spoke with Mr. Oglethorpe and the two English clergymen, who asked concerning our ordination and our faith.Mr. Oglethorpe said he would be as our father, if we would permit it.

====== 28 Oct. 1735.

Nitschmann.Oct. 28th.

At our prayer-meeting considered Eph. 1, how our election may be made sure; I also wrote to the Congregation at Herrnhut.Mrs. Zeisberger was sick, and Mr. Oglethorpe concerned himself about her comfort.

Wesley.Oct. 17th.

I began to learn German in order to converse with the Germans, six and twenty* of whom we had on board.

-- * Twenty-five Moravians and the Wittenberg carpenter. --

====== 29 Oct. 1735.

Nitschmann.Oct. 29th.

Spoke with the Wittenberg carpenter concerning his soul.

====== 30 Oct. 1735.Nitschmann.Oct. 30th.

We decided who should attend to various duties during the voyage, and held our "Band" meetings.(The "Bands" were small groups, closely associated for mutual religious improvement.) An English boy fell overboard, but was rescued by a sailor.

====== 31 Oct. 1735.

Nitschmann.Oct. 31st.

In the afternoon we sailed twelve miles from Gravesend.

Wesley.Oct. 20th, Monday.

Believing the denying ourselves, even in the smallest instances, might, by the blessing of God, be helpful to us, we wholly left off the use of flesh and wine, and confined ourselves to vegetable food, -- chiefly rice and biscuit.In the afternoon, David Nitschmann, Bishop of the Germans, and two others, began to learn English. O may we be, not only of one tongue, but of one mind and of one heart.

====== 1 Nov. 1735.

Nitschmann.Nov. 1st.

The English clergyman began to spend an hour teaching us English. In the early service we read concerning new life in the soul; the preceding night was blessed to me, and the Saviour was near. At the evening service we spoke of earnest prayer and its answer.

(David Nitschmann, in the presence of all the members, formally installed certain of our members in office, -- David Tanneberger as overseer, Dober as teacher and monitor, Seybold as nurse for the brethren, and Mrs. Dober as nurse for the sisters. -- Dober's Diary.)

(We have arranged that one of us shall watch each night, of which Mr.

Oglethorpe approves.-- Letter of Oct. 18th.)

Wesley.Oct. 21st.

We sailed from Gravesend.When we were past about half the Goodwin Sands the wind suddenly failed.Had the calm continued till ebb, the ship had probably been lost.But the gale sprung up again in an hour, and carried us into the Downs.

We now began to be a little regular.Our common way of living was this: From four in the morning till five, each of us used private prayer. From five to seven we read the Bible together, carefully comparing it (that we might not lean to our own understanding) with the writings of the earliest ages.At seven we breakfasted.At eight were the public prayers.From nine to twelve I usually learned German and Mr. Delamotte Greek.My brother writ sermons, and Mr. Ingham instructed the children.At twelve we met to give an account to one another what we had done since our last meeting, and what we designed to do before our next.About one we dined.The time from dinner to four, we spent in reading to those whom each of us had taken in charge, or in speaking to them severally, as need required.At four were the Evening Prayers; when either the Second Lesson was explained (as it always was in the morning,) or the children were catechised, and instructed before the congregation.From five to six we again used private prayer.From six to seven I read in our cabin to two or three of the passengers, (of whom there were about eighty English on board), and each of my brethren to a few

more in theirs. At seven I joined with the Germans in their public service; while Mr. Ingham was reading between the decks to as many as desired to hear. At eight we met again, to exhort and instruct one another. Between nine and ten we went to bed, where neither the roaring of the sea, nor the motion of the ship, could take away the refreshing sleep which God gave us.

====== 2 Nov. 1735.

Nitschmann.Nov. 2nd.

We sailed further.In the early prayer service we considered Eph. 4, the unity of the Spirit, and the means of preserving the bond of peace. In the song service many points of doctrine were discussed with the English clergyman, also the decline and loss of power.

====== 3 Nov. 1735.

Nitschmann.Nov. 3rd.

A dense fog and unpleasant weather, so we lay still at anchor.

====== 4 Nov. 1735.

Nitschmann.Nov. 4th.

I visited the other ship, (the `London Merchant', Capt. Thomas) where the so-called Salzburgers are.I spend most of my time studying English.

Wesley.Oct. 24th.

Having a rolling sea, most of the passengers found the effects of it. Mr. Delamotte was exceeding sick for several days, Mr. Ingham for about half an hour.My brother's head ached much.Hitherto it has pleased God the sea has not disordered me at all.

During our stay in the Downs, some or other of us went, as often as we had opportunity, on board the ship that sailed in company with us, where also many were glad to join in prayer and hearing the word.

====== 5 Nov. 1735.

Nitschmann.Nov. 5th.

We prayed for the Congregation at Herrnhut, and also that we might be one with it in spirit.In the evening we spoke of the Lord's protection, how good it is.

There is no room for fear,The world may shake and quiver, The

elements may rage,The firmament may shiver, We are safe-guarded.

====== 8 Nov. 1735.

Nitschmann.Nov. 8th.

An (English) child died, and was buried in the sea at five o'clock.

====== 11 Nov. 1735.

Nitschmann.Nov. 11th.

The text was "The Lord is with me, therefore I do not fear."

Wesley.Oct. 31st.

We sailed out of the Downs.At eleven at night I was waked by a great noise. I soon found there was no danger.But the bare apprehension of it gave me a lively conviction what manner of men those ought to be, who are every moment on the brink of eternity.

====== 12 Nov. 1735.

Nitschmann.Nov. 12th.

(This afternoon we came near Portsmouth, and anchored. Today Dober began to study English, and learned the Lord's Prayer. -- Dober's Diary.)

Wesley.Nov. 1st, Saturday.

We came to St. Helen's harbour, and the next day into Cowes road. The wind was fair, but we waited for the man-of-war which was to sail with us. This was a happy opportunity of instructing our fellow travellers. May He whose seed we sow, give it the increase!

====== 13 Nov. 1735.

Nitschmann.Nov. 13th. Hermsdorf visits Baron von Reck.

====== 14 Nov. 1735.

Nitschmann.Nov. 14th.

We lay at anchor at Cowes on the Isle of Wight, and some of us landed. I went with Baron von Reck to Newport, one mile distant, it is a beautiful place.I conversed with Baron von Reck about the Lord's Prayer.

====== 18 Nov. 1735.

Nitschmann.Nov. 18th.

A great storm.To me the time is precious, and passes too swiftly. It is

as though we were in the midst of wild beasts, which are bound and cannot harm us.We know the Saviour stands by us, and strengthens us through the Holy Ghost.

====== 20 Nov. 1735.

Nitschmann.Nov. 20th.

One older and two young Englishmen were whipped for stealing.

====== 21 Nov. 1735.

Nitschmann.Nov. 21st.

Conversed with Mr. Oglethorpe about our ordination, Baron von Reck acting as interpreter.He was well pleased when I explained our view, and that we did not think a Bishop must be a great lord as among the Catholics.He offered to give us anything we wished, but I told him we needed nothing.

====== 23 Nov. 1735.

Nitschmann.Nov. 23rd.

The Man-of-war (`Hawk', Capt. Gascoine) joined us.A boy was beaten, and sent away from the ship.

====== 25 Nov. 1735.

Nitschmann.Nov. 25th.

Spoke with Mr. Oglethorpe about Boehner and George Neisser, who are sick and must go ashore for treatment.Boehner has a sore arm, and Neisser a sore foot.An English friend gave us a guinea to buy some things we need.

====== 29 Nov. 1735.

Nitschmann.Nov. 29th.

In the evening I prayed for a good wind, since we do not wish to lie in one place and be of no use.

====== 1 Dec. 1735.

Nitschmann.Dec. 1st.

The wind was good, we thanked God and sailed about eight o'clock. Not long after the wind fell, and we anchored, but I could not believe that we were not to go.The wind rose again, and we sailed nine miles.

Wesley.Nov. 20th.

We fell down Yarmouth road, but the next day were forced back to Cowes. During our stay here there were several storms, in one of which two ships in Yarmouth roads were lost.

The continuance of the contrary winds gave my brother an opportunity of complying with the desire of the minister of Cowes, and preaching there three or four times.

====== 2 Dec. 1735.

Nitschmann.Dec. 2nd.

About two o'clock we returned to Cowes.

====== 3 Dec. 1735.

Nitschmann.Dec. 3rd.

The women went ashore to wash our clothes.The others went with them, because we do not wish to annoy any one, and desired to be alone that we might celebrate the Lord's Supper.I could not leave the ship, but was with them in spirit.

====== 4 Dec. 1735.

Nitschmann.Dec. 4th.

(Nitschmann and Dober spoke with several of the Brethren concerning their spiritual condition.In the evening a storm sprang up which continued most of the night.Mr. Oglethorpe is ill, which reminds us to pray for him, and the English preacher, John Wesley, has promised to do the same.This preacher loses no opportunity to be present at our song service; he spares no pains to perform the duties of his office and he likes us.We wish we could converse freely with him, so that we could more carefully explain the way of God to him.-- Dober's Diary.)

Wesley.Nov. 23rd, Sunday.

At night I was waked by the tossing of the ship, and roaring of the wind, and plainly showed I was unfit, for I was unwilling to die.

====== 7 Dec. 1735.

Nitschmann.Dec. 7th.

A great storm, and we thanked God that we were in a safe harbor.

====== 10 Dec. 1735.

Nitschmann.Dec. 10th.

All hands summoned to lift the anchor.Mr. Oglethorpe called me, took me by the hand, led me into the cabin, and gave me 1 Pound for the Brethren.Later the wind was again contrary, and we had to lie still.

====== 18 Dec. 1735.

Nitschmann.Dec. 18th.

We lifted the anchor at three o'clock, but as we got under sail the wind changed again.We must stay still, but what the Lord intends we do not know.

Wesley.Dec. 7th, Sunday.

Finding nature did not require such frequent supplies as we had been accustomed to, we agreed to leave off suppers; from doing which we have hitherto found no inconvenience.

====== 21 Dec. 1735.

Nitschmann.Dec. 21st.

An east wind sprang up, and with the help of God we sailed at nine o'clock from Cowes, where we had been for five weeks and three days.

When we reached the open sea many became sea-sick.There was so much to be done that we could not hold our prayer-meeting, for our people help in all the work, and therefore the sailors treat us well, no matter what they think of us in their hearts.In the evening our song service was much blessed.

(With us went two ships, the man-of-war, and that which carried Baron von Reck and his Salzburgers.Two of the Salzburgers were on shore, and were left behind when the ship sailed, whereat their wives and children who were on board, were sorely grieved.-- Dober's Diary.)

Wesley.Dec. 10th, Wednesday.

We sailed from Cowes, and in the afternoon passed the Needles. From this day to the fourteenth being in the Bay of Biscay, the sea was very rough.Mr. Delamotte and others were more sick than ever; Mr. Ingham a little; I not at all.But the fourteenth being a calm day, most of the sick were cured at once.

====== 22 Dec. 1735.

Nitschmann.Dec. 22nd.

The wind was east, and we sailed nine miles an hour, but were all very sea-sick.

====== 23 Dec. 1735.

Wesley.Dec. 12th.

(In the forenoon we left the man-of-war, he not being able to sail as fast as our ships.-- Ingham's Journal.)

====== 25 Dec. 1735.

Nitschmann.Dec. 25th.

As this was Christmas Day we read Matt. 8 in our prayer service. The wind had died down, everyone felt much better, and it was a beautiful day.

====== 27 Dec. 1735.

Nitschmann.Dec. 27th.

At midnight there was a great storm, and the waves broke over the ship; the middle hatch was open, and the water poured in, running into our cabin, so that we had to take everything out of them until we could dry them.

====== 30 Dec. 1735.

Nitschmann.Dec. 30th.

The weather was again pleasant.

Wesley.Dec. 19th.

(Messrs. Wesley and I, with Mr. Oglethorpe's approbation, undertook to visit, each of us, a part of the ship, and daily to provide the sick people with water-gruel, and such other things as were necessary for them. -- Ingham's Journal.)

====== 1 Jan. 1736.

Nitschmann.Jan. 1, 1736.

It was New Year's Day, and Mr. Oglethorpe's birthday.

(Br. Nitschmann asked us to select a number of verses, wrote them out and presented them as a birthday greeting to Mr. Oglethorpe. It was a beautiful day, warm and calm.-- Dober's Diary.)

Wesley.Dec. 21st, Sunday.

We had fifteen communicants, which was our usual number on Sundays.

(This being Mr. Oglethorpe's birthday, he gave a sheep and wine to the people, which, with the smoothness of the sea, and the serenity of the sky, so enlivened them that they perfectly recovered from their sea-sickness.

On Christmas Day, also, Mr. Oglethorpe gave a hog and wine to the people. -- Ingham's Journal.)

====== 5 Jan. 1736.

Nitschmann.Jan. 5th.

(To-day, according to the old style, Christmas was celebrated on our ship. Br. Nitschmann spoke on the words, "Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given."-- Dober's Diary.)

====== 9 Jan. 1736.

Wesley.Dec. 29th.

(We are now past the latitude of twenty-five degrees, and are got into what they call the Trade winds, which blow much the same way all the year round.The air is balmy, soft, and sweet. The ship glides smoothly and quietly along.The nights are mild and pleasant, being beautifully adorned with the shining hosts of stars,"Forever singing as they shine, The Hand that made us is divine."-- Ingham's Journal.)

====== 10 Jan. 1736.

Nitschmann.Jan. 10th.

(We have been running for several days with the Trade winds. Here the day is two hours longer than it is in Germany at this season. The sailors wished to adhere to their custom of initiating those who crossed the Tropic of Cancer for the first time, but Gen. Oglethorpe forbade it.The weak, the children, and the sick, are well cared for, so that the nine months' old child receives an egg and some goat's milk every day.-- Dober's Diary.)

====== 12 Jan. 1736.

Nitschmann.Jan. 12th.

To-day, according to the old style, we celebrated the New Year.

====== 20 Jan. 1736.

Nitschmann.Jan. 20th.

An English clergyman asked us how often we celebrated the Lord's

Supper, saying that he thought it a sacrifice which consecrated and improved the life. We told him our view; he said he would like to visit Herrnhut.

(We re-crossed the Tropic of Cancer.-- Dober's Diary.)

====== 21 Jan. 1736.

Nitschmann.Jan. 21st.

(We are still in the Trade wind, and sail swiftly and steadily.)

We cannot thank God enough that we are all well, only Mrs. Demuth is always sea-sick when the wind rises.

====== 23 Jan. 1736.

Nitschmann.Jan. 23rd. We saw a ship.

Wesley.Jan. 12th, 1736.

(I began to write out the English Dictionary in order to learn the Indian tongue.-- Ingham's Journal.)

====== 26 Jan. 1736.

Wesley.Jan. 15th.

Complaint being made to Mr. Oglethorpe of the unequal distribution of the water among the passengers, he appointed new officers to take charge of it.At this the old ones and their friends were highly exasperated against us, to whom they imputed the change. But "the fierceness of man shall turn to thy praise."

====== 27 Jan. 1736.

Nitschmann.Jan. 27th.

(As there was little good water left the passengers were given poor water, but when Oglethorpe heard of it, he ordered that all, in the Cabin and outside, should be treated alike, as long as the good water lasted. Mr. Oglethorpe and the preacher, John Wesley, are very careful of the passengers' welfare; the latter shows himself full of love for us. -- Dober's Diary.)

====== 28 Jan. 1736.

Nitschmann.Jan. 28th.

There was a great storm, the waves went over the ship, and poured into

it. Then many who knew not God were frightened, but we were of good cheer, and trusted in the Lord who does all things well.Roscher and Mack are good sailors and not afraid of anything.

Wesley.Jan. 17th, Saturday.

Many people were very impatient at the contrary wind.At seven in the evening they were quieted by a storm.It rose higher and higher till nine. About nine the sea broke over us from stem to stern; burst through the windows of the state cabin, where three or four of us were, and covered us all over, though a bureau sheltered me from the main shock. About eleven I lay down in the great cabin, and in a short time fell asleep, though very uncertain whether I should wake alive, and much ashamed of my unwillingness to die.O how pure in heart must he be, who would rejoice to appear before God at a moment's warning! Toward morning "He rebuked the wind and the sea, and there was a great calm."

====== 29 Jan. 1736.

Nitschmann.Jan. 29th.

We read the 13th chapter of Mark at our early prayer service. The weather was a little better, but the wind was contrary. We also saw a ship which was sailing northeast.In the evening we read the ninety-eighth Psalm, the Lord was with us and we were blessed.

Wesley.Jan. 18th, Sunday.

We returned thanks to God for our deliverance, of which a few appeared duly sensible.But the rest (among whom were most of the sailors) denied we had been in any danger.I could not have believed that so little good would have been done by the terror they were in before. But it cannot be that they should long obey God from fear, who are deaf to the motives of love.

====== 1 Feb. 1736.

Nitschmann.Feb. 1st.

The weather was fine, and there was no wind until ten o'clock, when it came from the right quarter.In addition to our usual allowance the Captain sent us fresh meat, which he has done thrice already, and we do not

altogether like it, for we are content with what we have, and do not desire more.

====== 3 Feb. 1736.

Nitschmann.Feb. 3rd.

There was a great storm, which lasted all night.

Wesley.Jan. 23rd, Friday.

In the evening another storm began.In the morning it increased, so that they were forced to let the ship drive.I could not but say to myself, "How is it that thou hast no faith?" being still unwilling to die.About one in the afternoon, almost as soon as I had stepped out of the great cabin door, the sea did not break as usual, but came with a smooth full tide over the side of the ship.I was vaulted over with water in a moment, and so stunned, that I scarce expected to lift up my head again, till the sea should give up her dead.But thanks be to God, I received no hurt at all.About noon our third storm began.

====== 4 Feb. 1736.

Nitschmann.Feb. 4th.

The storm lasted all day, and the waves often swept over the ship. The storm rudder was lashed fast, and so we were driven.

====== 5 Feb. 1736.

Nitschmann.Feb. 5th.

In the early morning we had a fairly good breeze, but about ten o'clock, a storm rose, of such violence that the wind seemed to blow from all four quarters at once, and we were in danger of being overpowered. The waves were like mountains; the rudder was lashed fast, only one sail was spread, and we drove on, only the Lord knew whither. But we did not let it prevent us from holding our song service. The text given to us was Psalm 115:14, which assured us that we were blessed of God, -- may He ever bless us more and more. During the service the ship was covered with a great wave, which poured in upon us, and on the deck there was a great cry that the wind had split the one sail which was spread. There was great fright among the people who have no God; the English clergyman was much aroused, ran to them, and preached repentance, saying among other things

that they could now see the difference. I was content, for our lives are in God's hands, and He does what He will; among us there was no fear, for the Lord helped us.

(There was a terrible storm which lasted till midnight. During the song service a great wave struck the ship with a noise like the roar of a cannon.The wind tore the strong new sail in two; the people, especially the English women, screamed and wept; the preacher Wesley, who is always with us in our song service, cried out against the English, "Now man can see who has a God, and who has none."During the last eight days we have had so much contrary wind, and so many storms that we could not approach the land, though we were near it several times.-- Dober's Diary.)

Wesley.Jan. 25th, Sunday.

At noon our third storm began.At four it was more violent than before. The winds roared round about us, and whistled as distinctly as if it had been a human voice.The ship not only rocked to and fro with the utmost violence, but shook and jarred with so unequal, grating, a motion, that one could not but with great difficulty keep one's hold of anything, nor stand a moment without it.Every ten minutes came a shock against the stern or side of the ship, which one would think should dash the planks to pieces.

We spent two or three hours after prayers, in conversing suitably to the occasion, confirming one another in a calm submission to the wise, holy, gracious will of God.And now a storm did not appear so terrible as before.Blessed be the God of all consolation!

At seven I went to the Germans; I had long before observed the great seriousness of their behaviour.Of their humility they had given a continual proof, by performing those servile offices for the other passengers, which none of the English would undertake; for which they desired, and would receive no pay, saying "It was good for their proud hearts," and "their loving Saviour had done more for them." And every day had given them occasion of showing a meekness, which no injury could move.If they were pushed, struck, or thrown down, they rose again and went away; but no complaint was found in their mouth. There was now an opportunity of trying whether they were delivered from the spirit of fear, as well as from

that of pride, anger, and revenge. In the midst of the psalm wherewith their service began, the sea broke over, split the mainsail in pieces, covered the ship, and poured in between the decks, as if the great deep had already swallowed us up.A terrible screaming began among the English. The Germans calmly sung on.I asked one of them afterward, "Were you not afraid?"He answered, "I thank God, no." I asked, "But were not your women and children afraid?"He replied mildly, "No; our women and children are not afraid to die."

From them I went to their crying, trembling neighbors, and pointed out to them the difference in the hour of trial, between him that feareth God, and him that feareth Him not. At twelve the wind fell.This was the most glorious day which I have hitherto seen.

====== 6 Feb. 1736.

Nitschmann.Feb. 6th.

(The oldest sailors say they have never seen so fierce a storm as the one we had last night.The wind came from all sides at once, lifted the water from the sea, bore it through the air and cast it on the other ship, where Baron von Reck and the Salzburgers were, and so flooded it that twelve persons were kept at the pumps all night. -- Dober's Diary.)

Wesley.Jan. 26th.

We enjoyed the calm.I can conceive no difference comparable to that between a smooth and a rough sea, except that which is between a mind calmed by the love of God, and one torn up by the storms of earthly passion.

====== 8 Feb. 1736.

Nitschmann.Feb. 8th.

(There was a calm, and very fine weather, so that a boat could be lowered to visit the other ship.-- Dober's Diary.)

Wesley.Jan. 28th.

(Being a calm day, I went on board the other ship, read prayers, and visited the people.At my return I acquainted Mr. Oglethorpe with their state, and he sent them such things as they needed. -- Ingham's Journal.)

====== 9 Feb. 1736.

Nitschmann.Feb. 9th.

(The wind was again favorable to us, but there was much lightning. -- Dober's Diary.)

Wesley.Jan. 29th.

About seven in the evening we fell in with the skirts of a hurricane. The rain as well as the wind was extremely violent.The sky was so dark in a moment, that the sailors could not so much as see the ropes, or set about furling the sails.The ship must, in all probability, have overset, had not the wind fell as suddenly as it rose.

====== 10 Feb. 1736.

Nitschmann.Feb. 10th.

The whole day was stormy, and all night the waves broke over the ship.

Wesley.Jan. 30th.

We had another storm, which did us no other harm than splitting the foresail. Our bed being wet, I laid me down on the floor and slept sound till morning.

====== 12 Feb. 1736.

Nitschmann.Feb. 12th.(We were obliged to drift, because we did not know how far we were from land. About noon we sighted three ships, sailed toward them, and saw they were English; our sailors lowered the boat, we wrote in haste, and sent letters to Herrnhut.The ships came from Charlestown, and told us we were thirty hours' run from Georgia.-- Dober's Diary.)

Wesley.Feb. 1st, Sunday.

(Three sails appearing, we made up toward them, and got what letters we could write, in hopes some of them might be bound for England. One of them, that was bound for London, made towards us, and we put our letters on board her.-- Ingham's Journal.)

====== 13 Feb. 1736.

Nitschmann.Feb. 13th.

To-day we had another storm, and twice saw the ocean not far from us, drawn up like smoke, so that the water reached up to the clouds, and the ship would have been in great danger if it had struck us.

====== 14 Feb. 1736.

Nitschmann.Feb. 14th.

Soundings toward evening showed twenty-eight fathoms of water, and we hope to see land to-morrow.

====== 15 Feb. 1736.

Nitschmann.Feb. 15th.

About two o'clock we saw land.I climbed the mast, and poured out my heart to God, thanking Him, and praying that He would care for us in our new home. We anchored for the night.

Wesley.Feb. 4th, Wednesday.

About noon the trees were visible from the mast, and in the afternoon from the main deck.In the Evening Lesson were these words, "A great door, and effectual, is opened," O let no one shut it!

====== 16 Feb. 1736.

Nitschmann.Feb. 16th.

It was a beautiful day, and the land looked very fair. At two o'clock we reached Tybee, and were all very happy. The song service was blessed, and we thanked God with prayer and praise.

Wesley.Feb. 5th.

Between two and three in the afternoon God brought us all safe into the Savannah River.We cast anchor near Tybee Island, where the grove of pines, running along the shore, made an agreeable prospect, showing, as it were, the bloom of spring in the depths of winter.

====== 17 Feb. 1736.

Nitschmann.Feb. 17th.

I went on shore with Mr. Oglethorpe, and we together fell on our knees and thanked God, and then took a boat to Savannah.I went at once to the Brethren, and we rejoiced to meet again.I found the Brethren well, and

looked with wonder at what they had accomplished, went with Toeltschig and Spangenberg to the garden, and also received letters from Herrnhut.Spangenberg had to go immediately to Mr. Oglethorpe to discuss many things with him.

Wesley.Feb. 6th, Friday.

About eight in the morning we first set foot on American ground. It was a small, uninhabited island, (Peeper Island), over against Tybee. Mr. Oglethorpe led us to a rising ground, where we all kneeled down to give thanks.He then took boat for Savannah.When the rest of the people were come on shore, we called our little flock together to prayers. Several parts of the Second Lesson (Mark 6) were wonderfully suited to the occasion.====== 18 Feb. 1736.

Nitschmann.Feb. 18th.

(About six o'clock in the evening, Br. Spangenberg came from Savannah to us, which made us very glad and thankful.He told us of the death of Br. Riedel, and held the song service, praying and thanking God for having brought us together again.-- Dober's Diary.)

Wesley.Feb. 7th.

Mr. Oglethorpe returned from Savannah with Mr. Spangenberg, one of the pastors of the Germans.I soon found what spirit he was of; and asked his advice with regard to my own conduct.

====== 19 & 20 Feb. 1736.

Nitschmann.Feb. 19th and 20th.

(We waited for the small vessel that was to come for us. Br.

Spangenberg held the prayer and song services.-- Dober's Diary.)

Wesley.Feb. 9th.I asked Mr. Spangenberg many questions, both concerning himself and the church at Herrnhut.

====== 21 Feb. 1736.

Nitschmann.Feb. 21st.

(The small vessel came; we had much rain, and the wind was so strong against us that we had to spend the night on the transport. -- Dober's


====== 22 Feb. 1736.

Nitschmann.Feb. 22nd.

(In the afternoon we reached Savannah, where we were lodged in the house which the Brethren who came a year ago have built in the town. The Lord has done all things well, and has turned to our good all that has befallen us, even when we did not understand His way, and has laid His blessing upon our journey, -- thanks be unto Him. -- Dober's Diary.)

====== 27 Feb. 1736.

Wesley.Feb. 16th.

Mr. Oglethorpe set out for the new settlement on the Altamahaw River. He took with him fifty men, besides Mr. Ingham, Mr. Hermsdorf, and three Indians.

====== 6 Mar. 1736.

Wesley.Feb. 24th, Tuesday.

Mr. Oglethorpe returned.The day following I took my leave of most of the passengers of the ship.In the evening I went to Savannah.