
  1. Works. II. Single Works. III. Contributions to Magazines. IV.

    Printed Letters. V. Selections. VI. Appendix -- Biography, Criticism, etc. Magazine Articles. VII. Chronological List of Works.

  1. Works.

Poems. 2 vols. A new edition. London, 1849, 16mo. Vol. 1: Paracelsus; Pippa Passes, a Drama; King Victor and King Charles, a Tragedy; Colombe's Birthday, a Play. Vol. 2: A Blot in the 'Scutcheon, a

Tragedy; The Return of the Druses, a Tragedy; Luria, a Tragedy; A Soul's Tragedy; Dramatic Romances and Lyrics.

The Poetical Works of Robert Browning. Third edition. 3 vols. London, 1863, 8vo. Vol. 1: Lyrics; Romances; Men and Women. Vol. 2: Tragedies and other Plays. Vol. 3: Paracelsus; Christmas Eve and Easter Day; Sordello.

The Poetical Works of Robert Browning. 6 vols. London, 1868, 8vo. Vol. 1: Pauline; Paracelsus; Strafford. Vol. 2: Sordello; Pippa Passes. Vol. 3: King Victor and King Charles; Dramatic Lyrics; The Return of the Druses. Vol. 4: A Blot in the 'Scutcheon; Colombe's Birthday; Dramatic Romances. Vol. 5: A Soul's Tragedy; Luria; Christmas Eve and Easter Day; Men and Women. Vol. 6: In a Balcony; Dramatis Personae.

Complete Works of Robert Browning. A reprint from the latest English edition. Chicago, 1872-74, 8vo. Nos. 1-19 of the "Official Guide of the Chicago and Alton R. R. and Monthly Reprint and Advertiser."

The Poetical Works of Robert Browning. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1872, 8vo.

Vols. 1197, 1198 of the "Tauchnitz Collection of British Authors".

The Poetical Works of Robert Browning. 16 vols. London, 1888-9, 8vo. Vol. 1: Pauline; Sordello. Vol. 2: Paracelsus; Strafford. Vol. 3: Pippa Passes; King Victor and King Charles; The Return of the Druses; A Soul's Tragedy. Vol. 4: A Blot in the 'Scutcheon; Colombe's Birthday; Men and Women. Vol. 5: Dramatic Romances; Christmas Eve and Easter Day. Vol. 6: Dramatic Lyrics; Luria. Vol. 7: In a Balcony; Dramatis Personae. Vols. 8-10: The Ring and the Book, 3 vols. Vol. 11: Balaustion's Adventure; Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau; Fifine at the Fair. Vol. 12: Red Cotton Nightcap Country; The Inn Album. Vol. 13: Aristophanes' Apology; The Agamemnon of Aeschylus. Vol. 14: Pacchiarotto and how he worked in Distemper, with other Poems. Vol. 15: Dramatic Idyls; Jocoseria. Vol. 16: Ferishtah's Fancies; Parleyings with Certain People.

  1. Single Works.

The Agamemnon of Aeschylus, transcribed by Robert Browning.

London, 1877, 8vo.

Aristophanes' Apology, including a transcript from Euripides, being

the Last Adventure of Balaustion. London, 1875, 8vo.

Asolando: Fancies and Facts. London, 1890 [1889], 8vo. Now in seventh edition.

Balaustion's Adventure; including a transcript from Euripides [i.e., a translation of the "Alcestis"]. London, 1871, 8vo. Now in third edition.

Bells and Pomegranates. 8 Nos. London, 1841-1846, 8vo. No. 1: Pippa Passes. 1841. No. 2: King Victor and King Charles. 1842. No. 3: Dramatic Lyrics. 1842. No. 4: The Return of the Druses. 1843. No. 5: A Blot in the 'Scutcheon. 1843. No. 6: Colombe's Birthday. 1844. No. 7: Dramatic Romances and Lyrics. 1845. No. 8: Luria; A Soul's Tragedy. 1846.

Christmas Eve and Easter Day. A poem. London, 1850, 16mo. Cleon. Moxon: London, 1855, 8vo. Reprinted in `Men and Women'.

Dramatic Idyls. 2 series. London, 1879-80, 8vo. The First Series now in 2nd edition.

Dramatis Personae. London, 1864, 8vo. Three poems in this book were reprinted from advance copies in the Atlantic Monthly in vol. 13, 1864, viz. `Gold Hair', pp. 596-599; `Prospice', p. 694; `Under the Cliff', pp. 737, 738.

---- Second edition. London, 1864, 8vo.

Ferishtah's Fancies. London, 1884, 8vo. Now in third edition. Fifine at the Fair. London, 1872, 8vo.

Gold Hair: a Legend of Pornic. [London], 1864, 8vo. Reprinted in

`Dramatis Personae'. `Gold Hair' appeared in the Atlantic Monthly, May 1864, and `Dramatis Personae' was published on May 28, 1864.

The Inn Album. London, 1875, 8vo.

Jocoseria. London, 1883, 8vo. Now in third edition.

La Saisiaz. The Two Poets of Croisic. London, 1878, 8vo. Men and Women. 2 vols. London, 1855, 8vo.

Pacchiarotto and how he worked in distemper: with other poems.

London, 1876, 8vo.

Paracelsus. London, 1835, 8vo.

Parleyings with Certain People of Importance in their Day. Introduced by a Dialogue between Apollo and the Fates, etc. London, 1887, 8vo.

Pauline, a Fragment of a Confession. London, 1833, 8vo. There are

only five known copies extant, two of which are in the British Museum.

---- A reprint of the original edition of 1833. Edited by T. J. Wise.

London, 1886, 12mo. Four copies were printed on vellum.

The Pied Piper of Hamelin, with 35 illustrations by Kate Greenaway. London [1889], 4to. Appeared originally in `Dramatic Lyrics' (Bells and Pomegranates, No. 3), 1842.

Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau: Saviour of Society. London, 1871, 8vo. Red Cotton Nightcap Country; or Turf and Towers. London, 1873,


The Ring and the Book. 4 vols. London, 1868-69, 8vo. Now in second edition.

Sordello. London, 1840, 8vo.

The Statue and the Bust. Moxon: London, 1855, 8vo. Reprinted in

`Men and Women'.

Strafford: an historical tragedy. London, 1837, 8vo.

---- [Acting edition for the use of the North London Collegiate School for Girls.] [London, 1882.] 8vo.

---- Another edition. With notes and preface by E. H. Hickey, and an introduction by S. R. Gardiner. London, 1884, 8vo.

Two Poems. By Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning. London, 1854, 8vo. These two poems, "A Plea for the Ragged Schools of London", by Elizabeth B. Browning, and "The Twins", by Robert Browning, were printed by Miss Arabella Barrett, for a bazaar in aid of a "Refuge for Young Destitute Girls". "The Twins" was reprinted in "Men and Women", in 1855.

  1. Contributions to Magazines.

Sonnet. -- "Eyes, calm beside thee, (Lady couldst thou know!)" Dated August 17, 1834; signed "Z". (`Monthly Repository', vol. 8 N.S., 1834, p.


The King. -- "A King lived long ago." Signed "Z". (`Monthly Repository', vol. 9 N.S., 1835, pp. 707, 708.) Reprinted with six fresh lines and revised throughout, in `Pippa Passes' (1841).

Porphyria. -- "The rain set early in to-night." Signed "Z". (`Monthly

Repository', vol. 10 N.S., 1836, pp. 43, 44.)

Johannes Agricola. -- "There's Heaven above; and night by night." Signed "Z". (`Monthly Repository', vol. 10 N.S., 1836, pp. 45, 46.)

`Porphyria' and `Johannes Agricola' were reprinted in "Bells and Pomegranates", No. 3, with the title `Madhouse Cells'.

Lines. -- "Still ailing, wind? Wilt be appeased or no?" Signed "Z". (`Monthly Repository', vol. 10 N.S., 1836, pp. 270, 271.) Reprinted revised, in `Dramatis Personae', 1864, as the first six stanzas of VI. of "James Lee".

The Laboratory (Ancient Regime). (`Hood's Magazine', vol. 1, 1844, pp. 513, 514.) Reprinted in `Dramatic Romances and Lyrics' (1845), as the first of two poems called "France and England".

Claret and Tokay. (`Hood's Magazine', vol. 1, 1844, p. 525.) Reprinted in `Dramatic Romances and Lyrics' (1845).

Garden Fancies. I. The Flower's Name; II. Sibrandus Schafnaburgensis. (`Hood's Magazine', vol. 2, 1844, pp. 45-48.) Reprinted in `Dramatic Romances and Lyrics' (1845).

The Boy and the Angel. (`Hood's Magazine', vol. 2, 1844, pp. 140-142.) Reprinted revised, and with five fresh couplets, in `Dramatic Romances and Lyrics' (1845).

The Tomb at St. Praxed's (Rome 15--). (`Hood's Magazine', vol. 3, 1845, pp. 237-239.) Reprinted in `Dramatic Romances and Lyrics' (1845).

The Flight of the Duchess. (`Hood's Magazine', vol. 3, 1845, pp. 313- 318.) Reprinted in `Dramatic Romances and Lyrics' (1845).

Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley. [A fabrication.] With an introductory essay, by Robert Browning. London, 1852, 8vo.

---- On the poet, objective and subjective; on the latter's aim; on Shelley as man and poet. [Being a reprint of the Introductory Essay to "Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley".] London, 1881, 8vo. Published for the Browning Society.

---- A reprint of the Introductory Essay prefixed to the volume of Letters of Shelley. Edited by W. Tyas Harden. London, 1888, 8vo.

Ben Karshook's Wisdom. (`The Keepsake', 1856, p. 16.)

May and Death. (`The Keepsake', 1857, p. 164.) Reprinted in

`Dramatis Personae' (1864).

Orpheus and Eurydice. F. Leighton. 8 lines. (`Royal Academy Exhibition Catalogue' 1864, p. 13.) Reprinted in `Poetical Works', 1868, where it is included in `Dramatis Personae'.

Gold Hair. See note to `Dramatis Personae'. Prospice. See note to `Dramatis Personae'. Under the Cliff. See note to `Dramatis Personae'.

A selection from the poetry of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. [First series edited by Robert Browning.] 2 series. London, 1866-80, 8vo.

Herve Riel. (`Cornhill Magazine', vol. 23, 1871, pp. 257-260.) Reprinted in `Pacchiarotto and other Poems', 1876.

"Oh Love, Love": the Lyric of Euripides in his Hippolytus. (`Euripides'. By J. P. Mahaffy, p. 116.) London, 1879, 12mo.

"The Blind Man to the Maiden said." (`The Hour will Come, by Wilhelmine von Hillern. From the German by Clara Bell', vol. 2, p. 174.) London [1879], 8vo. Printed anonymously; quoted with statement of authorship in the `Whitehall Review', March 1, 1883. Reprinted in

`Browning Society's Papers', Pt. 4, p. 410.

Ten new lines to "Touch him ne'er so lightly". (`Dramatic Idyls', 2nd ser., 1880, p. 149.) Lines written in an autograph album, Oct. 14, 1880.

(`Century Magazine', vol. 25, 1882, pp. 159, 160.) Printed without Mr. Browning's consent. Reprinted in the `Browning Society's Papers', Pt. 3, p. 48.

Sonnet on Goldoni (dated "Venice, Nov. 27, 1883"). Written for the Album of the Committee of the Goldoni Monument at Venice, and inserted on the first page. (`Pall Mall Gazette', Dec. 8, 1883.) Reprinted in the Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 5, p. 98*.

Sonnet on Rawdon Brown (dated Nov. 28, 1883). (`Century Magazine', vol. 27, 1884, p. 640.) Reprinted in the Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 5, p. 132*.

Paraphrase from Horace. Four lines, written impromptu for Mr. Felix Moscheles. (`Pall Mall Gazette', Dec. 13, 1883, p. 6.) Reprinted in the Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 5, p. 99*.

Helen's Tower: Sonnet, dated "April 26, 1870." Written for the Earl of

Dufferin, who built a tower in memory of his mother, Helen, Countess of Gifford, on his estate at Clandeboye. (`Pall Mall Gazette', Dec. 28, 1883, p. 2.) Reprinted in `Sonnets of this Century', edited by William Sharp, 1886, and in the Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 5, p. 97*.

The Founder of the Feast: Sonnet. (Dated "April 5, 1884.") Inscribed by Mr. Browning in the Album presented to Mr. Arthur Chappell, director of the St. James's Hall Concerts, etc. (`The World', April 16, 1884.) Reprinted in the Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 7, p. 18*.

"The Names". Sonnet on Shakespeare. Contributed to the "Shaksperian Show-Book" of the Shaksperian Show, held at the Albert Hall, on May 29-31, 1884. Reprinted in the `Pall Mall Gazette', May 29, and in the Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 5, p. 105*.

The Divine Order and other Sermons and Addresses, by the late Thomas Jones. Edited by Brynmor Jones. With a short introduction by Robert Browning. London, 1884, 8vo.

Why I am a Liberal: Sonnet. (`Why I am a Liberal', edited by Andrew Reid. London, 1885, p. 11.) Reprinted in `Sonnets of this Century', edited by William Sharp, 1886, and in the Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 8, p. 92*.

Prefatory Note to the `Poetical Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning', 1889, dated "Dec. 10, 1887."

To Edward Fitzgerald. "I chanced upon a new book yesterday." 12 lines, dated "July 8, 1889" (`Athenaeum', July 13, 1889, p. 64).

  1. Printed Letters.

Letter to Laman Blanchard [? April, 1841], dated "Craven Cottage, Saturday." (`Poetical Works of Laman Blanchard', pp. 6-8.) London, 1876, 8vo.

Letters to Henry Fothergill Chorley on his novels Pomfret (1845) and Roccabella (1860). (`Autobiography, Memoir, and Letters of Henry Fothergill Chorley', vol. 2, pp. 25, 26, 169-174.)

Letter to R. H. Horne, dated Pisa, Dec. 4 [1846]. Another dated London, Sept. 24 [1851], signed Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. (`Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning to R. H. Horne, 1877, vol. 2, pp.

182-3, 194-5.) London, 1877, 8vo.

Letter to William Etty, R.A., dated "Bagni di Lucca, Sept. 21, 1849." (`Life of William Etty, R.A.' By Alexander Gilchrist, vol. 2, pp. 280-81.) London, 1855, 8vo.

Letter to Leigh Hunt (dated "Bagni di Lucca, 6th Oct., 1857"). (`Correspondence of Leigh Hunt, edited by his eldest son', vol. 2, pp. 264- 267.) London, 1862, 8vo.

Letter to the Editor of `The Daily News', dated "19 Warwick Crescent, W., Feb. 9," stating that his contribution to the French Relief Fund was his publishers' payment for a lyrical poem (Herve Riel). (`Daily News', Feb. 10, 1871.)

Letter to the Editor of `The Daily News', dated "Nov. 20." On line 131, "Gave us the doctrine of the enclitic De" of the poem, `A Grammarian's Funeral'. (`Daily News', Nov. 21, 1874.)

Letter to the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart, on the Poem of `The Lost Leader' and `Wordsworth', dated "19 Warwick Crescent, Feb. 24, 1875." (`The Prose Works of William Wordsworth'. Edited by the Rev. A. B. Grosart, vol. 1, p. xxxvii.) London, 1876, 8vo.

The Lord Rectorship of St. Andrew's. Letter to the Editor of `The Times', dated "19 Warwick Crescent, Nov. 19." (`Times', Nov. 20, 1877.)

Letter to F. J. Furnivall. (`Academy', Dec. 20, 1878.)

Letter to Mr. J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps, and printed by the latter in 1881.

Letter to Mr. Charles Kent, dated "29 De Vere Gardens, W., 28 August, 1889." Accompanied by a presentation copy of the 3rd vol. of the new collective edition of "Poems". (`Athenaeum', Dec. 21, 1889, p. 860).

In Berdoe's "Browning's Message to his Time", etc., London, 1890, there are a number of letters from Browning.

In the new edition of Kingsland's "Robert Browning", London, 1890, there are several letters from Browning.

[Mrs. Sutherland Orr's "Life and Letters of Robert Browning", London, 1891, includes a number of his letters, and a few fugitive poems. -- A. L., 1996.]

  1. Selections.

Selections from the Poetical Works of Robert Browning. [Edited by J. Forster and B. W. Procter.] London, 1863 [1862], 16mo.

Moxon's Miniature Poets. A Selection from the Works of Robert Browning. London, 1865, 8vo.

Selections from the Poetical Works of Robert Browning. 2 series.

London, 1872-80, 8vo.

Favourite Poems. Illustrated. Boston, 1877, 16mo.

A Selection from the Works of Robert Browning. With a memoir of the author, and explanatory notes. Edited by F. H. Ahn. Berlin, 1882, 8vo. Vol. 8 of Ahn's "Collection of British and American Standard Authors."

Stories from Robert Browning. By F. M. Holland. With an introduction by Mrs. Sutherland Orr. London, 1882, 8vo.

Lyrical and Dramatic Poems selected from the works of Robert Browning. With an extract from Stedman's "Victorian Poets". Edited by E.

T. Mason. New York, 1883, 8vo.

Selections from the Poetry of Robert Browning. With an introduction by R. G. White. New York [1883], 8vo.

Pomegranates from an English Garden: a selection from the poems of Robert Browning. With introduction and notes by J. M. Gibson. New York, 1885, 8vo.

Select Poems of Robert Browning. Edited, with notes, by William J. Rolfe and Heloise E. Hersey. New York, 1886, 8vo.

Lyrics, Idyls, and Romances from the poetic and dramatic works of Robert Browning. Boston, 1887, 8vo.

Good and True Thoughts from Robert Browning. Selected by Amy Cross. New York, 1888, 4to. Printed in blue ink, and on one side of the leaf.

The Browning Reciter: Poems for Recitation, by Robert Browning and other writers. Edited by A. H. Miles. London, 1889, 8vo. Part of the "Platform Series".

  1. Appendix -- Biography, Criticism, etc.

Alexander, William John. -- An Introduction to the poetry of Robert Browning. Boston, 1889, 8vo.

Austin, Alfred. -- The Poetry of the Period. London, 1870, 8vo. Robert Browning, pp. 38-76. Appeared originally in `Temple Bar', vol. 26, 1869, pp. 316-333.

Bagehot, Walter. -- Literary Studies. 2 vols. London, 1879, 8vo. Wordsworth, Tennyson, and Browning; or, Pure, Ornate, and Grotesque Art in English Poetry, vol. 2, pp. 338-390. Appeared originally in the

`National Review', vol. 19, 1864, pp. 27-67.

Barnett, Professor. -- Browning's Jews and Shakespeare's Jew. Read at the 54th meeting of the Browning Society, Nov. 25th, 1887. London, 1888, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 10, pp. 207-220.

Beale, Dorothea. -- The Religious Teaching of Browning. (Read at the 10th meeting of the Browning Society, Oct. 27th, 1882.) London, 1882, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 3, pp. 323-338.

Berdoe, Edward. -- Browning as a Scientific Poet. (Read at the meeting of the Browning Society, April 24th, 1885.) London, 1885, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 7, pp. 33-54.

---- Browning's Estimate of Life. (Read at the meeting of the Society, Oct. 28, 1887.) London, 1888, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 10,

pp. 200-206.

---- Browning's Message to his Time: His Religion, Philosophy, and Science. [With facsimile letters of Browning and portrait.] London, 1890, 8vo.

Birrell, Augustine. -- Obiter Dicta. London, 1884, 8vo. On the alleged obscurity of Mr. Browning's poetry, pp. 55-95.

Browning, Robert. -- Robert Browning's Poetry. Outline Studies published for the Chicago Browning Society. Chicago, 1886, 8vo.

Browning Society. -- The Browning Society's Papers. In progress.

London, 1881, etc., 8vo.

Buchanan, Robert. -- Master-Spirits. London, 1873, 8vo. Browning's Masterpiece, pp. 89-109. A revised reprint of the Athenaeum reviews of "The Ring and the Book" in December and March 1870.

Bulkeley, Rev. J. H. -- James Lee's Wife. (Read at the 16th meeting of

the Browning Society, May 25, 1883.) London, 1883, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 4, pp. 455-468.

---- The Reasonable Rhythm of some of Browning's poems. Read at the 42nd meeting of the Browning Society, May 28, 1886. London, 1886, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 8, pp. 119-131.

Burt, Mary E. -- Browning's Women, etc. Chicago, 1887, 8vo.

Bury, John B. -- Browning's Philosophy. (Read at the 6th meeting of the Browning Society, April 28, 1882.) London, 1882, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 3, pp. 259-277.

---- On "Aristophanes' Apology". Read at the 38th meeting of the Browning Society, Jan. 29, 1886. London, 1886, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 8, pp. 79-86.

C. C. S., i.e., C. S. Calverley. -- Fly Leaves. Cambridge, 1872, 8vo. "The Cock and the Bull", a Parody on `The Ring and the Book', pp. 113- 120.

Cooke, Bancroft. -- An Introduction to Robert Browning. A criticism of the purpose and method of his earlier works. London [1883], 8vo.

Cooke, George Willis. -- Poets and Problems. London [1886], 8vo.

Browning, pp. 269-388.

Cooper, Thompson. -- Men of Mark, etc., London, 1881, 4to. Robert Browning, with photograph. Fifth Series, No. 17.

Corson, Hiram. -- The Idea of Personality, as embodied in Robert Browning's Poetry. (Read at the 8th meeting of the Browning Society, June 23, 1882.) London, 1882, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 3, pp. 293-321. [Also included in:]

---- An Introduction to the Study of Robert Browning's Poetry. Boston, 1886, 8vo. [3rd ed. is now online.]

Courtney, W. L. -- Studies New and Old. London, 1888, 8vo. Robert Browning, Writer of Plays, pp. 100-123. Devey, J. -- A Comparative Estimate of Modern English Poets. London, 1873, 8vo. Browning, pp. 376-421.

Dowden, Edward. -- Mr. Tennyson and Mr. Browning. (`The Afternoon Lectures on Literature and Art delivered in . . . Dublin, 1867 and 1868', pp. 141-179.) Dublin, 1869, 8vo. Reprinted in E. Dowden's

"Studies in Literature", 1878, pp. 191-239.

---- Studies in Literature, 1789-1877. London, 1878, 8vo. Mr. Browning's place in recent literature, pp. 80-84; Mr. Tennyson and Mr. Browning, pp. 191-239.

---- Transcripts and Studies. London, 1888, 8vo. Mr. Browning's "Sordello", pp. 474-525.

Eyles, F. A. H. -- Popular Poets of the Period, etc. London, 1888, etc., 8vo. Robert Browning, by Alexander H. Japp, No. 7, pp. 193-199.

Fleming, Albert. -- Andrea del Sarto. Read at the 39th meeting of the Browning Society, Feb. 26, 1886. London, 1886, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 8, pp. 95-102.

Forman, H. Buxton. -- Our Living Poets. London, 1871, 8vo. Robert Browning, pp. 103-152.

Fotheringham, James. -- Studies in the Poetry of Robert Browning.

London, 1887, 8vo.

---- Second edition, revised and enlarged. London, 1888, 8vo.

Friswell, J. Hain. -- Modern Men of Letters honestly criticised.

London, 1870, 8vo. Robert Browning, pp. 119-131.

Fuller, S. Margaret. -- Papers on Literature and Art. 2 parts. London, 1846, 8vo. Browning's Poems, pt. 2, pp. 31-45.

Furnivall, Frederick J. -- A Bibliography of Robert Browning, from 1833-81. London, 1881-82, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, 1881-4,

Pts. 1 and 2.

---- How the Browning Society came into being. With some words on the characteristics and contrasts of Browning's early and late work. London, 1884, 8vo.

---- A grammatical analysis of "O Lyric Love". Read at the 48th meeting of the Browning Society, Feb. 25, 1887. London, 1888, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 9, pp. 165-168.

Galton, Arthur. -- Urbana Scripta. Studies of five living poets, etc.

London, 1885, 8vo. Mr. Browning, pp. 59-76.

Gannon, Nicholas J. -- An Essay on the characteristic errors of our most distinguished living poets. Dublin, 1853, 8vo. Robert Browning, pp. 25-32.

Glazebrook, Mrs. M. G. -- "A Death in the Desert". Read at the 48th meeting of the Browning Society, Feb. 25, 1887. London, 1888, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 9, pp. 153-164.

Halliwell-Phillipps, James O. -- Copy of Correspondence [between J.

O. Halliwell-Phillipps and Robert Browning, concerning expressions respecting Halliwell-Phillipps, used by F. J. Furnivall in the preface to a facsimile of the second edition of Hamlet, published in 1880]. [Brighton? 1881] fol.

Hamilton, Walter. -- Parodies of the Works of English and American Authors. London, 1889, 8vo. Robert Browning, vol. 6, pp. 46-55.

Haweis, Rev. H. R. -- Poets in the Pulpit. London, 1880, 8vo. Robert Browning. New Year's Eve, pp. 117-143.

Herford, C. H. -- Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau. London, 1886, 8vo.

The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 8, pp. 133-145.

Hodgkins, Louise Manning. -- Nineteenth Century Authors. Robert Browning. Boston [1889], 8vo.

Holland, F. May. -- Sordello. A Story from Robert Browning. New York, 1881, 8vo. Very scarce.

Horne, R. H. -- A New Spirit of the Age. 2 vols. London, 1844, 8vo. Robert Browning (with a portrait engraved by J. C. Armytage) and J. W. Marston, vol. 2, pp. 153-186.

Hutton, Richard Holt. -- Essays, Theological and Literary. 2 vols.

London, 1871, 8vo. Mr. Browning, vol. 2, pp. 190-247.

Johnson, Rev. Prof. Edwin. -- On "Bishop Blougram's Apology". (Read at the 7th meeting of the Browning Society, May 26, 1882.) London, 1882, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 3, pp. 279-292.

---- Conscience and Art in Browning. London, 1882, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 3, pp. 345-379.

---- On "Mr. Sludge the Medium". Read at the 31st meeting of the Browning Society, March 27, 1885. London, 1885, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 7, pp. 13-32.

Kingsland, William G. -- Robert Browning: chief poet of the age. An essay addressed primarily to beginners in the study of Browning's poems. London, 1887, 8vo.

---- New edition, with biographical and other additions. London, 1890, 8vo.

Landor, Walter Savage. -- The Works of Walter Savage Landor. 2 vols.

London, 1846, 8vo. Poem "To Robert Browning", vol. 2, p. 673.

M`Cormick, William S. -- Three Lectures on English Literature.

Paisley, 1889, 8vo. The poetry of Robert Browning, pp. 125-184.

Macdonald, George. -- Orts. London, 1882, 8vo. Browning's "Christmas Eve", pp. 195-217.

---- The Imagination and other Essays. Boston [1883], 8vo.

Browning's "Christmas Eve", pp. 195-217.

McNicoll, Thomas. -- Essays on English Literature. London, 1861, 8vo. New Poems of Browning and Landor (1856), pp. 298-314.

McCrie, George. -- The Religion of our Literature. Essays upon Thomas Carlyle, Robert Browning, Alfred Tennyson, etc. London, 1875, 8vo. Robert Browning, pp. 69-109.

Macready, William Charles. -- Macready's Reminiscences and Selections from his diaries and letters. 2 vols. London, 1875, 8vo. Numerous references to Browning.

Mayor, Joseph B. -- Chapters on English Metre. London, 1886, 8vo.

Tennyson and Browning, Chap. 12, pp. 184-196.

Morison, J. Cotter. -- "Caliban upon Setebos", with some notes on Browning's Subtlety and Humour. (Read at the 24th Meeting of the Browning Society, April 25, 1884.) London, 1884, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 5, pp. 489-498.

Morrison, Jeanie. -- Sordello. An outline analysis of Mr. Browning's Poem. London, 1889, 8vo.

Nettleship, John T. -- Essays on Robert Browning's Poetry. London, 1868, 8vo.

---- New edition. New York, 1890, 8vo.

---- On Browning's "Fifine at the Fair". To be read at the 4th Meeting of the Browning Society, Feb. 24, 1882. London, 1882, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 2, pp. 199-230.

---- Classification of Browning's Works. London, 1882, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 2, pp. 231-234.

---- Browning's Intuition, specially in regard of music and the Plastic Arts. (Read at the 13th meeting of the Browning Society, Feb. 23, 1883.) London, 1883, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 4, pp. 381-396.

---- On the development of Browning's Genius in his capacity as poet or maker. Read at the 35th Meeting of the Browning Society, Oct. 30, 1885. London, 1886, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 8, pp. 55-


Noel, Hon. Roden. -- Essays on Poetry and Poets. London, 1886, 8vo.

Robert Browning, pp. 256-282; Robert Browning's Poetry, pp. 283-303.

Notes and Queries. -- Notes and Queries. 7 Series. London, 1849-1889, 4to. Numerous references to Browning.

O'Byrne, George. -- Robert Browning. In Memoriam. An Epicedium.

Nottingham [1890], 8vo.

O'Conor, William Anderson. -- Essays in Literature and Ethics.

Manchester, 1889, 8vo. Browning's "Childe Roland", pp. 1-24.

Ormerod, Helen J. -- Some Notes on Browning's Poems referring to Music. Read at the 51st Meeting of the Browning Society, May 27, 1887. London, 1888, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 9, pp. 180-195.

---- Abt Vogler, the Man. Read at the 55th Meeting of the Browning Society, Jan. 27th, 1888. London, 1888, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 10, pp. 221-236.

Orr, Mrs. Sutherland. -- A Handbook to the Works of Robert Browning.

London, 1885, 8vo.

---- Second edition, revised. London, 1886, 8vo.

---- Classification of Browning's Poems. London, 1882, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 2, pp. 235-238.

[Orr, Mrs. Sutherland. -- Life and Letters of Robert Browning. 2nd ed.

Smith, Elder, & Co.: London, 1891, 8vo. Now online. -- A. L., 1996.] Outram, Leonard S. -- Love's Value. Colombe's Birthday. Act IV. (The

Avowal of Valence.) Read at the 38th Meeting of the Browning Society, Jan. 29, 1886. London, 1886, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 8,

pp. 87-94.

Pearson, Howard S. -- On Browning as a Landscape Painter. Read at the 41st Meeting of the Browning Society, April 30, 1886. London, 1886,

8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 8, pp. 103-118.

Pollock, Frederick. -- Leading cases done into English. By an Apprentice of Lincoln's Inn [Frederick Pollock]. Second edition. London, 1876, 8vo. IV. "Scott v. Shepherd (1 Sm. L. C. 477.), Any Pleader to any Student", pp. 15-19. A Parody on Browning.

Portrait. -- The Portrait. Vol. 1. London, 1877, 4to. Robert Browning, by G. Barnett Smith, 4 pages. The portrait is from a photograph by Elliott & Fry.

Portrait Gallery. -- National Portrait Gallery. London [1877], 4to.

Robert Browning (with portrait), 4th Series, pp. 73-80.

Powell, Thomas. -- The Living Authors of England. New York, 1849, 8vo. Robert Browning, pp. 71-85.

---- Pictures of the Living Authors of Britain. London, 1851, 8vo.

Robert Browning, pp. 61-75.

Radford, Ernest. -- Illustrations to Browning's Poems; with a notice of the artists and the pictures, by E. Radford. 2 pts. London, 1882-3, fol. Published for the Browning Society.

Raleigh, W. A. -- On some prominent points in Browning's Teaching. (Read at the 22nd Meeting of the Browning Society, Feb. 22, 1884.) London, 1884, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 5, pp. 477-488.

Reeve, Lovell. -- Portraits of Men of Eminence in Literature, Science, and Art, with biographical memoirs, etc. 6 vols. London, 1863-67, 8vo. Robert Browning, vol. 1, pp. 109-112.

Revell, William F. -- Browning's Poems on God and Immortality as bearing on life here. (Read at the 14th Meeting of the Browning Society, March 30, 1883.) London, 1883, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 4, pp. 435-454.

---- Browning's Views of Life. Address on Oct. 28, 1887. London, 1888, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 10, pp. 197-199.

Sharp, William. -- Browning and the Arts. London, 1882, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 3, pp. 34*-40*.

Sharpe, Rev. John. -- On "Pietro of Abano" and the leading ideas of "Dramatic Idyls". Second series, 1880. (Read at the 2nd Meeting of the Browning Society, Nov. 25, 1881.) London, 1882, 8vo. The Browning

Society's Papers, Pt. 2, pp. 191-197.

---- Jocoseria. (Read at the 20th Meeting of the Browning Society, Nov. 23, 1883.) London, 1884, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 5, pp. 93*-97*.

Shirley, (pseud.) [i.e., John Skelton]. -- A Campaigner at Home. London, 1865, 8vo. Robert Browning, pp. 247-283. Appeared originally in Fraser's Magazine, vol. 67, 1863, pp. 240-256.

Stedman, Edmund Clarence. -- Victorian Poets. Boston, 1876, 8vo.

Robert Browning, pp. 293-341.

---- Another edition. Boston, 1887, 8vo.

Stoddart, Anna M. -- "Saul". Read at the 59th Meeting of the Browning Society, May 25, 1888. London, 1888, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 10, pp. 264-274.

Swinburne, Algernon C. -- The Works of George Chapman: Poems and Minor Translations. London, 1875, 8vo. On Browning, pp. xiv-xix of the "Essay on George Chapman's poetical and dramatic works."

---- Specimens of Modern Poets. The Heptalogia, or the Seven against Sense, etc. London, 1880, 8vo. John Jones, pp. 9-39. A parody on James Lee.

Symons, Arthur. -- Is Browning Dramatic? (Read at the 29th Meeting of the Browning Society, Jan. 30, 1885.) London, 1885, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 7, pp. 1-12.

---- An Introduction to the Study of Browning. London, 1886, 8vo.

---- Some Notes on Mr. Browning's last volume. (On Parleyings with Certain People.) Read at the 50th Meeting of the Browning Society, April 29, 1887. London, 1888, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 9, pp.


Thomson, James. -- Notes on the Genius of Robert Browning. (Read at the 3rd Meeting of the Browning Society, Jan. 27, 1882.) London, 1882, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 2, pp. 239-250.

Todhunter, Dr. John. -- "The Ring and the Book". (Read at the 19th Meeting of the Browning Society, Oct. 26, 1883.) London, 1884, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 5, pp. 85*-92*.

---- "Strafford" at the Strand Theatre, Dec. 21, 1886. Read at the 47th

Meeting of the Browning Society, Jan. 28, 1887. London, 1888, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 9, pp. 147-152.

Turnbull, Mrs. -- Abt Vogler. (Read at the 17th Meeting of the Browning Society, June 22, 1883.) London, 1883, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 4, pp. 469-476.

---- In a Balcony. (Read at the Annual Meeting of the Browning Society, July 4, 1884.) London, 1884, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 5, pp. 499-502.

Wall, Annie. -- Sordello's Story retold in prose. Boston, 1886, 8vo. West, E. D. -- One aspect of Browning's Villains. (Read at the 15th

Meeting of the Browning Society, April 27, 1883.) London, 1883, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 4, pp. 411-434.

Westcott, B. F. -- On some points in Browning's View of Life. A paper read before the Cambridge Browning Society, November, 1882. Cambridge, 1883, 8vo. Printed also in the Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 4, pp. 397-410.

Whitehead, Miss C. M. -- Browning as a Teacher of the Nineteenth Century. Read at the 58th Meeting of the Browning Society, April 27, 1888. London, 1888, 8vo. The Browning Society's Papers, Pt. 10, pp. 237-


Magazine Articles.

Browning, Robert. -- Sharpe's London Magazine, vol. 8, 1849, pp. 60- 62, 122-127. -- Revue des Deux Mondes, by J. Milsand, 15 Aug. 1851, pp. 661-689. -- London Quarterly Review, vol. 6, 1856, pp. 493-501, vol. 22,

p. 30, etc. -- Revue Contemporaine, by J. Milsand, vol. 27, 1856, pp. 511-

546. -- Fraser's Magazine, by J. Skelton, vol. 67, 1863, pp. 240-256; reprinted in "A Campaigner at Home", 1865. -- Victoria Magazine, by M.

D. Conway, vol. 2, 1864, pp. 298-316. -- Contemporary Review, vol. 4, 1867, pp. 1-15, 133-148; same article, Eclectic Magazine, vol. 5 N.S., pp. 314-323, 501-513. -- Revue des Deux Mondes, by Louis Etienne, tom. 85, 1870, pp. 704-735. -- Appleton's Journal (with portrait), by R. H. Stoddard, vol. 6, 1871, pp. 533-536. -- Once a Week, vol. 9 N.S., 1872, pp. 164-167.

-- Scribner's Monthly, by E. C. Stedman, vol. 9, 1874, pp. 167-183. -- Galaxy, by J. H. Browne, vol. 19, 1875, pp. 764-774. -- St. James's

Magazine, by T. Bayne, vol. 32, 1877, pp. 153-164. -- Dublin University Magazine (with portrait), vol. 3 N.S., 1878, pp. 322-335, 416-443. -- Gentleman's Magazine, by A. N. McNicoll, vol. 244, 1879, pp. 54-67. -- Congregationalist, vol. 8, 1879, pp. 915-922. -- International Review, by G. Barnett Smith, vol. 6, 1879, pp. 176-194. -- Literary World (Boston), by F.

J. Furnivall, H. E. Scudder, etc., vol. 13, 1882, pp. 76-81. -- Critic, by J. H. Morse, vol. 3, 1883, pp. 263, 264. -- Contemporary Review, by Hon. Roden Noel, vol. 44, 1883, pp. 701-718; same article, Littell's Living Age, vol. 159, pp. 771-781. -- British Quarterly Review, vol. 80, 1884, pp. 1-28.

-- Family Friend, by J. Fuller Higgs, vol. 18, 1887, pp. 10-13. -- Graphic, with portrait, Jan. 15, 1887. -- Athenaeum, Dec. 21, 1889, pp. 858-860. -- Atalanta, by Edmund Gosse, Feb. 1889, pp. 361-364. -- Atlantic Monthly, Feb. 1890, pp. 243-248. -- Contemporary Review, by the Rev. Stopford A. Brooke, Jan. 1890, pp. 141-152. -- Universal Review, by Gabriel Sarrazin, Feb. 1890, pp. 230-246. -- Art and Literature, with portrait, Feb. 1890, pp. 17-19. -- Congregational Review, by Ruth J. Pitt, Jan. 1890, pp. 57-66. -- Expository Times, by the Rev. Professor Salmond, Feb. 1890, pp. 110, 111.

-- The Speaker, by Augustine Birrell, Jan. 4, 1890, pp. 16, 17. -- National Review, by H. D. Traill, Jan. 1890, pp. 592-597. -- Scots Magazine, Jan. 1890, pp. 131-136. -- Argosy, by E. F. Bridell-Fox, Feb. 1890, pp. 108-114.

-- New Church Magazine, by C. E. Rowe, Feb. 1890, pp. 49-58.

---- `Agamemnon'. -- Edinburgh Review, vol. 147, 1878, pp. 409-436.

-- Athenaeum, Oct. 27, 1877, pp. 525-527. -- Academy, by J. A. Symonds, Nov. 3, 1877, pp. 419, 420. -- Literary World (Boston), vol. 13, 1882, p.


---- and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. -- Leisure Hour (with portraits), 1883, pp. 396-404. -- Manhattan, by K. M. Rowland, June 1884, pp. 553-


---- and the Edinburgh Review. -- Reader, by Gerald Massey, Nov. 26, 1864, pp. 674, 675.

---- and the Epic of Psychology. -- London Quarterly Review, vol. 32, 1869, pp. 325-357.

---- and the Greek Drama. -- Manchester Quarterly, by A. S. Wilkins, vol. 2, 1883, pp. 377-390.

---- and James Russell Lowell. -- New Englander, vol. 29, 1870, pp.


---- and Tennyson. -- Eclectic Review, vol. 7 N.S., 1864, pp. 361-389.

  • Leisure Hour, Feb. 1890, pp. 231-234.

---- `Another Way of Love'. -- Critic (New York), by F. L. Turnbull, Sept. 26, 1885, pp. 151, 152.

---- `Aristophanes' Apology'. -- London Quarterly Review, vol. 44, 1875, pp. 354-376. -- Academy, by J. A. Symonds, April 17, 1875, pp. 389,

390. -- Athenaeum, April 17, 1875, pp. 513, 514.

---- as a Preacher. -- Dark Blue, by E. D. West, vol. 2, 1872, pp. 171- 184, 305-319; same article, Littell's Living Age, vol. 3, pp. 707-723.

---- as a Religious Teacher. -- Month, by the Rev. John Rickaby, Feb. 1890, pp. 173-190. -- Good Words, by R. H. Hutton, Feb. 1890, pp. 87-93.

---- as a Teacher. In Memoriam. -- Gentleman's Magazine, by Mrs.

Alexander Ireland, Feb. 1890, pp. 177-184.

---- as Theologian. -- Time, by H. W. Massingham, Jan. 1890, pp. 90-


---- as a Writer of Plays. -- Fortnightly Review, by W. L. Courtney, vol.

33 N.S., 1883, pp. 888-900; same article, Eclectic Magazine, vol. 38 N.S.,

pp. 358-366.

---- `Balaustion's Adventure'. -- Contemporary Review, by Matthew Browne, vol. 18, 1871, pp. 284-296. -- Nation, by J. R. Dennett, vol. 13, 1871, pp. 178, 179. -- Fortnightly Review, by Sidney Colvin, vol. 10 N.S.,

1871, pp. 478-490. -- Edinburgh Review, vol. 135, 1872, pp. 221-249. -- London Quarterly Review, vol. 37, 1871, pp. 346-368. -- Athenaeum, Aug. 12, 1871, pp. 199, 200. -- Penn Monthly, by R. E. Thompson, vol. 6, 1875, pp. 928-940. -- St. Paul's Magazine, by E. J. Hasell, vol. 12, 1873, pp. 680-699; vol. 13, pp. 49-66. -- Pioneer, Oct. 1887, pp. 159-162.

---- `Bells and Pomegranates'. -- Christian Remembrancer, vol. 11 N.S., 1846, pp. 316-330. -- People's Journal, by H. F. Chorley, vol. 2, 1847, pp. 38-40, 104-106.

---- Browning Society. -- Saturday Review, vol. 53, 1882, pp. 12, 13;

vol. 58, 1884, pp. 721, 722.

---- `Childe Roland'. -- Papers of the Manchester Literary Club, by the

Rev. W. A. O'Conor, vol. 3, 1877, pp. 12-25. -- Critic (New York), by J. E. Cooke, vol. 8, 1886, pp. 201, 202, and by A. Bates, pp. 231, 232.

---- ---- `Childe Roland', `Childe Harold', and the `Sangrail'. -- Papers of the Manchester Literary Club, by John Mortimer, vol. 3, 1877, pp. 26- 31.

---- `Christmas Eve and Easter Day'. -- Prospective Review, vol. 6, 1850, pp. 267-279. -- Littell's Living Age (from the Examiner), vol. 25, pp. 403-409. -- The Germ, No. 4, by W. M. Rossetti, pp. 187-192. -- Day of Rest, by George MacDonald, vol. 1, 1873, pp. 34-36, 55, 56.

---- Clubs in the United States. -- Literary World (Boston), by H. Corson, vol. 14, 1883, p. 127.

---- Day with the Brownings at Pratolino. -- Scribner's Monthly, by E. C. Kinney, vol. 1, 1870, pp. 185-188.

---- `Dead in Venice'. (Verses.) -- Athenaeum, Dec. 21, 1889, p. 860.

---- The "Detachment" of. -- Athenaeum, Jan. 4, 1890, pp. 18, 19.

---- `Dramatic Idyls'. -- Fortnightly Review, by Grant Allen, vol. 26 N.S., 1879, pp. 149-154. -- Contemporary Review, by Mrs. Sutherland Orr, vol. 35, 1879, pp. 289-302. -- Saturday Review, June 21, 1879, pp. 774,

775. -- Fraser's Magazine, vol. 20 N.S., 1879, pp. 103-124. -- St. James's Magazine, by T. Bayne, vol. 8, fourth series, 1880, pp. 108-118. -- Athenaeum, May 10, 1879, pp. 593-595. -- Academy, by Frank Wedmore, May 10, 1879, pp. 403, 404. -- Athenaeum, July 10, 1880, pp. 39-41. --

Literary World, July 23, 1880, pp. 49-51.

---- `Dramatis Personae'. -- St. James's Magazine, by R. Bell, vol. 10, 1864, pp. 477-491. -- New Monthly Magazine, by T. F. Wedmore, vol. 133, 1865, pp. 186-194. -- Dublin University Magazine, vol. 64, 1864, pp. 573-

579. -- Eclectic Review, by E. Paxton Hood, vol. 7 N.S., 1864, pp. 62-72.

---- Early Writings of. -- Century, by E. W. Gosse, vol. 23, 1881, pp.


---- `Ferishtah's Fancies'. -- Athenaeum, Dec. 6, 1884, pp. 725-727. -- Saturday Review, vol. 58, 1884, pp. 727, 728. -- Spectator, Dec. 6, 1884,

pp. 1614-1616. -- Academy, by H. C. Beeching, Dec. 13, 1884, pp. 385,

386. -- Critic (New York), Dec. 13, 1884, p. 279. -- Oxford Magazine, vol. 3, 1885, pp. 161, 162.

---- `Fifine at the Fair'. -- Old and New, by C. C. Everett, vol. 6, 1872, pp. 609-615. -- Canadian Monthly, by Goldwin Smith, vol. 2, 1872, pp. 285-287. -- Temple Bar, vol. 37, 1873, pp. 315-328. -- Literary World, July

12, 1872, pp. 17, 18, and July 19, pp. 42, 43. -- Fortnightly Review, by Sidney Colvin, vol. 12 N.S., 1872, pp. 118-120. -- Saturday Review, vol. 34, 1872, pp. 220, 221.

---- First Poem of. -- St. James's Magazine, vol. 7 N.S., 1871, pp. 485- 496.

---- Funeral of. -- Scots Magazine, by Elizabeth R. Chapman, Feb.

1890, pp. 216-223.

---- Handbook to the Works of, Orr's. -- Academy, by J. T. Nettleship, vol. 27, 1885, pp. 429-431. -- Athenaeum, Sept. 26, 1885, pp. 396, 397.

---- in 1869. -- Cornhill Magazine, vol. 19, 1869, pp. 249-256.

---- `In a Balcony'. -- Theatre, by B. L. Mosely, May 1, 1885, pp. 225- 230.

---- In Memoriam. -- New Review, by Edmund W. Gosse, Jan. 1890, pp. 91-96.

---- `Inn Album'. -- Macmillan's Magazine, by A. C. Bradley, vol. 33, 1876, pp. 347-354. -- Nation, by Henry James, junr., vol. 22, 1876, pp. 49,

50. -- International Review, by Bayard Taylor, vol. 3, 1876, pp. 402-404. -- Athenaeum, Nov. 27, 1875, pp. 701, 702. -- Academy, by J. A. Symonds, Nov. 27, 1875, pp. 543, 544. -- Spectator, December 11, 1875, pp. 1555- 1557. -- Examiner, Dec. 11, 1875, pp. 1389-1390.

---- in Westminster Abbey. -- Speaker, by Henry James, Jan. 4, 1890, pp. 10-12.

---- `Jocoseria'. -- National Review, by W. J. Courthope, vol. 1, 1883, pp. 548-561. -- Atlantic Monthly, vol. 51, 1883, pp. 840-845. --

Cambridge Review, vol. 4, 1883, pp. 352, 353. -- Gentleman's Magazine, by R. H. Shepherd, vol. 254, 1883, pp. 624-630. -- Academy, by J. A. Symonds, vol. 23, 1883, pp. 213, 214. -- Athenaeum, March 24, 1883, pp.

367, 368. -- Saturday Review, vol. 55, 1883, pp. 376, 377. -- Spectator,

March 17, 1883, pp. 351-353.

---- Kingsland's. -- Literary Opinion, May 1, 1887.

---- `La Saisiaz'. `The Two Poets of Croisic'. -- Academy, by G. A.

Simcox, vol. 13, 1878, pp. 478-480. -- Athenaeum, May 25, 1878, pp.

661-664. -- Saturday Review, June 15, 1878, pp. 759, 760.

---- Love Poems of. -- Journal of Education, by Arthur Sidgwick, May 1, 1882, pp. 139-143.

---- Lyrical and Dramatic Poems. -- Literary World (Boston), Feb. 24, 1883, p. 58.

---- `Men and Women'. -- Bentley's Miscellany, vol. 39, 1856, pp. 64-

70. -- British Quarterly Review, vol. 23, 1856, pp. 151-180. -- Rambler, vol. 5 N.S., 1856, pp. 55-71. -- Christian Remembrancer, vol. 31 N.S., 1856, pp. 281-294; vol. 34 N.S., 1857, pp. 361-390. -- Dublin University Magazine, vol. 47, 1856, pp. 673-675. -- Fraser's Magazine, by G. Brimley, vol. 53, 1856, pp. 105-116. -- Irish Quarterly Review, vol. 6, 1856, pp. 21-

28. -- Westminster Review, vol. 9 N.S., 1856, pp. 290-296.

---- Note on. -- Art Review, by W. Mortimer, Jan. 1890, pp. 28-32.

---- `One Way of Love'. -- Literary World (Boston), by C. R. Corson, July 26, 1884, pp. 250, 251.

---- `Pacchiarotto'. -- Academy, by Edward Dowden, July 29, 1876, pp.

99, 100. -- Athenaeum, July 22, 1876, pp. 101, 102.

---- `Paracelsus'. -- New Monthly Magazine, by John Forster, vol. 46, 1836, pp. 289-308. -- Examiner, by John Forster, Sept. 6, 1835, pp. 563-

565. -- Theologian, vol. 2, 1845, pp. 276-282. -- Monthly Repository, by

W. J. Fox, vol. 9 N.S., 1835, pp. 716-727. -- Fraser's Magazine, by J. Heraud, vol. 13, 1836, pp. 363-374. -- Leigh Hunt's Journal, vol. 2, 1835, pp. 405-408. -- Revue des Deux Mondes, by Philarete Chasles, tom. 22, 1840, pp. 127-133.

---- `Parleyings with Certain People'. -- Literary Opinion, March 1, 1887.

---- `Pauline'. -- Monthly Repository, by W. J. Fox, vol. 7 N.S., 1833, pp. 252-262. -- Athenaeum, April 6, 1833, p. 216.

---- Place of, in Literature. -- Contemporary Review, by Mrs. Sutherland Orr, vol. 23, 1874, pp. 934-965; same article, Littell's Living Age, vol. 122, pp. 67-85.

---- Plays and Poems. -- North American Review, by J. R. Lowell, vol.

66, 1848, pp. 357-400.

---- Poems. -- British Quarterly Review, vol. 6, 1847, pp. 490-509. -- Eclectic Review, vol. 26 N.S., 1849, pp. 203-214. -- Eclectic Magazine, vol. 18, 1849, pp. 453-469. -- Christian Examiner, by C. C. Everett, vol. 48, 1850, pp. 361-372. -- Massachusetts Quarterly Review, vol. 3, 1850,

pp. 347-385. -- Fraser's Magazine, vol. 43, 1851, pp. 170-182. -- Putnam's Monthly Magazine, vol. 7, 1856, pp. 372-381. -- North British Review, vol. 34, 1861, pp. 350-374. -- Chambers's Journal, vol. 19, 1863, pp. 91-95; vol.

20, pp. 39-41. -- National Review, vol. 17, 1863, pp. 417-446. -- Eclectic

Review, by E. P. Hood, vol. 4 N.S., 1863, pp. 436-454; vol. 7 N.S., 1864,

pp. 62-72. -- Edinburgh Review, vol. 120, 1864, pp. 537-565. -- Christian Examiner, by C. C. Everett, vol. 77, 1864, pp. 51-64. -- Quarterly Review, vol. 118, 1865, pp. 77-105. -- Nuova Antologia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, by Enrico Nencioni, July 1867, pp. 468-481. -- North British Review, by J. Hutchinson Stirling, vol. 49, 1868, pp. 353-408. -- Temple Bar, by Alfred Austin, vol. 26, 1869, pp. 316-333; vol. 27, pp. 170-186; vol. 28, pp. 33-

48. -- British Quarterly Review, vol. 49, 1869, pp. 435-459. -- Saint Paul's Magazine, by E. J. Hasell, vol. 7, 1871, pp. 257-276; same article, Eclectic Magazine, vol. 13 N.S., pp. 267-279, and in Littell's Living Age, vol. 108, pp. 155-166. -- Church Quarterly Review, by the Hon. and Rev. Arthur Lyttleton, vol. 7, 1878, pp. 65-92. -- Cambridge Review, vol. 3, 1881, pp. 126, 127. -- Scottish Review, vol. 2, 1883, pp. 349-358. -- London Quarterly Review, vol. 65, 1886, pp. 238-250.

---- `Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau'. -- New Englander, by J. S. Sewall, vol. 33, 1874, pp. 493-505. -- Examiner, Dec. 23, 1871, pp. 1267, 1268.

Academy, by G. A. Simcox, Jan. 15, 1872, pp. 24-26. -- Literary World, Jan. 5, 1872, pp. 8, 9.

---- `Red Cotton Nightcap Country'. -- Nation, by J. R. Dennett, vol. 17, 1873, pp. 116-118. -- Contemporary Review, by Mrs. Sutherland Orr, vol. 22, 1873, pp. 87-106. -- Penn Monthly Magazine, vol. 4, 1873, pp.

657-661. -- Athenaeum, May 10, 1873, pp. 593, 594.

---- `Ring and the Book'. -- Athenaeum, Dec. 26, 1868, pp. 875, 876;

March 20, 1869, pp. 399, 400. -- Edinburgh Review, vol. 130, 1869, pp.

164-186. -- Dublin Review, vol. 13 N.S., 1869, pp. 48-62. -- Chambers's Journal, July 24, 1869, pp. 473-476. -- Fortnightly Review, by John

Morley, vol. 5 N.S., 1869, pp. 331-343. -- Macmillan's Magazine, by J. A. Symonds, vol. 19, 1869, pp. 258-262, and by J. R. Mozley, pp. 544-552. -- North American Review, by E. J. Cutler, vol. 109, 1869, pp. 279-283. -- Nation, by J. R. Dennett, vol. 8, 1869, pp. 135, 136. -- Tinsley's Magazine, vol. 3, 1869, pp. 665-674. -- Christian Examiner, by J. W. Chadwick, vol. 86, 1869, pp. 295-315. -- Gentleman's Magazine, by James Thomson, vol. 251, 1881, pp. 682-695. -- St. James's Magazine, vol. 2 N.S., 1869, pp.

460-464. -- Saint Paul's, vol. 7, 1871, pp. 377-397; same article, Eclectic Magazine, vol. 13 N.S., pp. 400-412, and in Littell's Living Age, vol. 108, pp. 771-783. -- North British Review, vol. 51, 1870, pp. 97-126. --

Quarterly Review, vol. 126, 1869, pp. 328-359.

---- ---- Some of the Teachings of "The Ring and the Book". -- Poet- Lore, by F. B. Hornbrooke, July 1889, pp. 314-320.

---- Science of. -- Poet-Lore, by Edward Berdoe, Aug. 15, 1889, pp.


---- Selections from. -- London Quarterly Review, by Frank T. Marzials, vol. 20, 1863, pp. 527-532. -- Literary World, May 19, 1883, p.


---- Sequence of Sonnets on death of. -- Fortnightly Review, by Algernon C. Swinburne, Jan. 1890, pp. 1-4.

---- Some Thoughts on. -- Macmillan's Magazine, by M. A. Lewis, vol. 46, 1882, pp. 205-219; same article, Littell's Living Age, vol. 154, pp.


---- Sonnets to. -- Macmillan's Magazine, by Aubrey de Vere, Feb. 1890, p. 258. -- Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, by Sir Theodore Martin, Jan. 1890, p. 112. -- Household Words, vol. 4, 1852, p. 213.

---- Sonnets of. -- Manchester Quarterly, by Benjamin Sagar, vol. 6, 1887, pp. 148-159.

---- `Sordello'. -- Fraser's Magazine, by E. Dowden, vol. 76, pp. 518-

530. -- Macmillan's Magazine, by R. W. Church, vol. 55, 1887, pp. 241- 253.

---- ---- `Sordello' at the East End. -- Journal of Education, July 1, 1885, pp. 281-283.

---- Stories from, Holland's. -- Academy, by J. A. Blaikie, vol. 22, 1882,

pp. 287, 288.

---- `Strafford: a Tragedy'. -- Edinburgh Review, vol. 65, 1837, pp.


---- Study of. -- Overland Monthly, by Caroline Le Conte, vol. 3, 2nd series, 1884, pp. 645-651. -- Literary World (Boston), vol. 17, 1886, p. 44.

---- Two Sonnets to. -- New Monthly Magazine, vol. 48, 1836, p. 48.

---- Types of Womanhood. -- Woman's World, by Annie E. Ireland, Nov. 1889, pp. 47-50.

---- Verses on. -- Art Review (with portrait), by William Sharp, Feb. 1890, pp. 33-36. -- Murray's Magazine, by Rev. H. D. Rawnsley, Feb. 1890, pp. 145-150. -- Belford's Magazine (poem of 20 six-line stanzas), by William Sharp, March 1890.

---- Wordsworth and Tennyson. -- National Review, by Walter Bagehot, vol. 19, 1864, pp. 27-67; reprinted in "Literary Studies", 1879; same article, Eclectic Magazine, vol. 1 N.S., pp. 273-284, 415-427, and in Littell's Living Age, vol. 84, pp. 3-24.

  1. Chronological List of Works. 1833

Pauline 1835

Paracelsus 1837

Strafford 1840

Sordello 1841

Pippa Passes. (Bells and Pomegranates, No. 1) 1842

King Victor and King Charles. (Bells and Pomegranates, No. 2) Dramatic Lyrics. (Bells and Pomegranates, No. 3) Cavalier Tunes. I.

Marching Along. II. Give a Rouse. III. My Wife Gertrude. Italy and France. I. Italy. II. France. Camp and Cloister. I. Camp (French). II. Cloister (Spanish). In a Gondola. Artemis Prologuizes. Waring. Queen

Worship. I. Rudel and the Lady of Tripoli. II. Cristina. Madhouse Cells. I. Johannes Agricola. II. Porphyria. Through the Metidja. The Pied Piper of Hamelin.


The Return of the Druses. (Bells and Pomegranates, No. 4) A Blot in the 'Scutcheon. (Bells and Pomegranates, No. 5) 1844

Colombe's Birthday. (Bells and Pomegranates, No. 6) 1845

Dramatic Romances and Lyrics. (Bells and Pomegranates, No. 7) How they brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix. Pictor Ignotus. Italy in England. England in Italy. The Lost Leader. The Lost Mistress. Home Thoughts from Abroad. The Tomb at St. Praxed's. Garden Fancies. I. The Flower's Name. II. Sibrandus Schafnaburgensis. France and Spain. I. The Laboratory. II. The Confessional. The Flight of the Duchess. Earth's Immortalities. Song. The Boy and the Angel. Night and Morning. Claret and Tokay. Saul. (Part 1) Time's Revenges. The Glove.


Luria. & A Soul's Tragedy. (Bells and Pomegranates, No. 8) 1850

Christmas Eve and Easter Day. 1852

Introductory Essay to Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley. 1855

Men and Women.

Vol. 1. Love among the Ruins. A Lover's Quarrel. Evelyn Hope. Up at a Villa -- Down in the City. A Woman's Last Word. Fra Lippo Lippi. A Toccata of Galuppi's. By the Fireside. Any Wife to any Husband. An Epistle of Karshish. Mesmerism. A Serenade at the Villa. My Star. Instans Tyrannus. A Pretty Woman. "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower came". Respectability. A Light Woman. The Statue and the Bust. Love in a Life. Life in a Love. How it strikes a Contemporary. The Last Ride Together. The Patriot. Master Hugues of Saxe-Gotha. Bishop Blougram's Apology. Memorabilia.

Vol. 2. Andrea del Sarto. Before. After. In Three Days. In a Year. Old Pictures in Florence. In a Balcony. Saul. "De Gustibus ----" Women and Roses. Protus. Holy-Cross Day. The Guardian Angel. Cleon. The Twins. Popularity. The Heretic's Tragedy. Two in the Campagna. A Grammarian's Funeral. One Way of Love. Another Way of Love. "Transcendentalism". Misconceptions. One Word More.


Dramatis Personae. James Lee's Wife. Gold Hair. The Worst of It. Dis Aliter Visum. Too Late. Abt Vogler. Rabbi Ben Ezra. A Death in the Desert. Caliban upon Setebos. Confessions. May and Death. Prospice. Youth and Art. A Face. A Likeness. Mr. Sludge the Medium. Apparent Failure. Epilogue.


The Ring and the Book. 1871

Balaustion's Adventure.

Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau. 1872

Fifine at the Fair. 1873

Red Cotton Nightcap Country. 1875

Aristophanes' Apology. The Inn Album.


Pacchiarotto, and other Poems. Prologue. Of Pacchiarotto. At the "Mermaid". House. Shop. Pisgah Sights, I. and II. Fears and Scruples. Natural Magic. Magical Nature. Bifurcation. Numpholeptos. Appearances. St. Martin's Summer. Herve Riel. (Reprinted from Cornhill Magazine, March 1871.) A Forgiveness. Cenciaja. Filippo Baldinucci. Epilogue.


The Agamemnon of Aeschylus. 1878

La Saisiaz. & The Two Poets of Croisic.


Dramatic Idyls.

Series 1. Martin Relph. Pheidippides. Halbert and Hob. Ivan Ivanovitch. Tray. Ned Bratts.

Series 2. Proem. Echetlos. Clive. Muleykeh. Pietro of Abano. Doctor

----. Pan and Luna. Epilogue.


Jocoseria. Wanting is -- What? Donald. Solomon and Balkis. Cristina and Monaldeschi. Mary Wollstonecraft and Fuseli. Adam, Lilith, and Eve. Ixion. Jochanan Hakkadosh. Never the Time and the Place. Pambo.


Ferishtah's Fancies. Prologue. Ferishtah's Fancies: 1. The Eagle. 2. Melon-Seller. 3. Shah Abbas. 4. The Family. 5. The Sun. 6. Mihrab Shah.

7. A Camel-Driver. 8. Two Camels. 9. Cherries. 10. Plot-Culture. 11. A Pillar at Sebzevah. 12. A Bean-stripe; also Apple-Eating. Epilogue.


Parleyings with Certain People of Importance in their Day. Apollo and the Fates -- a Prologue. I. With Bernard de Mandeville. II. With Daniel Bartoli. III. With Christopher Smart. IV. With George Bubb Dodington. V. With Francis Furini. VI. With Gerard de Lairesse. VII. With Charles Avison. John Fust and his Friends -- an Epilogue.


Asolando. Prologue. Rosny. Dubiety. Now. Humility. Poetics. Summum Bonum. A Pearl, a Girl. Speculative. White Witchcraft. Bad Dreams. Inapprehensiveness. Which? The Cardinal and the Dog. The Pope and the Net. The Bean-Feast. Muckle-mouth Meg. Arcades Ambo. The Lady and the Painter. Ponte dell' Angelo, Venice. Beatrice Signorini. Flute- music, with an Accompaniment. "Imperante Augusto natus est "

Development. Rephan. Reverie. Epilogue.

-------- Printed by Walter Scott, Felling, Newcastle-on-Tyne