John C. Calhoun’s Remarks in the Senate(约翰C卡尔豪在参议院上的讲话)

John C. Calhoun’s Remarks in the Senate(约翰C卡尔豪在参议院上的讲话)
  • 文档评分: 4.0 (0 个有效评分
  • 文档语言: 中文
  • 章节数量:1
  • 阅读人次:66
  • 收藏数量:0
  • 整理分享:admin
  • 文档概述
    John C. Calhoun Mr. President: At the last session of Congress, it was avowed on all sides that the public debt, as to all practical purposes, was in fact paid, the small surplus remaining being nea...