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    BY MARK TWAIN PREFACE MOST of the adventures recorded in this book really occurred; one or two were experiences of my own, the rest those of boys who were schoolmates of mine. Huck...
  • 巨人百传丛书——马克·吐温

    引 言 只要提到美国文学,人们自然而然地联想起“马克·吐温”这个熟悉的名字。一个多世纪以来,马克·吐温的作品译成很多国家的文字广泛流传,成为世界人民共同的精神财富。其中脍炙人口的《汤姆·索亚历险记》《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》等都不愧为世界文学宝库中的珍品。 马克·吐温的作品很早以前就被介绍到我国。30 年代鲁迅先生为《夏娃日记》的中译本写过序文。鲁迅指出,马克...
  • 中外科学家发明家丛书:爱迪生

    爱迪生 全世界的电灯同时关闭,将会是一种什么样的景象呢?对于今天早已习惯了明亮的夜晚的人们,这简直是个荒唐可笑的想法!然而在 1931 年 10 月 18 日,把全世界的电灯同时关闭一分钟的建议,却是一项严肃的提案。因为人们要用这种形式来纪念被誉为“世界发明大王”的汤姆斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生。 令人遗憾的是,尽管电灯是爱迪生 1000 余项发明之一,但要停止照明...
  • Tom Grogan(汤姆·格洛刚)

    by F. Hopkinson Smith I BABCOCK'S DISCOVERY Something worried Babcock. One could see that from the impatient gesture with which he turned away from the ferry window on learning he ...
  • Tom Swift & His Aerial Warship(汤姆·史威夫特和他的空战)

    (or The Naval Terror of the Seas) VICTOR APPLETON CHAPTER I TOM IS PUZZLED "What's the matter, Tom? You look rather blue!" "Blue! Say, Ned, I'd turn red, green, yellow, or any othe...
  • Tom Swift & his Air Glider(汤姆·史威夫特和他的滑翔机)

    (or Seeking the Platinum Treasure) VICTOR APPLETON CHAPTER I A BREAKDOWN "Well, Ned, are you ready?" "Oh, I suppose so, Tom. As ready as I ever shall be." "Why, Ned Newton, you'r...
  • Tom Swift & his Big Tunnel(汤姆·史威夫特和他的大遂道)

    (or The Hidden City of the Andes) Victor Appleton CHAPTER I An Appeal for Aid Tom Swift, seated in his laboratory engaged in trying to solve a puzzling question that had arisen ove...
  • Tom Swift & his Electric Runabout(汤姆史威特和他的电力小轿车)

    VICTOR APPLETON CHAPTER I TOM HOPES FOR A PRIZE "Father," exclaimed Tom Swift, looking up from a paper he was reading, "I think I can win that prize!" "What prize is that?" inquire...
  • Tom Swift & his Sky Racer(汤姆·史威夫特和他的空中赛艇)

    VICTOR APPLETON CHAPTER One The Prize Offer "Is this Tom Swift, the inventor of several airships?" The man who had rung the bell glanced at the youth who answered his summons. "Yes...
  • Tom Swift & his Submarine Boat(汤姆·史威夫特和他的潜水艇)

    (or Under the Ocean for Sunken Treasure) VICTOR APPLETON CHAPTER One News of a Treasure Wreck There was a rushing, whizzing, throbbing noise in the air. A great body, like that of ...