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  • a tale of two cities(双城记)

    ELECBOOK CLASSICS A TALE OF TWO CITIES Charles Dickens ELECBOOK CLASSICS ebc0014. Charles Dickens: A Tale Of Two Cities This file is free for individual use only. It mus...
  • Jane Eyre(简·爱)

    ELECBOOK CLASSICS ELECBOOK CLASSICS ebc0018. Charlotte Brontë: Jane Eyre This file is free for individual use only. It must not be altered or resold. Organisations wishing t...
  • The Old Curiosity Shop(古玩店)

    THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP Charles Dickens ELECBOOK CLASSICS ebc0010. Charles Dickens: The Old Curiosity Shop This file is free for individual use only. It must not be altered o...
  • ColdFusion 4.0 和 ASP

    ColdFusion 4.0 和 ASP Allaire Corporation One Alewife Center Cambridge, MA 021 617.761.2000 tel 617.761.2001fax www.allaire.com Snap Shot 公司 Allaire Corp. One Alewife Center Cambrid...
  • ColdFusion 4.0 和 SilverStream

    ColdFusion 4.0 和 SilverStream 11/2/98 Allaire Corporation One Alewife Center Cambridge, MA 021 617.761.2000 tel 617.761.2001fax www.allaire.com Snap Shot 公司 Allaire Corp. One A...
  • 高中物理读本(第 三 册)

    (京)新登字 113 号 高中物理读本第 三 册 人民教育出版社物理室编 * 人民教育出版社出版发行北京联华印刷厂印装 * 开本 787×10921/32 印张 12 插页 1 字数 245000 1993 年 2 月第 1 版 1996 年 5 月第 7 次印刷印 数 425,001—550,000 ISBN7—107—01704—...
  • Oliver Twist(雾都孤儿(孤星血泪))

    ELECBOOK CLASSICS OLIVER TWIST Charles Dickens ELECBOOK CLASSICS ebc0012. Charles Dickens: Oliver Twist This file is free for individual use only. It must not be altered o...
  • Pickwick Papers(匹克威克外传)

    ELECBOOK CLASSICS THE PICKWICK PAPERS Charles Dickens ELECBOOK CLASSICS ebc0013. Charles Dickens: The Pickwick Papers This file is free for individual use only. It must no...
  • Pride and Prejudice(傲慢与偏见)

    ELECBOOK CLASSICS Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen ELECBOOK CLASSICS ebc0017. Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice This file is free for individual use only. It must not be a...
  • Emma(爱玛)

    ELECBOOK CLASSICS Emma Jane Austen ELECBOOK CLASSICS ebc0016. Jane Austen: Emma This file is free for individual use only. It must not be altered or resold. Organisation...